Brand New Girl. • Chapter 4

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Y/N yawned and slowly opened his eyes and sat up. His surroundings were unrecognisable for a moment, before realising he was back at Tzuyu's house.

He didn't know why, but Tzuyu really wanted to sleep at her house again. And it had been a month since he was assigned butler and stayed at the dorm.

He glanced at the clock and shot out of bed. Tzuyu had to be up by 9. It was 8.30. He quickly showered and changed into a more normal outfit before proceeding to wake up the sleeping queen.

He knocked on the door before slowly pushing it open and opening the blinds at her window.

"I'm sorry, but you need to get up. Its almost 9, and you're meeting the girls at 10." He said.

Tzuyu mumbled something he couldn't hear and turned in her bed, going back to sleep. Y/N sighed.

"You'll be late for recording Brand New Girl. You wouldn't want JYP to scold you again, don't you?"

Tzuyu groaned and sat up before glaring at her butler.

"Out. Now."

Y/N smiled and bowed before leaving the room, not forgetting to close the door behind him.

It wasn't aboutt half an hour later that Tzuyu showed her face again. Breakfast was already prepared and on the table, with Y/N washing the pans.

"Good morning." Tzuyu murmured as she rubbed her eyes and took a seat.

"Ah! Good morning, sunshine!" Y/N greeted, turning his head to look at her.

"Geez, what's gotten you so happy today?" Tzuyu asked, picking at the food he cooked.

"Probably because I get to see you record the music video for your new song." Y/N finished up in the kitchen and walked out, sitting across her. "I'm sure you get this a lot but you're really talented. You and the others. Just three years and your brand is so recognised."

Tzuyu glanced up to him with a flattered smile, before frowning. "You didn't recognize us, though."

He looked away sheepishly. "I suppose I should tell you this. I was in an accident not long ago. My memories are foggy, I can't remember anything before I was ten years old. And even so, recent memories are weird."

Tzuyu stared at him, taking a bite of her apple before looking away.

So that's why he didn't recognize me. My father must have remembered and thats why Y/N is my butler. The question is.. why? Did Y/N really pick this career path?

"Wait, really? Did you hit your head really hard?" Tzuyu inquired, now curious.

"I guess that's the gist of it. I hit my head really hard. It was a car accident. Drunk driver speeding, and plain old me not being able to dodge something coming that fast." Y/N said.

"Ouch." Tzuyu visibly recoiled.

Y/N laughed before standing up. "I believe it's time for us to go. The transport car is outside."

Tzuyu followed him out, not forgetting her purse and coat on the way. Y/N opened the door for her, before going in the car himself.

"Tzuyu you're so lucky." Nayeon complained.

Y/N took a seat next to Tzuyu. Of course, he could've went anywhere. He chose to sit there. It wasn't until five minutes later that he had fallen into a silent slumber, leaning slightly against her.

Tzuyu glanced at his sleeping face. It seemed so soft, and his lips kissable. She shook the thoughts out of her head.

"Tzuyu-ah, you know we do have a dating ban right?" Jihyo said, noticing how she was staring at him.

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