Chpt 14: Jealousy

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I told mom and dad that I was going to hang out with (B/F/N) today for a few hours but in truth, I was going to hang out with Tim and Toby. Why? Because I was going to try and see just how jealous Toby can get. Of course, I didn't tell them anything about this plan of mine. Why would I?
I leave the house with my bag after saying goodbye to my parents and close the door behind me, making my way to the forest. Once I arrive at our meeting place, I look around to see if they're near. Seeing nothing but trees, I sigh. I didn't like waiting. A few minutes later, I see Tim come into view and I wave, smiling. He waves back. When he stops in front of me, I look around to see if Toby has arrived yet and to my luck, he has. Toby makes his way towards us and I hold back a giggle before looking back at Tim. "So, did you bring it?" "Oh. Yeah, here." he takes a chocolate bar from inside his pocket and hands it over to me. My plan begins. A huge smile on my face, I take the chocolate bar and put it in my pocket before wrapping my arms around Tim's neck, hugging him. Of course, this takes him by surprise so he freezes. "Thank you!" I say, soon pulling away from the hug and looking over at Toby who is just staring at us with wide eyes. It takes a few seconds but eventually, Toby starts walking towards us again. When he arrives, he wraps one of his arms around my shoulders and looks at Tim, pulling me close to signal that I'm his. "Hey there, Timothy." he says. "Hey, Toby! Tim brought me a chocolate bar!" "Did he now?" "Yeah! Wanna share it?" I take the chocolate bar out of my pocket and show him, grinning. Toby nods his head and smiles, though it isn't really visible under his mouthgard. "Sure! I'd love to!"

As we all sit under a nearby tree, I open the chocolate bar and break it into three sections. "W-Wait. Why are you breaking it into threes?" Toby asks, placing his mouthgard and goggles beside him. "Well, it wouldn't be nice if we didn't share with Tim, now would it? He did buy it after all! Right, Tim?" "Yeah.." Toby seems a little bothered by this but I ignore it, handing one of the three sections to Tim to which he thanks me and takes it. I then hand another section out to Toby and smile once he takes it into his hands. We all begin to eat our chocolate, finishing not long after. "Mmm! Thanks for the chocolate, Tim! You're the best!" Toby seems to tense up at this along with Tim, who takes a minute to reply. "... You're welcome, (Y/N)."

I barely pay attention to Toby and focus on Tim, which bothers Toby quite a bit. In an attempt to gain my attention, Toby lays his head on my lap as I'm talking to Tim, completely ignoring him. "So, Tim, what are your hobbies?" before he could answer that question, however, we are both interrupted by Toby. "Hey, Masky. Remember that time when you got drunk and placed boxers on your head, screaming that you were Batman? Or that time when Sally bit your arm so hard that you had to get E.J to treat it?" I sigh, looking down at Toby. "Toby, what are you doing, trying to embarrass Tim? That's not nice." Toby growls, crossing his arms over his chest and then pouting like a child. "I know it isn't! Geez, what's with your interest in Masky all of a sudden?! What, did he magically become better than me, your boyfriend..?!" Tim watches in confusion as Toby finally bursts. "You've been barely paying attention to me this whole time! Do you know how upsetting that is? How frustrating it is to see you paying attention to another man? You're MY girlfriend, not his!! I thought I was the only one you were interested in! I love you so much, (Y/N)! A-And I already proved that by making love to you! Geez, what else do I have to do just to let you know you're mi--" not letting him finish his sentence, I plant a quick kiss on his lips, giggling. "So THAT'S how you act when you're jealous. Can't say I'm surprised." "What..?" "I was just doing all of that just to see what it's like when you're jealous." Tim interrupts us. "So... You're not actually interested in my interests or about getting to know me at all?" I look over towards Tim, feeling a little bad as I see him look down at his hands. "Oh, Tim..! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like that! I am interested, I really am!" I say, placing a hand on his shoulder. He removes his mask and glances at me, looking a little sad. "... Really? Or are you just saying that to make me feel better?" "Oh my god, Tim! I'm not just saying that! You're actually a pretty cool guy and I'd like to get to know you better!" it takes him a moment but slowly, a small smile forms upon his lips. "That's good. So, you wanted to know about my interests?"

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