Chapter 8

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(2 weeks later)
*Jessie POV*
It's been 2 weeks since Drew and I have had our argument. He only comes out of the room to go to the bathroom and sometimes grab the food I leave for him. Other than that he wont come out or let anyone in. Char hasn't even been here or known about Drew coming home. She's been staying at either Flips or Kevin's. Drew also won't let anyone in the room. I've tried, Natalie, Flip, and Kevin have tried. I had Maggie call him but he didn't answer. I don't know who else to have try and talk to him. He won't go to physical therapy and he won't let the physical therapist in either. I really don't know what to do.
"Drew it's been three days since you've eaten anything please eat this breakfast" I say
"I'm not hungry" he says
"I don't care if you're hungry or not. You need to eat." I say
"Fine" He says
He opens the door, takes the plate, and slams the door closed again.
I sigh and go sit in the living room and watch tv.
*Char POV*
For a while now I've been staying with Uncle Flippy and Uncle Bull. I love them but I also want to see daddy. I really miss him.
"Uncle Flippy" I yell
"Yes Char" he asks
"When can we go back to that smelly place and see daddy" I ask
"Char" he sighs, "your daddy isn't in that smelly place anymore. He's at home. However, he won't talk to anyone"
"He'll talk to me" I say
"I don't know" he says
"He will I know he will" I say
"Ok but Jessie doesn't want you to see him like this so we need to distract her." He says
"Hey everyone" Natalie says walking up
"Great Natalie you're here. Can you take Jessie out for the day?" Uncle Flippy asks
"Sure" Aunt Natalie says
We get in the two vehicles and go to Aunt Jessie's house. Aunt Natalie goes up to the door and goes in. A little later she comes out with Aunt Jessie. I hide as they leave and then once they are out of sight Uncle Flippy and I go in. We get in there and daddy is in the kitchen eating a sandwich.
"Daddy" I yell
I run to him and hug his legs.
"Baby girl what are you doing here" he asks
"I missed you daddy. You told me that we would always have each other. That you would never leave me. You lied though. You have left me. You don't like me anymore" I cry
"Oh baby girl" he says
He picks me up and cradles me in his arms.
"Baby girl I love you. I love you so so much. I promise I will try my hardest to get better so I can take you to a ninja gym like I promised. I missed you so much. I'm so sorry" he says tearing up
"I love you daddy" I say
"I love you too baby girl" he says
"Awe that's so adorable" Uncle Flip says coming out
"Thanks man so much for all you have done. I know I must have been a pain for everything I have put you through and I'm sorry" daddy says
"It's alright man. I know what you've been going through. Just remember you aren't in this alone." Uncle Flip says
Daddy puts me in the chair beside him and stands up. Uncle flip and him Bro hug and whisper a bit. Uncle flip kisses my forehead then leaves.
"Daddy can we go on a road trip" I ask
"Maybe. Where to" he asks
"To see my other Aunts and Uncles" I say
"How about tomorrow we leave and go to North Carolina. There is a ninja competition and a lot of them will be there. We can make it a road trip" He says
"Ok. But can it just be us two? I want Daddy Char time" I say
"Of course baby girl. Now Aunt Natalie wants you to sleep over at her house tonight. Would you like that" he asks
"Yes" I say
*Drew POV*
Char gets off and goes to pack a bag. I grab my phone and call Natalie.
D-Hey Natalie it's Drew. But act like it's flip or Kevin
N-what do you need Kev
D-Hey So Char somehow convinced me to come out of my room and to do stuff. I'm taking her to the Ninja competition in North Carolina. It's gonna be a road trip and just the two of us because that's what she wants us to do. However, can you watch Char tonight so that Jessie and I can spend the rest of the day together and I can apologize?
N-sure Kev I'll come meet you to pick up Char. Just don't bother Drew he's probably in his room.
I hang up and go over to the stairs. I get over there and Char is just coming down.
"Hey baby girl Aunt Natalie is going to be here in a bit. I'm going to Surprise Aunt Jessie. So I'm going in my room. Can you go watch a movie in the living room? Uncle Kevin might be over in a few." I say
"Ok" she says
I go into the room and close the door. I sit on the couch and go on my phone. A few minutes later I hear the door open and Kevin's voice. Ten minutes after that I hear Natalie and Jessie and Char and Kevin. Then I hear the door close. I grab my cane again and go out to the kitchen. Jessie's back is turned towards me so I put the cane down and slowly and quietly walk over to her holding on to things. I get behind her and wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her neck. She turns around and smiles at me.
"I missed you" she says
"I missed you too. I'm sorry" I say
"It's okay. I know you went through a lot. Are you willing to go back to doing physical therapy" she asks
"I've still been doing it" I say
"What" she asks
"I've been having Gavin come here and do it. That's why I've been able to stand this long with out the cane." I say
"Oh my gosh why don't we go sit down" she says
"That'd be good" I say
She helps me walk over to the kitchen table and we sit down.
"Char and I are going to the ninja competition in North Carolina. She wants it to be a daddy daughter trip so we're going on a road trip. I have her sleeping over at Natalie's so we can spend the night together before we leave tomorrow after lunch" I say
"Ok. But are you allowed to drive" she asks
"Yes. I texted Gavin and asked him. He said yes." I say 
"Ok. Well it's around 3 what do you want to do" she asks
"Well you could cook me one of your famous meals that Maggie always talks about. Then tomorrow we can go out for breakfast and then when Char comes home we can go out for a family lunch" I say
"I like the way you think but maybe you could cook me breakfast? James said you were pretty good at it" she says
"I'm gonna kill that man" I say
"No killing people." She says
"Why not" I whine
"Because I said so. Now go change into something more comfortable so you don't have to change he later tonight and I will work on making dinner." She says
I grab my cane and make my way to my 'room'. I change and then I look at my phone. I see a text from a number I don't recognize. I open my text messages and look at it.
Random- are you okay
D-who is this
R-did you get really hurt
D-who are you
R-wait you don't know who I am
D-who. are. you.
R-I'm your mother
D-my mothers dead
R-no I'm your mother
D-prove it
R-why can't you believe that I'm your mother
D-because my mother is dead. I saw her die in the hospital from illness she died a couple years after my father now if you would please just leave me alone.
(Drew's parents are not dead. I'm just putting this in the book)
I hang up and block the number. I quickly wipe my tears away and then get changed. I go back out to the kitchen and see Jessie finishing up. I sit down at the table a bit later she sets the food down and sits down as well.
"You okay" she asks
"Um Yeah" I say
"What happened" she asks
"Someone called my phone claiming they were my mom" I say
"Didn't your mom die when you were 8? Two years after your dad died" she asks
"Yeah. This person didn't realize that so when I mentioned it she was really ashamed but it just brought back memories of my parents deaths." I say
"I'm sorry" she says
"It's okay. Now let's enjoy this delicious looking dinner you made us" I say
"Of course. Now it's nothing fancy. Just some chicken Alfredo" she says
"It still looks and smells amazing" I say
I pick up my fork and take a bite of it.
"Oh my gosh this is so good" I say
"Drew swallow before you talk" she says
"Sorry" I say
"It's all good." She says
We finish eating and I do as much as I can to help with the dishes. Afterwards we go out to the living room and watch some movies with Sammo Hog. Around 8:30 my phone rings. I look and see that it's Natalie.
C-hi Daddy
D-Charlotte what are you doing up still? You're suppose to be in bed at 8
C-all my aunts and uncles let me stay up until 9. I just wanted to say goodnight
D-ok. Goodnight. I love you
C-I love you too daddy
D-sleep well. Can you put Aunt Natalie on
N-Hey drew what's up
D-Hey so I plan on me and Char leaving at noon tomorrow. Can you bring her by around 10:30
N-of course. Now have a good night. No getting naughty
D-good night Natalie
N-night drew. Tell Jessie goodnight.
I hang up and look next to me. Jessie is dosing off.
"Hey let's go upstairs to bed" I say
"You aren't suppose to do stairs" she says
"Oh well. I want to sleep with you and we're going to sleep in a proper bed" I say
"Ok fine. But just take it easy" she says
"I will don't worry. I don't want to hurt myself more than I already am" I say
We get up and work our way to the stairs. Slowly we make them up and then go to our bedroom. We climb in bed and we both drift off to sleep.
I wake up the next morning to my phone ringing.
R-hello is this Drew Drechsel
D-yes. May I ask who's asking
R-yes. This is Rachel from LA post. We were wondering if we could interview you on the incident
D-no you may not
R-but it's been what two and a half months
D-so I said you cannot interview me. Have a nice day
I hang up and see Jessie still asleep. I slowly get out of bed and make my way downstairs. I go to the kitchen and start in the pancake batter. Once pancakes are made, I make some bacon and hash browns as well. Just as I'm finishing my phone rings and again it's a random number. I sigh and answer.
D-hello this is Drew Drechsel. Who is this
B-hello this is Brady turner
D-who are you
B-oh yes I'm your worst nightmare
B-that engine failure was not an accident
D-what do you mean
B-I shot them. You were suppose to die but you didn't. I will get you back at some point.
D-who are you and why are you going after me
D-why are you after me
B- because you killed my aunt
Then the line goes dead.

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