Chapter 5

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*Drew POV*
I wake up in the morning to weight on my chest. I look and see Char on my chest sound asleep. I carefully move her next to me and get up. I quickly get a shower and get dressed. I pack up mine and char's stuff and look behind me. Joe is awake and on his phone and Char is still asleep.
"Hey Joe I'm gonna go out for a run. Could you stay with Char for me" I ask
"Of course" he says
I thank him and grab what I need then leave the room. I put my phone in my pocket and put my earbuds in my ears. Just as I'm about to walk out of the hotel Jessie comes out of the elevator.
"Going on a run" I ask
"Yeah. You" she asks
"Yeah" I say
We put in our earbuds and start our run. After about 2 miles we slow down to walk and take our earbuds out.
"I talked to a few people and the building around the corner from my house is available. The one you always wanted to turn into a gym. The realtors are also willing to lower the price for you" Jessie says
"Wow. Um do you have room in the house for Charlotte" I ask
"Of course. Why would we be talking about this if I didn't have room for her. Plus I'm sure Sammo won't mind sharing his bed" She says
"If anything she'd kick us out of the bed and make us go sleep with Sammo" I say
"Probably." She says
We make our way back to the hotel and there's a comfortable silence between the two of us. We walk in and a lot of the Ninjas are eating breakfast.
"Uncle Drew" Ellie yells running over
I pick her up and put her on my shoulders.
"Hello" I say
"Ellie what are you doing up there? He's all sweaty" Maggie says
"Oh well" Ellie says
I set her down and she walks off to join her siblings.
"Has Joe come down with Char yet" I ask
"Yeah. He's back in the corner with her. She's refusing to eat apparently" she says
I thank her and go over there.
"Hey baby" I say going over to Char
"Hi daddy" she mumbles
"What's wrong" I ask
"I'm not hungry" she says
"Babe you need to eat. You can get sick if you don't eat" I say
"No" she says
I look at joe and he understands. He grabs his plate of food and goes to sit with Akbar and Matt. I take his seat and get some of the eggs on my fork. I move them to her mouth but she hits the fork away. I pick Charlotte up and go up to the room taking the stairs. I go in and change Char out of her pajamas. I put her in the bath and start washing her hair. I finish with her bath and take her out. She starts fighting because she wants to play. I quickly drain the tub and start drying her off. I get her dressed and set her on the chair in the corner. She crosses her arms and pouts.
"You are sitting there until you apologize and then we can go and eat. If you don't apologize before we have to leave then no food until lunch time" I say
She doesn't move. I sigh and grab my phone. I look and see I have a text from Jessie.
J-everything all right
D-yeah. Can you grab me a muffin and bring it to my room
I put my phone down and just lay on the bed. A few minutes later there's a knock on the door. I go over and Joe is standing there with a muffin.
"From Jessie" he says
"Thanks" I say
He walks in and packs up his stuff.
"We have to leave in a few minutes. Once the car is packed" he says
"Ok" I say
He grabs his bags and leave.
"Last chance Charlotte" I say
She still doesn't do anything.
I go over to her and pick her up. I take her back to the bed. I give her her backpack and she puts it on. I grab my backpack and put it on as well I then grab both of our suitcases. Joe walks back in and grabs Charlottes suitcase. I look to Char and she looks up at me lifting her arms up. I pick her up and hold her on my hip. We walk to the desk and check out. We put the rest of the stuff in then I get Charlotte in. I get in the passenger seat and Joe starts driving towards the airport.
D-Hey just left the hotel. I'm gonna pack up today and tomorrow we will get a flight to California.
J-ok. Love you
"Are you texting Jessie" Joe asks
"What" I ask
"You're smiling. What you didn't think that I didn't know about the two of you" he asks
"When did you find out" I ask
"About a year ago. We were at one of the competitions and it was getting late. Everyone was just about gone and when you guys thought no one was looking you guys kissed" he says
"Oh" I say
"Yeah" He says 
We get to the airport and get out. Char still won't talk to me. She only points and motions. We get through security and find out that our plane is delayed. We find somewhere to sit and do so.
After about thirty minutes Charlotte climbs into my lap.
"Daddy" she whispers
"Yes baby" I ask
"I'm sorry" she says
"I forgive you" I say
She curls up in my lap and puts her thumb in her mouth. I slide a nimmy in her mouth and take her thumb out. I bounce my knee gently and she drifts off to sleep. After another hour our plane is finally called. Joe and I stand up and he takes Char's carry on so I can carry her. We get in the plane and we find our seats. I put Char next to the window and I sit between her and Joe.
"So how are you and Jessie working it out now that you can't just randomly see her" he says 
"Yeah. Char and I are moving out there tomorrow. We're moving in with Jessie and I'm starting another gym right around the corner from her house" I say
"Wow." Joe says
"Yeah" I say
For the rest of the trip we talk about random topics. Once the plane lands I pick Char up and both of our carry ons. We leave the plane and once in the airplane I bid goodbye to Joe. He heads to baggage claim and I sit down on a chair.
"Hey baby you gotta wake up now" I whisper
"I'm tired" she whines
"I know. But I need you to walk out to the car." I say
She yawns and nods. I grab her hat and we go to baggage claim. We grab our bags and go to the car. I get them in the trunk then set Charlotte in the back seat. I start the car and drive the two hours home. Once Home I take the bags in then I pick Char up and take her up to my room. I lay her in the bed and I start packing things up. Thankfully I don't have a lot of stuff to pack. By the time I'm done packing its dinner time and I realize that Charlotte hasn't eaten at all. I go up to my room and Charlotte is sitting up playing with he stuffed monkey.
"You hungry" I ask
"Yes" She says
I pick her up and walk downstairs. I set her at the table and I go into the kitchen. I go to the cupboard and grab out the Mac n cheese. It's not that healthy but I really couldn't care right now. I'm just tired and we have to wake up at 2 to get to the airport. I start a pot of water and go back out to the table. I get over there and Char is starting to fall asleep.
"Hey baby you gotta stay awake" I say
"Can I have some milk" she asks
I nod and grab a small carton of milk for her. I pour it into a soppy cup and take it to her.
"What's with all the boxes" she asks
"You like Jessie right" I ask
"Yeah. She's nice and plays with me" she says
"Good. Because I like her too. We are boyfriend and girlfriend so me and you are going to go to where Jessie lives and live there too" I say
"Yay" Char cheers
"We have to leave really early tomorrow so once dinner is done we're gonna go right to bed. And we won't get all of this stuff for a bit because Uncle Joe has to ship it all out there for us" I say
"Ok" she says
I go back to the kitchen and put the noodles. Once the noodles are ready I drain them then finish making it. I put some in a small bowl for Char and then get a bigger serving for myself. I take them out to the table. I sit down and hand Char her bowl. She quickly eats it and I help her get out from the table. Since the bowl and fork are paper products she goes and throws them out. I finish and do the same with my bowl and fork. I clean up from dinner then pick Char up and go upstairs. I go to my room and lay her on the bed. I turn the light off and get in bed next to her. She gets closer toe so that half of her body is laying on top of me. I smile and wrap my arm around her, falling asleep with my baby girl.
(Next day)
It's about 1:30 in the morning and I just woke up. I finalize a few things then take our things out to the front door. I then go and wake up Char.
"Tired" she whines
"No baby you have to get up" I say
"Tired" she whines again
"I know. But you can sleep in the plane" I say
"Ok" she yawns
I pick her up and go downstairs. I sit her at the table and grab two yogurts and two spoons. I open hers and give it to her then open mine. We finish our yogurt and there's a knock at the door. I open it and see my neighbor April who said she'd give us a ride to the airport.
"Thank you so much for doing this" I say
"No problem" she says
I take the bags and put them in her trunk. I go back inside and April is trying to talk with Char.
"Ready to go Char" I ask
"Yeah" she says
I pick her up and we walk out. I lock the door and make sure the spare key is under the gnome. I then get in the back seat with Char because she won't let go of me. We arrive at the airport and I thank April. Char and I get out and I grab our bags. We go in and go through security about ten minutes later our flight is called. We get in the plane and I place Char in the window seat again. After about 5 minutes the plane takes off.
"Daddy I'm tired" Char whines
"I know. Here put my earbuds in and I'll turn on some quiet music so you can fall asleep" I say
She nods and I help her out the earbuds in. I turn the music in and she quickly falls asleep. About two hours later she wakes up.
"Hello. This is your pilot speaking. We are going into some turbulence so you will experience some bumping. Please put on your seatbelts." The pilot says
I get Char buckled in and then buckle in my self. Once that is done we start feeling the bumping. But eventually it starts getting worse.
"Daddy I'm scared" Char says
"I know baby. But everything will be okay." I say
"This is your pilot again. It seems that we are experiencing some engine failure and need to make an emergency landing"  the pilot says
I look out the window and we aren't over water which is good. I then unbuckle Char and buckle her in with me using the child buckle that is paired up with the adult buckle. All of a sudden I feel the plane tip down.  I grab my pillow and coat from my bag. I put the pillow around Char and then tie my sweatshirt around the pillow so it stays.
"Daddy what are you doing" she asks
"I need a pillow so I can take a nap." I say
"But why is it around me" she asks
"I think you'd make a comfy pillow" I say
"No" she says
"Yes" I laugh
All of a sudden there's a pop and another pop. Everyone but me starts freaking out. I just rub charlottes back and sing soft lullabies to her. There is a big thud and crash and the world around me goes black.

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