Chapter 12

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(A week later)
*Drew POV*
We've been here a week and Charlotte has been having so much fun. A few other kids are her so she has been playing with them and all the ninjas have been helping her do the obstacles since I can't. There were also a few days where we didn't go at all just to have a few daddy daughter days. I love having Charlotte around but I feel like she doesn't want to have me as her father. I'm probably a terrible father since I can't do anything to help her or what not. I can only do so much. Right now she is with Jaimie over at the course because she wanted to go and I didn't feel like going. I'm brought out of my trance by a knock I get up and go answer the door. Daniel is standing there.
"Sorry am I late for doing PT" I ask
"No. We aren't doing it today. I just wanted to come see how you're doing. You have seemed off a lot lately." He says
"Yeah I'm okay. I'm just thinking" I say
I go sit in the edge of the bed and he comes and sits next to me.
"What have you been thinking about" he asks
"Charlotte" I say
"Drew I know what you are getting at and stop that thought now. You are an amazing father. I don't know how many times we have to say it and how many of us have to say it but we will keep saying it until you believe us. You rescued her from that place. Hi have her a loving home and family. We all might not be blood related to her but we love her like she is our blood relative. She is what brings all of us ninjas closer. Nothing is your fault and nothing is going to make you a bad father. If anything you will only become better because all fathers make mistakes and they learn from those mistakes becoming better fathers" he says
"Wow. Thanks Daniel. When did you become so wise in the parenting department" I ask
"Not sure. But I'm glad I helped. So when are you guys leaving" he asks
"Uh well I drove here so probably early tomorrow morning. Stop in Texas again and then drive the rest of the way home" I say
"Abby and I flew here so why don't we leave with you and I drive the first half for you and you spend the night at our house and then you can drive the rest of the way home the next day. That way Char doesn't have to spend another night in a hotel and you don't have to drive and put strain on your leg or anything" Daniel says
"Sure. As long as Abby is okay with this" I say
"she was the one who told me we should do that because she found out that you guys stopped in Texas on your way here" he says
"Ok" I say
At that point there's light banging in the door and Daniel opens it. Charlotte runs in and comes over to me. I pick her up and set her on my lap.
"Hi snowflake. Did you have fun" I ask
"Yeah" she says
"I'm glad. Where's uncle Jaime" I ask
"Right here. Man Drew. She's fast. As soon as the elevator doors opened she ran right to the room because she wanted to see you" Jaimie says
"Did you have fun" I ask
"Uh huh. I had a lot a lot a lot of fun. I almost got up the wall" she cheers
I look at Jaimie and he's just smiling. I look at Daniel and he's doing the same.
"So we have to go back home tomorrow so should we stay here for dinner and eat sandwiches or go out to eat and invite a few people" I ask
"I want sketti" she smiles
"You want sketti" I ask
"Yeah" she says
I start tickling her and she starts giggling. She starts squirming and I stop.
"Alright so you want sketti. I'm sure I can make that happen. Who should come with" I ask
"Uncle Jaimie, Aunt Maggie, Aunt Abigail, Uncle Flippy, Uncle Ethan" she says
"Woah. What about me little one" Daniel asks
"Do you like sketti" she asks
"Aunt Abby likes spaghetti" Daniel says
"I know. She's already coming" she says
"Oh" Daniel says
"Daddy tell Uncle Daniel to be smarter" she says
"Daniel. Be smarter" I say
"Charlotte sweet little Charlotte may I join you all for some sketti" he asks
"I guess only cause Aunt Abby loves you" she says
"Wow drew you got yourself a sassy one" Jaimie says
"Yeah but I love her" I say kissing Char's cheek
Char turns and kisses my nose and laughs.
"Alright snowflake it's time to go to dinner. Everyone else is waiting at the door" I say
Daniel takes her from me and I stand up. I grab hold of my cane and ya four head to the lobby. We get down there and meet up with the others. We then walk to the diner near the hotel. We get seated and order drinks.
"Alright Char what do you want to drink" I ask
"Chocolate milk" she smiles
"Of course. Why didn't I think of that" I say
"I don't know daddy. You need get smarter" she says
"Oh do I now" I ask
She nods her head and everyone laughs. After a few minutes we get our drinks then order food. Chat of course orders spaghetti and meatballs. After we finish eating we go back to the hotel but all hang out in the lobby.
"So Char you excited to go back home" Maggie asks
"No" she says
"Why not" Maggie asks
"Because I miss you guys" she says
"We'll miss you too but we'll all see each other again" Jaimie says
"Oh ok" Charlotte says
She comes over to me and I pick her up setting her on my lap. She yawns and lays her head on my chest.
"I think it's time for a certain snowflake to go to bed" I say
"I not tired" she says yawning again
"Hey Charlotte do you want to come and sleep with me and Aunt Maggie" Abby asks
"Ok. May I daddy" Charlotte says
"Of course baby" I say
"Wait what" Daniel says
"You're getting kicked out of your room and into Drew's" Ethan says
"Alright. Hey roomie" Daniel says to me
"Ethan why can't he sleep with you" I ask
"Jaimie is in my room since Kim didn't come with him this time" Ethan says
"Fine" I say
Abby takes char from me and then Daniel and I go up to my hotel room. We get in our beds and I turn of the light then drift off to sleep.
I wake up the next morning at six and get up and get ready. Once I'm ready for the day I pack my bag up and Charlottes. As I'm finishing Charlottes Daniel walks into the room.
"How did you get in" I ask
"I grabbed the room key from the nightstand before I walked out. I went to my room and woke the girls up since they were still asleep" he says
"Ok" I say
we sit and talk and then a few minutes later there's a knock at the door. Daniel goes and opens it to see Maggie, Abby, Natalie, Grant, Ethan, Flip, and Charlotte standing there.
"Why are you all here" I ask
"Breakfast time daddy" char says
"Oh really" I say
"Yes" she says
I pick her up and grab my cane then we all head out. We get on the elevator and head down to the first floor. We step off the elevator and go to the breakfast room. Surprisingly when we get there none of the ninjas are there besides us.
"The other ninjas are still asleep. They were all up late last night partying" Grant says
"Didn't you all go" Daniel asks
"Only Natalie and I did" Grant says
"We didn't stay super late though. We knew Charlotte would want to say bye before we left" Natalie says
We all nod and start getting food. Daniel carries two plates and I put some food on one of the plates for Charlotte. We then go to the table and I set Charlotte down next to Flip and go to get my own food. I return to the table and Charlotte crawls onto my lap.
"Snowflake you need to eat" I say
"Yes" she says
I slide her plate over and she starts eating. She pauses halfway through and kisses my cheek. I smile and kiss the top of her head.
"You guys are adorable" Maggie gushes
"Well it's hard not to be when Charlotte is such an adorable snowflake" I say
"I no snowflake" Charlotte says
"Yes you are. You're my snowflake" I say
"I your Charlotte" she says
"Oh ok" I say we all finish eating and Grant, Daniel, Natalie, and Abby go to grab the bags. Charlotte starts to say goodbye.
"Bye uncle Jaimie. I see you soon" she says
"Of course my dear." Jaimie says
"Bye bye uncle Ethan. Get me a swan. You pinkie pwomised" she says
"Of course. A promise is a promise" he says
"A swan really" I ask
"She liked my last name and said she wanted a swan. I told her I'd get her one" Ethan says
"Bye uncle Flippy. When you come home" she asks
"In a few days. I have a few things I have to do. I'll make sure I come over to say hi when I get back" Flip says
"Bye aunt Maggie. Say hi to your kids" Char asks
"I'll make sure I do. Make sure daddy stays safe" she says
"I will" Charlotte says
The four come back and Charlotte says her goodbyes to Grant and Natalie then we go out to the car. Abby and Char sit in the back and Daniel and I get up. After a long 16 hours and a few stops we arrive to their house. Abby and Daniel grab their bags and I pick up a tired Charlotte. We go inside and I follow Daniel up to the guest room. I lay Charlotte down then go downstairs. I go out to the car and grab mine and Char's backpacks which have clothes in them for tomorrow. I then go up to the guest room after saying good night and lie down drifting asleep prepared for the long trip ahead of us. After 6 hours my alarm goes off and I get ready then gently wake char up. I help her get dressed then we go downstairs. We get down there and Daniel is awake and making eggs and sausage. We sit and eat. After we are done I grab the bags and go to the car.
"See ya Daniel. Thank you for letting us sleep here and making breakfast" I say
"Of course. Now be careful." He says
"Always" I say
I get in the car and start it pulling out of their driveway. On the way home I have to stop a few times for food and bathroom breaks and gas but eventually we make it home and before going inside I text Daniel just so he knows nothing happened to us. I get out and then pick char up. I close the doors and lock them planning on grabbing our bags tomorrow. I go in the house and straight up to her room and tuck her in for the night. I then go to Jessies room seeing her sound asleep. I go over and carefully crawl into bed leaving the cane near the nightstand. I lay down and Jessie wakes up enough just to smile and give me a peck then cuddles into my side falling back asleep.
"I love you Jessie" I whisper
"I love you too" she mumbles
I smile to myself drifting off to sleep after an eventful few weeks finally being able to relax.

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