Chpt 5: The visit

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I lay there in bed, staring up at the ceiling as I sigh softly. Strangely, I couldn't stop thinking about Toby all week. It's Saturday and I've last seen him on Tuesday.
I search for some songs on YouTube - ones that I haven't listened to for awhile. I land on a song called 'Don't you dare forget the sun' by Get Scared and let the music play loudly.
Mom and dad are out for a few hours so I'm home alone. It's so boring.
I close my eyes and decide to relax for a bit until I hear a tapping on my window. When I look up to see what it is, my eyes widen slightly. It's Toby.. And he's waving at me. Giggling, I slowly get out of bed and walk to the window, unlocking it. I then open it and allow the twitchy boy to slide through. We've actually been getting along since the time he let me live last month. "H-Hey, (Y/N). Thanks for letting me in." "No problem. How are you this evening?" he looks at me and I can tell by the way his mouthgard shifts that he's smiling. "I'm good. How are you?" he twitches and I smile in return "I'm good. What brought you here tonight?" "Just...I-I just thought that maybe I'd visit for a little while." I nod and sit on my bed, patting a spot next to me. He hesitantly takes a seat next to me and nervously rubs the back of his neck. "... Is this 'Get Scared'?" he asks to which I nod, giggling. "Nice. I knew I recognized this song." "Really?" "Mm-hm!" after a few seconds Toby begins to sing quietly as he glances at me "Cold white walls keep you from your pad and pen, You just wanna stab again.." I decide to join in "I can't believe it's half this hard. You never knew your mind was dark no~" we both chuckle and wait for the chorus which took a minute before singing it together "Well I know you lay in bed, contemplating your own death! Well just look at what you've done! Don't you dare forget the sun, love!!" once we finish, we both burst into laughter. When the song had ended, I chose another song and let it play as Toby and I talked for a bit.

Toby's P.O.V
I'm glad that I wasn't able to kill her a month back. She's actually pretty fun to be around.
The conversation is going well until a certain question pops up. "Hey, Toby?" "Yeah?" "Why do you always wear those goggles and mouthgard..?"
My breath catches in my throat and I blankly stare at her, making sure I heard right. A few seconds later, I take a deep breath and look down, fidgeting a little. "W-Well, uh..." "You don't have to tell me--" "No, I'll tell you." I close my eyes "My face... Isn't really something to look at. I-I can't feel physical pain so uh.. Erm.... I chewed through my left cheek so... Yeah..."
She just stared at me for a moment, taking in what I had said before she hesitantly placed a hand on mine. My face heated up as I looked at her hand then her, repeating my action in confusion. She smiles comfortingly "Thanks for telling me. And also, just remember that I won't judge you by the way you look so don't worry about that type of stuff, okay?" did she really just say that? DID SHE REALLY JUST SAY THAT..?! My eyes widen in surpise. She doesn't judge me by the way I look..? So if I were to remove my mouthgard and goggles...
To see if she was speaking the truth, I slowly removed my goggles and placed them beside me as I stared at her, keeping an eye on her reaction. She watched me with slightly widened eyes, surprised that I was actually doing this. Next, I took off the mouthgard to reveal the huge gash on my cheek. A small gasp left her lips as her eyes studied my cheek.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
He actually let me see his face... He actually let me see his face!!! I internally freaked out as he removed both the goggles and mouthgard, keeping eye contact with me the whole time.
As I looked at the gash on his cheek, I couldn't help but to gasp. He literally chewed all the way through his cheek, you could see his gums and teeth. I honestly felt bad for him. If only he didn't have an insensitivity for pain, then he wouldn't have this...
Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him which caused him to flinch. It took a minute for Toby to respond but eventually, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back. We stayed like this for a bit until we slowly pulled away and looked at eachother. Out faces flushed when we realized how close our faces were to eachother. I tried to pull away but Toby held onto me, holding me close to his body. I could feel his breath on my lips as he spoke "...What do you think? Is it disgusting? Ugly? Scary?" I shook my head slightly "No..." hearing me say this, Toby's eyes widened "What..?" "I said no. I don't think it's disgusting, or ugly, or scary. I actually think that you look really nice." my heart was pounding "You really think so?" "Mm-hm"
A small smile forming upon our lips, we looked into eachother's eyes for a moment as our faces inches closer and closer. I closed my eyes as I waited for his lips to meet mine. Our lips touched slightly before we heard a yell from downstairs. "(Y/N), were home! And we brought dinner!!" my father shouted and me and Toby quickly put some distance between us, our faces a deep red.
"I-I'm sorry, Toby. My parents are home. Um... I'm afraid you'll have to leave now...!" I said quickly while Toby and I stood up. Toby nodded in understanding before wrapping his arms around my waist and placing a quick peck on my lips. Though the kiss only lasted for a brief moment, I couldn't help but to feel warm inside. As soon as Toby pulled away, he slipped on his goggles and mouthgard, opening the window and getting ready to jump. He looked back at me "I'll see you tomorrow." surprised from the kiss, I nodded my head as I watched him jump down.

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