Chpt 15: Arguments

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V
"Oh, I'M the one who's childish?!" "Well, you get mad at the most stupidest things and don't even try to listen to my point of view!" I gasp. Anger boils up inside of me as I glare at my boyfriend, Toby Rogers. "You think this is a stupid reason to be angry at you for?! I caught you flirting with another girl who lives just down the street!" tears prick at the corners of my eyes as I try my best to hold them back. "I have a good reason for doing so! You see, Slenderman told me to..!" "Shut up!" I yell, the tears making their way down my cheeks. I sniff, "I don't want to hear it. You and your... excuses. If you are tired of our relationship, you can just leave. I'm not stopping you." "(Y/N).." "Just go!!" I point towards the door, my gaze fixated on the floor while Toby just stares at me, eyes wide. Not long after, I hear the front door open. "... I'm sorry." He mumbles before leaving the house, the door closing behind him. When he leaves, I fall to my knees and hold my face in my hands, sobbing. I'm such an idiot...

Toby's P.O.V
I walk around the neighborhood, keeping an eye out for my next victim. Long, blonde hair, green eyes... I've been sent out to collect Slender some more food since he can't really walk around a neighborhood without standing out. Once again, he has chosen someone specific — someone who he thinks would be delicious. Slenderman chose her because of her blood type. Blood Type O-. I am not sure what makes Slenderman want different people with different blood types, but he told me that they all have a different taste. Strangely. When I spot my victim, I make sure to walk to her right — so then she won't be able to see the left side of my face, where the gash is. She looks over at me and raises a brow, "Can I help you?" She asks and I smile, stuffing my hands in my pockets. "U-Um, I was wondering if you knew the way to the pet store? I'm new to the neighborhood so.." "Oh! The pet store? Yeah, I do know the way." She extends her arm and begins pointing in front of us. "Just go straight, take a left, then go straight and once you get to.." "Ahh, I'm sorry but I won't be able to remember that! Do you mind if you show me, like, walk me there..?" "... Uh... Sure." She's a little hesitant but eventually, we start walking again. "Thanks! I just knew that someone as pretty as you would be g-glad to help out!" It was hard to get the words out of my mouth and it just felt so... wrong. I mean, I'm already in a relationship and I'm talking to another girl, trying to flirt with her, actually. As I speak, I suppress my tics and stutter, squeezing my eyes shut for a second. "O-Oh..? Um, thanks..!" She says with a light blush, tucking some hair behind her ear as she looks at me. "Yeah, no problem!" Opening my eyes, I glance at her and smile again, clenching my fists in my pockets.

Once we get to the pet store, as expected, it is already closed. "Oh, gosh..! I am so sorry, I completely forgot that it closed at this time, and..!" "Oh, don't worry about it! I'm sorry that I wasted your time, miss...?" "Alex. Alex Winchester." "Alex, I'm sorry that I wasted your time like this!" She giggles, "Oh, it's fine, um..?" "Tobias. Tobias Wright."I hope she believes my fake name.. "Tobias... that's a nice name." "Thanks. I like yours too, Alex..!" "Thanks." "Anyways, where are you heading now?" She sighs softly, "Home." "Oh. Really? Well how about I walk you home?" "Sure." She tells me her address then we begin heading back fo her place. As we walk, I look over towards the woods. "Actually, I know a short-cut to your place." "Really?" I nod my head and point towards the woods, to which her eyes follow where I'm pointing. "... That's a short-cut?" "Mm-hm! I cut through there all the time, so no need to worry about anything!" She hesitates before she takes a deep breath, looking up at me. "... how do I know you're not tricking me?" "Do I really look like someone who would kill a person?" I raise a brow. She soon begins to laugh then shakes her head, looping her arm in mine. "Alright, then! Let's go!" I tense up as she does this, but ignore it and begin walking towards the forest. I feel so uncomfortable, so horrible... (Y/N)... please forgive me...

As we walk through the forest, I take a glance towards a certain tree where my hatchets are. I make my way towards it, Alex following. When we arrive at the tree, I immediately rip her off my arm and take hold of my hatchets. When I do, I grab her forearm and hold it tightly, making sure that she doesn't escape. "T-Tobias, what are you—?!" She stutters, her eyes growing teary. "One important lesson: don't trust strangers too easily, miss Alex." A smirk forms upon my lips as I say this, raising my hatchet in the air. Her scream fills the forest. My hatchet is bloody along with the grass, trees... Her body is sprawled on the ground, a huge slash across her chest showing where I had struck her. I pick up her body and begin making my way towards Slender Mansion.

Once everything is done with, I start making my way to (Y/N)'s house. However, when she opens the door, she looks pissed and drags me inside, only to start yelling at me about what she had seen. I attempt to explain to her about the whole thing, but she doesn't listen. There's a pang of guilt as I listen to her, my girlfriend, (Y/N) (L/N). When I try to explain again, she yells at me to shut up while tears stream down her beautiful face. She continues, "If you are tired of our relationship, you can just leave. I'm not stopping you." When she says this, my heart skips a beat and my eyes widen. "(Y/N).." I begin to say but once again, I'm interrupted. "Just go!!" She yells, pointing to her door. Knowing that she won't listen to me, I mumble a small apology before leaving the house, just like I'm told. "I'm not tired of our relationship.. I want to stay with you, (Y/N).." I whisper, making my way back to the mansion.

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