Chapter 10

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*Drew POV*
I wake up the next morning and look at the other bed to see Char still asleep. I look at the clock and it reads 7. I get up and shower then get dressed. At 7:30 I wake Char up.
"Char baby girl it's time to wake up. We need to eat breakfast and then leave" I say
"No daddy. I want to sleep" she says
"Alright. I guess we won't go to North Carolina then" I say
"No no no. I'm up. I'm ready to go" she says
"That's what I thought" I say
She gets out of bed and I give her a bath. Once she's out and dried she gets dressed then we head down to breakfast. I spot Grant and Natalie and walk over to them. I set Char down and she runs to them hugging Grants leg.
"Uncle Grant I missed you" she says
"I missed you to squirt" he says
He leans down and picks her up.
"Char what do you want to eat" I ask
"Doughnut and milk and yogurt and doughnut and orange juice" she says
"You little girl do not need that much sugar" I say
"Than why did you ask what I wanted?" She asks
"She has a point there Drew" Natalie says
"Go get food" I say
Natalie walks away laughing and Grant follows carrying Char still. I make my way over there and get some sausage, eggs, yogurt, and apple juice for myself. I go and set my plate down then I get a doughnut, yogurt, milk, and sausage for my little monkey. I go back over to the table and set it down then sit down myself. The other three come back and sit down.
"Go ahead and eat up Char so we can get back on the road" I say
"Ok" she says
She starts shoving food in her mouth so I stop her before she can choke.
"Not that fast. We don't need you choking and making us get there later because of a visit to the hospital" I say
"Ok" she says with her mouthful
I laugh and shake my head at her. I eat my food and by the time I'm done Char is still eating.
"Can you keep an eye on her I'm going to call Jessie" I say to Grant
"Ok" he says
I get up and walk out of the eating area and to the lobby. I grab my phone out and dial Jessie's number.
D-Hey Jessie
J-Hey Drew how's the drive
D-the first half was good. Char is just finishing up eating then we are heading out on the road again.
J-that's good. Well I have to get to work but I love you and be safe driving. Also I do not want to hear from any of the ninjas that you tried the obstacles out. Not a single ninja. Not a single obstacle.
D-yes ma'am
J-I'm being serious drew. One mishap and it can seriously injure you and all that progress you made would be for nothing
D-I know baby. Everything will be alright.
I hang up and go back over to the others. I get the and see that Char is done eating. We say goodbye to Gratalie and head upstairs. We get our stuff together then leave the room with it all. I check out of the hotel then we go to the car. We put our stuff in the trunk then I help Char get in her seat and buckled up. I get up front and start driving. After 8 hours, a few pit stops, and many stories later we finally arrive to the hotel in North Carolina. I look in the back and Char is asleep again. I pull my phone out and call Maggie because I know she is here already.
D-Hey Maggie
M-Hey drew what's up
D-I just got to the hotel and Char is sleeping. Could you or someone come out and help me take things in and her
M-yeah sure
She hangs up and a few minutes later Daniel Gil, Maggie Thorne, Jamie Rahn, and James McGrath come out. I get out of the vehicle and go over to them.
"Alright Jamie you go pick up Char and take her inside but be careful she is sleeping. Daniel and James grab bags" Maggie says
They do as told and Maggie comes over to to me. She grabs my keys and takes my wallet out of my hand.
"Go tell Jessie that you both made it here safely then come inside" she says
I nod and she locks the car then goes in. I pull my phone out and call Jessie.
J-Hey drew
D-Hey we made it to the hotel
J-ok. How's Char
D-she's good. She's asleep.
J-did she fall asleep on the way
J-ok. Well I have to get back to work. Have fun and be safe. Both of you.
D-will do
I hang up and go inside. I get in there and Maggie is standing there but no one else.
"Where are the others" I ask
"Already at the room. I checked you in." She says
"Thank you" I say
We get in the elevator and ride it to the third floor. As soon as we exit the elevator I hear a lot of noise.
"How many ninjas are here" I ask
"A lot. This whole floor is ninjas. We gave them a quiet curfew of 9:45 so that Char can get good sleep and so then she's not cranky in the morning. We told them that whoever is loud past 9:45 is stuck doing some odd job that you give them" she says
"Ok" I smile
we get to the room and she unlocks it with the room key then gives the room key to me. We walk in and Jamie is in here sitting on my bed while Char is in the other bed still out cold. Jamie gets out of the bed and walks over.
"Good night. Sleep well" he says
"You too thanks for staying with her" I say
He nods and walks out. Maggie says goodnight and also walks out. I shut and lock the door then go over to the bed. I see my bags on the floor next to it so I grab my pajamas then get changed in the bathroom. Once I'm done I keep the light on and then close the bathroom for partway. I get in bed and turn the light off drifting off to sleep.
I wake up the next morning to a hand hitting my cheek and laughter. I open one of my eyes and see Charlotte sitting next to me. Once she sees my eye open I close it and she starts poking my cheek. I then feel weight in my chest and can tell she is laying on my chest. I then feel her give me a sloppy kiss on my cheek and her head then resting on my shoulder snuggling closer to me. I open both of my eyes and look down seeing char's eyes starting to close. I slowly rub her back and after about two minutes she is fully asleep. Just as she falls asleep my phone buzzes. I look and it's a text from James.
J-are you awake
J-it's really noisy down at breakfast due to the ninjas. Do you want me to bring you and Charlotte some breakfast
D-please. Char just fell back asleep and I don't want to wake her up till I have to or she'll be crabby the rest of the day.
J-Alright I'll have Maggie or someone help me bring the food up
I lay my phone down and then gently lay Char down on the bed next to me. I get up and quickly get changed in the bathroom. Once I'm done getting dressed I walk out and go sit on the other bed. I pull my laptop out and go through my emails. About five minutes later there's a knock on the door. I open it and James and Daniel are standing there.
"Hey guys thanks for bringing food" I say
"No problem. It's really loud down there and i figured since Char isn't too great with new people she probably wouldn't like being there with new people and all the loud noises" James says
"You're probably right" I say
They place the food on the desk and then leave. I eat my plate of food and then go back to my laptop and continue working. About two hours later I hear whining. I go over to where Char is laying and lay down next to her. I run her back and she calms down but wakes up.
"Hey baby girl. Good morning" I say
"Good morning daddy" she says
"Are you hungry" I ask
She nods her head. I get up and grab the plate then go back to the bed. I help her eat her food. Once she's done I let her choose which outfit she wants then help her get dressed.
"Daddy can you braid my hair" she asks
"Baby girl you know I don't know how to braid" I say
"But daddy I want my hair braided" she whines
"Is that how you get things" I ask
"No" she mumbles
I stand up and Char stands up on the bed. I pick her up, grab the room key, and my cane and walk out the door. I walk down a few doors and find the one that Maggie is in. I knock on the door and she opens it.
"Aunt Maggie" Char cheers
Maggie takes Charlotte from me and Charlotte wraps her arms around Maggie in a hug.
"She wants her hair braided and I can't braid hair" I say
"Of course. Why don't I braid your hair while daddy goes and does his pt like he's suppose to do" Maggie says
"What's pt" Char asks
"I'll explain it to you later. Drew I know you need help with your PT so Daniel said he would help. He is in the workout room waiting for you so you better hurry" Maggie says
She shuts the door and I head for the elevator. I ride that down to the bottom floor and once I get down there I go to the workout room. I get there and Daniel is the only one in here.
"I got it reserved for an hour each day we're here at this time so we can get your pt in" he says
"Ok" I say
We start working and half way through I'm already dripping with sweat.
"Come on drew. Half way through" Daniel says
"I can't do anymore" I say
"Come on. You're strong. You can do this. Five more minutes and we'll take a small break before we move on to stretching the legs out. Just five more minutes on the treadmill" he says
"It hurts" I say
"I know man. I know. You have to push through it" he says
"I can't" I say
I keep saying this over and over until I finally hear Daniel say I'm done.
He helps me to get off the treadmill and sit on the ground. He sits next to me and pulls me in for a hug.
"You did it Drew. You walked for 15 more minutes. Now all we have to do is stretch it all out for fifteen minutes then you are done." Daniel says
I just nod my head to tired to speak.
He gets on his knees and helps me to stretch my legs out and finish up my pt. Once done he helps me up from the floor and gives me the cane. Because my legs still hurt from or he also helps me walk out and to the elevator. When we get to our floor he walks me to the door of my room.
"Take a nap. I'll take Charlotte to my room. Abby apparently wants to take her out shopping. I'll have her back by dinner" Daniel says
"Ok. Thank you Daniel" I say
I walk into the room and grab a change of clothes then walk to the bathroom. I start up the shower and then get in. Once I'm done showering I get out, change, then get in bed and fall asleep hoping to get some rest before the competitions start tomorrow and the festivities tonight.
*Char POV*
Aunt Maggie finished my hair and then we start watching a movie. Just as it is ending there is a knock on the door. Aunt Maggie turns the tv off then opens the door. Someone I recognize but don't know the name of is standing there.
"Hey Daniel what's up" Aunt Maggie asks
"Drew is sleeping and I told him I'd watch Char for him. Abby wants to take Char shopping" the guy says
"Ok" Aunt Maggie says
The guy steps in and they both come over to me.
"Charlotte this is Daniel. He's one of mine and your daddies friends. Daddy is sleeping right now so Daniel is going to watch you for a bit. His wife wants to take you shopping" Aunt Maggie says
"Ok" I say
I reach my arms up and Uncle Daniel picks me up. I lay my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around his neck. I wave goodbye to Aunt Maggie and she kisses my forehead. Uncle Daniel and I leave the room and go to a different room. We get in there and a women is sitting on the couch.
"Char this is my wife Abigail. Abigail, this is Char" uncle Daniel says
"Hi Char. How are you" Aunt Abigail says
"I'm good. How are you" I ask
"I'm good sweetheart. Would you like to go shopping" she asks
"For what" I ask
"For clothes silly. We can get you some dresses and some other stuff" she says
"But I have clothes" I say
"I'll get you more clothes" she says
"Ok. I guess" I say
We leave the room and go to the elevator. I wiggle in Uncle Daniels arms and he lets me down. I run up to it and try to reach the buttons. He lifts me up some and I press the down button. Once we get on I press the button that he shows me to press. Once we get off the elevator I spot Uncle Jamie and run to him.
"Uncle Jamie" I yell
"Hey squirt" he says
"Hi" I say
"What are you doing down here by yourself" he asks
"I'm not by myself. I'm with Uncle Daniel and Aunt Abigail" I say
"Oh really where you guys going" he asks
"We're going shopping" I say
"You ready to go pumpkin" Uncle Daniel asks
"Yep" I say
Uncle Jamie hands me over and I go with uncle Daniel and Aunt Abigail to their car. We go to a mall and shop around for a while. We then get back in the car and I fall asleep. I'm woken up a bit later by someone picking me up. I look and see it's Uncle Daniel. I snuggle into his chest and fall back asleep. I wake up again to someone shaking me.
"No. I want to sleep" I whine
"Baby girl. It's time to eat" I hear
"I'm tired" I say
"You don't want to see all your aunts and uncles" daddy asks
"I'm up" I say
I get up and start jumping on the bed. "You monkey need to sit before you get hurt" he says
I ignore him and keep jumping. A few seconds later I get caught mid air. I look down and see uncle James. The three of us leave the hotel room and go down to this big room. We go in and I start wiggling in Uncle James' arms. He sets me down and I run around the room. I spot Uncle Flippy and dart to him.
"Uncle Flippy!! You're here I didn't know you were going to be here. I'm so happy. Yay. Woah" I say
"Calm down little one" he laughs
I hop off his lap and run back over to where daddy is sitting. He lifts me up and places me on his lap. The food arrives and we start eating. After dinner and  a little dessert the ninjas all decide they want to go some where.
"Daddy can we go to bed? I'm sleepy" I say
"Of course my darling" he says
I reach to be picked up but then remember he can't so I sit on the ground and pout. Uncle Jamie comes past and spots me on the ground. He picks me up and carries me to mine and daddies room. Daddy helps me get ready for bed then tucks me in. Once he turns the light off I feel my eyelids start to get heavy and I drift off to sleep.

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