Her Past • Chapter 9

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"Do we really need all these flashlights?" Y/N sighed, wondering if Tzuyu actually went camping on her own before.

"Is that really a question? What if we run out of batteries? What if we lose them?" Tzuyu stuffed more flashlights in the bag.


Tzuyu gave her boyfriend a cute smile. He shook his head and started taking out the flashlights. "We don't need so many. And if all nine of you bring flashlights, we'd have enough light to outshine the sun. If I wanted to do that, I'd have you smile for me." Y/N said added.

Tzuyu took a while to process what he said, and when she did, blush crept on to her cheeks. "Y-Y/N!"

It was his turn to give his girlfriend a cute smile. Tzuyu rested her head on his shoulder and pecked his cheek. "I love you." She whispered, close enough to his ear for him to accidentally drop the flashlight he was holding.

"I love you too." He responded. He was going to lean in and kiss her when his phone suddenly rang. He wanted to ignore it, but it was her sister that was calling.

"Hello, there." He set it on loud speaker mode, but was suspicious when she didn't respond. It wasn't till he heard Kotori whisper 'Help' before hanging up was when he knew there was trouble.

"Tzuyu. I need you to stay here." He said, his tone now serious.

"I'm not going to do that, Y/N. I'm coming with you." She responded before grabbing his hand and pulling him to his car.

"I'm sorry, so sorry." He whispered before knocking her unconscious as painlessly as possible. He didn't want to risk Tzuyu. Not again.

He carried her up to his bed and laid her down. He kissed her gently on the lips before leaving the room, not forgetting to close the door behind him. He got into the car and sped as fast as possible to their dorm without breaking any rules. When he reached, he noticed the guards were missing. The front gate was wide open, and the guard post was empty.

He gritted his teeth and ran up towards their dorm room. He slowed down and listened. Nothing. Their door was wide open and he could hear nothing. He peeked in and was greeted by their whole dorm room in a mess with broken furniture and cracked walls.

But it was still too quiet. He walked inside, and he could see that they were preparing for the camp when this happened.

"If I have to check the rooms, I'll snap your neck." Y/N shouted, glaring at the slightly opened room. He saw movement, but was greeted by the girls. They were fine, and he was at a loss for words. Kotori had the grin she always has when a plan was underway.

"Explain." Y/N crossed his arms.

"Sheesh, you don't have to be so angry about it. We just needed you to get here quickly, without Tzuyu." Nayeon said.

"This place is a mess!" He added.

"Yeah well, Sana and Momo were very good at making messes. Cracks on the wall were an accident, but it added to the effect." Jeongyeon smiled.

"Dear god, I knocked my girlfriend unconscious for this."

"You did what!?" Kotori exclaimed.

"She was insistent on coming. I didn't want her to get hurt, so I knocked her unconscious and came by myself." He said. "Now what's so important that you did all this to get me here without Tzuyu."

"Tzuyu is afraid of animals, and where we're heading, has a lot of it. That's why you and Kotori are there. Twin Saviors." Jihyo said.


"Okay, now that's out of the way." Kotori sighed before handing him a letter.

He took it and examined its contents. His face showed disgust throughout. "Tzuyu has an ex-lover?" He asked.

The girls nodded, except Kotori. "She did. That was so long ago. During SIXTEEN. Tzuyu had a boyfriend from Taiwan, but they broke up because he said this, and I quote 'I just don't love you anymore.' " Sana said.

"Oh." He hummed, not knowing what SIXTEEN was, but just rolled with it. "And he suddenly has an interest in her. So much so that he's here to 'further his studies' as he wrote."

"So here is a backstory. Tzuyu absolutely adored him. They were both cute together, and when he said that to Tzuyu and left her, she was broken. It took her years until she was okay to love again. Then you came along." Jihyo explained.

"And Tzuyu's not here because we're not letting her know?" He asked.

She shook her head. "We are, we just wanted to tell you first. We don't want you hitting him randomly. So this trip delayed for now, because of him. And, he is definitely going to get her back."

He sighed and returned "Alright, alright. I'll be sure to keep that in mind. Anything else?"

Sana stepped forward and suddenly did an aegyo. "Help us clean this place." She pouted.

Y/N immediately got to work.

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