Chapter 14

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(16 months later)
*Drew POV*
"And our last runner coming up soon is Drew Dreschel. This is a run all the ninjas will be watching and supporting Drew for" Matt says
That's right. I'm back to competing. It's been a year and a half since the plane accident and about four months ago I started training again. Today I am competing and taking the next step in my life. I hear daddy and I look up seeing Charlotte run to me.
"How is my favorite five year old" I ask
"I not five. I four" she says
"You turned five today. Remember we had cake" I say
"Oh yeah. We had cake" she says
"Alright snowflake. Let's go watch Jessie perform and you remember the plan for after daddy competes right" I ask
"Yeah" she says
"Alright. Let's go to the side lines to watch" I say
I pick her up and go over to the side lines where only a few people can stand. I get over there and Maggie and Jessie's mom are standing there I go over to her mom Ginny and she gives me a side hug. She then takes Charlotte from me. Jessie starts her run and then finishes making it up the warped wall. She climbs down and comes over to us. I kiss her cheek and then she kisses Char's cheek. She takes char from me and I go to the warm up area. Eventually it's my turn so I go up to the starting line.
"Our last competitor of the night is none other than the real life ninja himself Drew Drechsel. This run is a big moment for him. Last year he couldn't compete after his first run because he got injured in a plane crash. He finally finished rehab and is allowed to compete this year." I hear Akbar say
The beep for starting goes off and I start off slow. After I get done the first two obstacles I look to the side and see Jessie and Charlotte standing there. I wave and blow them a kiss. I continue on  and pick up my pace a bit. I get to the warped wall and look at it. This is the one obstacle I've  been having trouble with ever since I started training again. I control my breathing and go for the wall. I get one hand on top and then swing myself up onto the wall. I stand up and press the buzzer and give a victory cry.
"Hey drew" I hear
I look to my side and see Matt and Akbar talking
"Yeah" I ask
"How does it feel to be back" Akbar asks
"Amazing" I say
I get down from the wall and Jessie and char run to me. I pick char up and kiss Jessie. I then go over to Kristine with them.
"Drew that was amazing. How does it feel to conquer the wall after conquering your injuries" Kristine asks
"Amazing. At first I wasn't sure I'd be able to get through even the first couple of obstacles but as I was going through my confidence grew and I knew I could get far" I say
"Now I heard that the wall was giving you trouble when you were training. Were you worried you weren't going to get up at all" Kristine asks
"Yes I was a bit worried but I knew once I got up it I could do anything. I knew after I got up doing this would mean a lot more" I say getting down on one knee, "Jessie Graff you make me so happy. You pushed me to get better when I was giving up. Without you I'd probably still be moping around. I want to live the rest of my life with you and be able to give you support like you did to me. So Jessie Graff will you marry me"
"Of course" she says
I slide the ring on her finger and then stand up picking Charlotte up as well.
"Jessie, will you be mommy" Charlotte asks holding papers out
Jessie takes them and reads them over.
"Of course I will sunshine" Jessie says
"Wow. Well congratulations to all of you and we look forward to see you all at the city finals" Kristine says
We thank her then walk away.
"M-m-mommy" Char says
"Sunshine why are you stuttering? Huh? It's okay to call me mommy." Jessie says
Jessie takes char from me and I grab a hold of Jessie's free hand and we walk over to a group of ninjas.
"Congrats drew and Jessie" Maggie says
"Thanks" Jessie says
I look over at Jessie and see Char is asleep. I take her from Jessie's arms and then the girls drag Jessie away. I look around and see that the seats have cleared out so I go and sit down with her in my arms and the guys follow.
"So Drew how long have you and Jessie been dating now" Daniel asks
"We've been dating for three and a half years and now we are getting married." I say
"So Grant when are you popping the question to Natalie" Jamie asks
"We have only been dating for one and a half years. Calm down" Grant says
"Why do you all push relationships" someone I don't recognize asks
"Oh yes Drew this is Mathis Owhadi. Also know as the kid" Drew says
"Nice to meet you man. I would give you a proper greeting but I sort of can't" I say
"Nice to meet you as well. You adopted her right" he asks
"Yeah." I say
The girls come back over and Jessie comes over to me.
"We should head out and get her in a proper bed" Jessie says
"Alright. See ya all tomorrow at lunch" I say
We get to the car and I buckle chad into her car seat then get in the driver seat. I start the car and head to the hotel. We arrive and I pick char up and then take a hold of Jessie's hand. We go inside and get on the elevator. We get to the third floor and then go to our room. Jessie unlocks the door and we go in. I go over to Char's bed and carefully get her ready for bed then tuck her in. I then go and sit next to Jessie on our bed.
"How are you feeling" she asks
"I'm a bit sore but it's worth it for being able to complete the course and get up the warped wall. I'll just have to continue with the PT and muscle strengthening stuff" I say
"I'm so proud of you" she says
"Thank you" I say
She yawns and leans her head on my shoulder.
"Come on let's go to sleep" I say
"No. I'm not tired" she says yawning again
I stand up and pick her up bridal style then walk around to her side of the bed. I lay her in bed then get in myself. I pull the blankets over us and turn off the lights.
"I love you drew Drechsel" she whispers
"I love you too Jessie soon to be drechsel" I whisper falling asleep
*Char POV*
I wake up in the morning and don't see anyone. I start to cry some. Daddy then shows up.
"Hey snowflake what's with the tears" he asks sitting on the bed
"I didn't see you and got scared" I say
"I will always be here for you Char. Do you want to get some breakfast" he asks
"Ok" I say
I stand up on the bed and he picks me up. Mommy comes out of the bathroom and over to us. She kisses my cheek and then daddy's lips.
"I'm hungry" I whine
"You're hungry" mommy says
I nod my head.
"Well we better go get some food then" she says
Wee ave the room and get on the elevator. Daddy lets me push the button then we get to the first floor. I hear a lot of noise so I hide my head in daddy's neck and cover my ears.
"Ssh baby it's okay. It's just the ninjas having fun" he whispers
"It's loud" I say
"I know. Jessie did you bring her headphones" daddy asks
"No. I'll go run back to the room and get them" she says
Mommy walks away and daddy and I go find a table to sit at. I lean back against daddy and uncle Joe comes over and talks to daddy then walks away. He then comes back with food and sits down. He gives me a piece of bacon and I take one hand off my ears.
"You okay Charlotte" he asks
"It's loud in here" I say
"Do you want the ninjas to quiet down" he asks
I nod my head.
"Ok. Cover your ears real quick" he says
I do as told and I see him talking. I then remove my hands and it isn't as loud. I spot uncle Ethan so I get off daddy's lap and run to him.
"Uncle Ethan" I say
"Butterfly. How are you" he asks
"Good. I missed you" I say
"I missed you too." He says
"Where's Aunt Jesse and Uncle Chris? Uncle Chris is funny" I say
"They didn't come this time. They are on a trip" he says
"Oh" I pout
"What? You have favorites and I'm not one of them?" He asks
I nod my head and he starts tickling me.
"Daddy" I laugh "daddy help me"
Daddy comes over and takes me from Uncle Ethan.
"Snowflake you want to meet someone" daddy asks
I shake my head and bury it in his neck.
"You sure? They're very nice" he says
"Ok. I guess" I say
Daddy walks away from uncle Ethan and over to a table where uncle Daniel is sitting with three other people.
"Char this is Najee, Mike, and Mathis" daddy says
"Hi" I whisper
"Miss Charlotte why are you acting shy? I know for a fact that you are far from shy" Uncle Daniel says
He takes me from daddy's arms and daddy goes over to mommy.
"Hello Charlotte. My name is Mathis. How old are you" Mathis says
"Guess" I smile
"16" he says
"No" I laugh
"13" he says
"No guess again" I laugh
"I give up. Tell me" he says
"I'm only 5" I say
"Five Wow. Guess how old I am" he says
"20" I say
"Close" he says
"19" I ask
"Yeah" He says
Uncle Daniel passes me over to Mathis and then walks over to daddy and mommy. The other two walk away as well.
"Do you want to go explore with me? I'm sure Drew and Jessie won't mind" Mathis says
"Ok" I say
He stands up and puts me on his hip. We than go over to mommy and daddy.
"Drew, we're going to go out and explore. I'll have her back here by 3" Mathis says
"Yeah go ahead. Charlotte Mae you behave and listen to Mathis. Kid bring her back in one piece or you will no longer be in one piece" daddy says
"I got it drew. She's your baby girl and I won't let anything hurt her" Mathis says
Daddy kisses my forehead then we leave.
"Why did daddy call you kid" I ask
"That's what all the ninjas call me since I'm younger than all of them" he says
"Oh" I say
He sets me down and I hold his hand. We walk around a lot and see a lot of cool things. I thought I saw Adam Levine but I don't know. I wish I could meet him. He's my favorite. So is Blake Shelton.
"You ready to head back or do you want some ice cream" Mathis asks
"Ice scream" I say
"That's what I thought" he says
He picks me up and walks to a building. We go in and I see a lot of ice cream.
"What flavor do you want" he asks
"Sherbet" I say
"Alright" He says
He orders our ice cream and once we get it we go sit down.
"So did you have fun today" he asks
"Uh huh. A lot of fun" I say
"Good" He says
We finish our ice cream and get up. As we are walking out I walk right into something. I look up and see it's someone. They crouch down to my level.
"I'm sorry cutie. Are you okay" he asks taking his sunglasses off
"Y-y-you're Adam Levine" I say
"I am." He says
"You okay Charlotte" Mathis asks
"I'm ok. Look it's Adam Levine" I whisper
"I see that char. We better get on back to the hotel and leave him alone" Mathis says
"Ok. Bye Mr. Adam" I say
"Goodbye Charlotte. You know what why don't I give Mathis here my number and he can give it to your daddy and then you can talk to me again" he says
I nod my head and Mathis gives him daddy's number and Adam gives his number to Mathis.  Mathis then picks me up and we leave. We get back to the hotel and we go up to mine, daddy's, and mommy's room. I knock on the door and daddy opens it. We go in and sit down.
"Did you have fun snowflake" he asks
"Yeah. A lot of fun. I even met Adam Levine and Mathis has his number so I can talk to him" I say
"Wow. I'm glad you had fun. We have to leave in a bit for dinner. What should we do while we wait" daddy asks
"Watch the lion king. Mathis you stay with us" I ask
"Sure. I love the lion king" he says
Mommy puts the movie in and I crawl onto daddy's lap. We watch the movie then leave for dinner. After dinner mommy, daddy, and I go back to the hotel and daddy helps me get ready for bed. They tuck me in and kiss me before turning the lights off. I roll over into a comfy spot and fall asleep after a long day.

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