Chapter 1

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One minute and thirty-eight seconds. That's all it took me to make a fool of myself in my first day of high school. One minute and thirty-eight seconds, and I once again made myself look like a complete anomaly in front of my new colleagues. Way to make a lasting first impression Owens! But honestly, all of my first impressions were lasting...considering the many nicknames they have earned me. My usual reception contained nicknames such as: freak, stalker, and every other derogatory insult concerning my "odd" hobby. I had always been warned to avoid analyzing people the way I do, or at least avoid blurting out my hypotheses to the same people upon first contact. It's honestly a reflex that brought me a lot of trouble in the past, and obviously diminished my circle of friends. Which at the moment was composed of me, and...well just me actually. Who would've thought that people would want to avoid me like the plague... certainly not me. I lived in a figment of my imagination that convinced me it was a good idea to open my mouth. Of course, that self confidence never lasted long. So when my face hit the floor mere seconds after exiting the school bus for the first time, my confidence took a pretty painful hit.

Saying that I had made a couple of enemies in my first minutes at a new school in a new state was kind of an understatement, and a pretty big one at that. I mean, it was all fine until I opened my mouth. You see, I'm not particularly good looking, contrary to what my mother used to tell me, but I'm not hideous either. Quite truthfully, I was the best looking one out of my friend circle, which isn't hard considering the only competition was my own bum.

Regardless of that, my amazingly mediocre looks didn't call any sort of attention to myself as I walked into bus number 4313. The bus driver, who obviously didn't know of a little thing called breath mint, merely gave me a scornful glare as I made my way down the lane. Something must've hit me in the head when I went through the bus door, because I felt awfully friendly. Big mistake by the way. I mouthed hello at a couple of people, and did not get any reciprocation for the most part; though it should be noted that one guy did give me the finger.


After returning the friendly gesture, I threw my bag on an empty seat by the 8th row window and proceeded to sit on my only competition looks-wise (yeah, my ass,) while sighing heavily. I blankly stared out the window, wondering why the school would put freshmen together on a bus before school began.

"Pretty stupid idea huh? Making all of us wake up earlier than necessary to bunch us up and make us an easy target."

I jolted from my gaze and focused on the creature sitting next to me. Her blonde hair fell to the side, and her bangs covered her forehead. Her green eyes, which resembled pretty big walnuts, stared into mine deeply trying to forge a connection. I quickly broke contact in order to avoid embarrassment.

"Uh... Shawn right?" She glanced down at my stupid name tag.

" Yeah, um, Melody is it?" I blurted out without much thought.

Shit! I should've covered my mouth...

"How'd you know my name? I don't have a name tag on." Her eyes, now showing a slight twitch of fear, tried to forcefully penetrate my soul.

"Well...uh... (CrapCrapCrap)... You look like a Melody?"

Right! Like she's gonna believe THAT.

"Okay... Well I guess I should go sit back down with my friend" She slowly stood, and gave me a small nod as she walked past a few rows before sitting next to a blue haired gal.

"What a stalker!" Melody spoke in that traditional white girl voice we have all come to love and hate almost equally.

That basically cued in the laughter.

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