Chapter 4

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*Charlotte POV*
I wake up the next morning and look around not recognizing anything so I start to cry. A few seconds later Uncle James comes over to me. He picks me up and holds me on his hip. I hold onto him and slowly stop crying.
"Do you want some breakfast" he asks
I nod against his shoulder and he quietly laughs.
"Should we take you to get dressed first" he asks
"No" I mumble
"Ok" he says
He kisses my forehead and walks out the door. We go onto the elevator and ride it down to the lobby. We get to the breakfast room and the only ones down here are Natalie and Grant.
"Do you want to scare them" Uncle James whispers
I nod.
He sets me down and grabs a hold of my hand. We quietly sneak up behind them and yell boo. They both jump. Grant turns around and looks at us. He then turns to Natalie and says something to her.
"Hey Charlotte do you want to go see if your uncle Joe and Dad are awake" Natalie asks
I nod. Uncles James passes me over to Grant.
"You two are now my aunt and uncle too" I say hugging Uncle Grant's neck
"Ok" Aunt Natalie says
We go to the elevator and go up. We get to a door and Uncle Grant unlocks it then we go in. I look and see them both asleep.
Uncle Grant and I go over to daddy and Aunt Natalie go over to Uncle Joe. Uncle Grant takes me away from sitting on the side of his hip and sets me on top of daddy. I go over and poke his face until he opens his eyes.
"Hey Char" He says
"Hi daddy" I say
"Natalie what are you doing" Uncle Joe asks
We turn our heads towards him and Aunt Natalie is jumping on his bed. I get up and start jumping on daddy's bed laughing. He grabs my ankles and pulls me down.
"Daddy" I whine
"Charlotte" he copies
"Alright little munchkin. Let's go get you some breakfast and let your dad and Uncle Joe get ready" Uncle Grant says
"Ok" I say
He picks me up and we go back down. We go to the breakfast room and get our food. Then we go to the table and sit down.
"Why are there so many ninjas here" I ask looking around
"Well the ninjas like to stay together and your dad was the first one to book a room and when someone found out that it was at this hotel all the other ninjas booked a room here too" Aunt Natalie says
"Ooh look it's Akbar and Matt and Kristine" I say
"Come on let's go" Uncle Grant says
I grab a hold of his hand and we walk over to them.
"Hey Matt, Akbar, and Kristine" Aunt Natalie says
"Well hello Gratalie and Charlotte" Matt says
"Hello" Uncle Grant says
"Who does she belong to" Kristine asks
"Drew adopted her the other day. She's three" Uncle Grant says
"What about me" a voice says
I turn around and see daddy and Uncle Joe. I let go of uncle Grant's hand and run over to Uncle Joe. He smiles and picks me up. I hug him the reach for daddy. I get passed over to him and he kisses my cheek.
"Awe drew that's so sweet" Kristine says
"I know I am" I smile
"She was talking to me" daddy says tickling me.
I start laughing and wriggling around in his arms.
He sets me down and I run to Aunt Allyssa. She picks me up and I fist bump uncle James.
"So when are each of you leaving" Akbar asks
"Drew and I are leaving early tomorrow morning. Of course with Charlotte to." Uncle Joe says
"James, me, Jesse labreck, Chris, and Ethan are all leaving tonight." Aunt Allyssa says
"Jamie left last night and I believe Jessie graff and Maggie are leaving tomorrow morning as well" Daddy says
"We have to leave already" I ask
"Yeah. Why" he asks
"I'm having fun" I say
"Well we can have fun at your new home and you can do ninja obstacles there" he says
"Ok." I smile
"Now I have to go somewhere so who should watch you" daddy asks
"Uh" I start
At that moment Jesse labreck, Chris DiGangi, and Ethan Swanson all walk over.
"Uncle Ethan" I say
"What about me" he asks 
"You get the special opportunity to hang out with Charlotte Mae Drechsel" daddy says
"Ok. How would you like to go to the park again" uncle Ethan asks
"Yeah" I cheer
"Who wants to come with" he asks
"I'll come" Jesse labreck says
"Same" Chris DiGangi says
"We'll come" Aunt Natalie says
Uncle Ethan picks me up and I give daddy a quick kiss on the cheek.
We walk out and get in Uncle Ethan's van then head to the park.
*Drew POV*
Once they all leave I say bye to everyone and go get in my rental car. Before I pull out joe hops in.
"I'm coming with you" He says
I nod and I drive to the police department. We arrive and head inside.
"Can I help you two" someone asks
"Yes. A couple days ago I adopted a little girl from friendly orphanage. Then yesterday when I took my little girl shopping I received a call. I recognized the voice as the man who worked or owned the orphanage. He kept asking me where the little girl was and saying that she was his daughter. I have a hunch that he is going to come after her." I say
"Ok. Do you know the name of this guy" the person asks
"His first name is Malcolm. I don't know his last name. He apparently has beaten her multiple times before when she was at the orphanage and she's terrified of it and him now." I say
"Alright. I will send an officer over there to check in. And we might have to have your daughter come in to talk to us." The guy says
"Ok. But we were planning on leaving tomorrow morning. We are from Connecticut." I say
"Ok. Well I'll call this afternoon if needed then" they say
I thank them them Joe and I walk back out to the car. We grab some lunch and then head back to the hotel. He goes up to the room to FaceTime his wife and daughter so I just go sit in the lobby. Just as I'm finishing up my lunch everyone walks in.
"Daddy" Char cheers
She runs to me and hops onto my lap.
"Hey did you have fun at the park" I ask
"Yeah. Lots. Uncle Ethan got hurt though" she laughs
"really? What happened" I ask
"Hey you little bug I told you not to tell" Ethan Jokes
"What happened Ethan" I ask
"Grant and I were doing a push up challenge on the monkey bars. My foot slipped and my knee slammed into the bar." Ethan says
"Well it's clearly alright since you're walking on it but it is a bit swollen so go ice it" I say
"Yes sir Dr. Drew" he says
"You're a doctor" Char asks
"No sweetie. He's just joking." I say
"Ok" she says
At that moment my phone rings. I look and it's from the police department. I then see Kristine walk in.
"Hey Kristine can you hang out right here with Charlotte while I go answer this phone call" I ask
"Of course" she says
Char runs over to her and I go outside and answer the call.
P-hi this is officer Ritter from the Cleveland police department. I'm looking for a Drew Drechsel.
D-this is he
P-alright. Well we called the orphanage and a lady answered. We asked her about Malcolm and she said it was all true. She also had picture evidence. We got Malcolm and arrested him. He also threatened to kill who ever did this to him  so he is now get a life sentence in solitary confinement.
D-great. Thank you so much
I hang up and go back inside. I get in there and Charlotte is asleep on Kristine's lap.
"She must've been tired" I whisper
"I guess so" Kristine says
I pick Charlotte up and thank Kristine. I then get on the elevator and go to floor three I find the room and knock on it since I forgot my room key. Joe opens the door and I walk in. I lay Char down on my bed and go sit on the couch near Joe's bed. Joe goes and sits on his bed.
"What has you all happy" he whispers
"They're arresting Malcolm for his life" I say
"That's great" He says
"Yeah" I say
"Oh yeah Jessie Graff was looking for you" He says
"Ok. Can you watch Char then" I ask
"Of course" he says
I grab my room key and my phone and walk out. I go down the hall to where Jessie's room is. I knock and she opens it. Maggie is in there as well as her kids.
"You've got a full room" I say
"Yeah. We were just watching a movie. We can go to the lobby to talk" she says
"Ooh can I come" Charlie, Maggie's oldest, asks
"Not this time bud. But once Jessie and I are done talking I'll come up and I'll take you and your sisters somewhere" I say
"Where" Ellie the youngest asks
"A surprise" I say
They all nod and Jessie and I go down to the lobby.
"What's up" I ask
"We need to talk about us" She says
"Yeah. I know" I say
"You now have a daughter. You can't do spontaneous trips anymore" she says
"I know. Um well I mean I have my ninja gym and you have your stunt stuff" I say
"I know. That's why I think we should end it. I mean no one knows about us anyway" she says
"No way. We'll make this work. I can always just expand and start another one in LA and move out there" I say
"I guess but are there people you can leave the other one to" she asks
"Yeah" I say
"Ok. Why don't you talk to your employees about it and then I'll try and see if there is a building you can get for the Ninja gym" she says
"Ok" I say
"I love you" She says
"Love you to" I say
I kiss her cheek then we get back in the elevator and go to her room.
"Ok. Who's ready" I ask
"Drew you don't have to do this" Maggie says
"Don't worry about it. Anyway you deserve a break" I say
"Ok" she says
The kids get their shoes on and then we head out. We go down to my room and I unlock it and go in. Char is still asleep and Joe has his earbuds in. I go over and tell him where I'm going then the kids and I head to my rental.
"Can you please tell us where we're going" Fiona, the middle child, asks
"Like I said it's a surprise" I say
I keep driving until I get to the course. We get out and Ellie walks over to me. I pick her up and put her on my shoulders.
"What are we doing here" Charlie asks
"You guys do want to try a real course don't you" I ask
"Yes" Fiona says
"Well here we are. Just don't tell your mom. And I have towels and a change of clothes for each of you if you get super wet. I had Jessie grab them for me" I say
"Awesome" Ellie says
I sort of had to bribe the set up and take down crew to leave it up an extra day but oh well.
We go over to the course and start at the very beginning. Charlie and Fiona have no trouble but Charlie and I help Ellie get through the floating steps.
"Alright. Who wants to do the rolling log?" I ask
All three of them raise their hand.
"Ellie and Fiona you guys are a bit short so I'll let you two do it at the very end so that if you get wet you'll still be dry to make it up the warped wall. Charlie you can go ahead and do it. Just make sure you lock in right" I say
They all nod and Charlie does the obstacle and makes it through. They then all get through the razors edge and so do I.
"Ok. I'll let you do the ring hop but not the ibeam gap. Maybe another time" I say
"Okay" they say
Charlie goes first and gets half way through when he lets go and drops into the water. Fiona gets up done and then drops also. Ellie looks at me and I nod. She hops on my back and I get through the ring hop.
"Drew you should do the ibeam gap" Fiona says
"Alright" I say
I quickly get through it and then we move into the warped wall. I throw a towel to the two older ones and they dry themselves off and their shoes. They all try the wall and Fiona surprisingly gets further up the wall then Charlie.
"I want to do the rolling log" the girls say
I nod and then run over to it. They get on it together and make it through. The three kids then jump into the water under the ibeam gap. I climb up the side of the course and sit up above watching them play. After about an hour my phone rings. I look and see that it's Maggie.
M-Hey you do know you don't have to spend forever with my kids
D-I know. Their having fun. We'll be back in a bit. Stop worrying
I hang up and put my phone back in my pocket. I hop down and land on the mat.
"Alright kids time to head out. We can stop and get ice cream on the way back to the hotel" I say
They all hop out and dry off. We get in the car and I drive to Dairy Queen. We arrive and they all get out and run inside. I get out and run after them.
"Alright what do you want Charlie is paying" I say
"No I'm not" Charlie says
"Fine Ellie is" I say
"Why not Fiona" Ellie asks
"She's my favorite obviously" I say
Fiona jumps on my back and I laugh.
"Alright what do you kids want" I ask
"Chocolate lovers blizzard" They all say
I laugh and order four of those and get an MnM's blizzard, a Reese's blizzard, and two cookie lover blizzards. Don't worry they aren't all for me and the kids. They are for the kids, Charlotte, me, Jessie, Maggie, and Joe. We get them and go out to the car. The kids start eating them and I drive back. We arrive at the hotel and they're finished.
"Ok. Throw out your cups and before we go up to your room get changed into the dry clothes in the bathroom down here. And remember no telling what we did" I say
"Yes" They say
We go in and they change rather quickly. We go upstairs and make a stop at my room. We go in and Joe and Charlotte are watching TV.
"Daddy" Char cheers
I set the bag down and she runs to me.
"Hey do you want ice cream" I ask
"Yes pwease" She says
I give her one and give Joe one of the cookie ones. I then pick Charlotte up and carry her with me to Maggie's room with the kids following behind me. I knock and Jessie opens the door. The kids run in and tackle Maggie in a hug. I give Maggie the MnMs blizzard and Jessie the Reese's and I pull out my cookie one. I sit down at the desk with Char in my lap and we sit there talking and eating our blizzards.
"Were you three good for Drew" Maggie asks
"Yes Mom" Charlie says
"Charlie don't you Dad roll your eyes" I say
"Sorry" he mumbles
"See when you're with the ninjas you have multiple parents not just me" Maggie says
"It's terrible" Fiona huffs
"Get over it" Maggie says
"I like it" Ellie says
"That's because you're little and everyone thinks you're cute" Charlie says
"We think you're cute too" Jessie says ruffling his hair
"I'm the cutest" Char says
"Yes you are" I say
"I'm mommy's favorite" Ellie says
"No I am" Fiona says
"I'm to old for this" Charlie says
"Uh uh sir that card is not going to work" Maggie says
"Dang nabbit" He says
"I'm my daddies favorite" Charlotte says
"I don't know Uncle Joe just might be my favorite" I say
"No" Charlotte says
"Ok fine you're my favorite" I say
"Here Charlotte lets go clean your hands and face" Charlie says
She nods and hops off my lap Charlie then guides her to the conjoined room and the other two girls follow.
"Oh yeah Jessie I can" I say
"Great." She says
"What's going on here" Maggie asks
"Nothing." I say
"Yeah right spill it" Maggie says
"There are little ears next door" Jessie says
I pull my phone out and text Joe to come down here. A minute later and he's here.
"Can you watch the kids we need to go talk somewhere" I say
"Yeah" He says
He goes over to the other room and us three go down to the lobby and outside. We then start walking towards a path. Once we get in it Maggie talks again.
"Alright so what is going on." She asks
I look at Jessie and she nods.
"Okay. We'll tell you but you can't tell anyone else" I say
"Ok" Maggie says
"We're dating" Jessie says
"What how long has this been going on" Maggie asks
"Two or three years" Jessie says
"Two years 10 months 15 hours and 37 minutes and counting" I say
"Wow dedication. Wait how did you guys keep it a secret this long and still be able to have such a strong relationship" Maggie asks
"We're just talented. And no one else knows. Actually James knows but that's only because he was my roommate at the point when Jessie and I started dating and we threatened him not to tell anyone. So he is the only other person that knows" I say
"Wow." Maggie says
"You cannot tell anyone. We aren't even telling Char until we move to LA" I say
"Ok" Maggie says
We go back inside and up to the room.
"Who wants dinner?" I ask
"Me" all four kids and Joe scream
"I'm paying" I say
"Drew you don't have to do that" Maggie says
"Too bad" I say picking up Char and Ellie.
"Fine" Maggie says
We all head out and go to this one restaurant down the street. After dinner we go back to the hotel and Char, joe, and I head back to our hotel room. I give Char a bath and then dress her for bed. I lay her down in bed and then get a quick shower and change and then get in bed next to her. She snuggles into my chest and I fall asleep with my babygirl.

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