13. Someone you wish could forgive you

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I actually don't think I can write anything for this letter. A year ago I would have had someone perfect for this letter...but now I have no one. I don't think... ACTUALLY I HAVE THE PERFECT PERSON.

Right. You liked me and I didn't know how I felt towards you which sucks because I basically treated you like rubbish because I was a selfish bitch. And I am really, really sorry about that. I know you say we are friends and that you forgive me but I don't know...it just doesn't feel like we are friends sometimes. It feels more like we are just people that only talk to each other when we are bored. And I know that is my fault. We used to be so close to each other, and got along great. We always had a laugh and messed about in Ikea, you took the mick out of my music taste and I laughed at you always wearing dresses even though it was freezing outside.

I miss that. I miss how close we were and I am so sorry that I hurt you, hurt your feelings and caused all of this. One day I promise I will buy you a donkuck. We still need to run away on camels you know? It will happen. I'm sorry this isn't long and heartfelt but we've done all that before. Well...more like a phone call where you swore a lot and were drunk, and I just gave the phone to a friend and ignored you being horrible. I'm sorry about that by the way.

Keep loving beautiful.

Bethany xo

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