29. The person you want to tell everything to but you are afraid to

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UPDATED: 26.01.2013


Hi Charlie, hey Rach.

I'm your un-related triplet right? Charlie, you're my person - Grey's Anatomy reference - and I love you a helluva lot for being there when I have a problem and for making me feel better. Rach, you're my girl which basically means you're my sister. You make me smile when no one else can.

First I just want to thank you for being friends with an awkward bitch who needed two people to help her out. You helped to make me who I am today. Also thank you to your parents for making your house my second home. And Anthony, whom I still need to have that swimming race with! One day, speedo, one day!

Right so to the point of the letter. I want to tell you guys every thing about me but there are some things I have never told anyone, and other things that have caused older friends to ignore me for months. I...I'm not sure when I'll be able to open up. Charlie you saw how I got once... how bad I ended up feeling and it was over something that barely even makes sense to me anymore. I get so caught up in something that everything else at the time seems insignificant. Hence why I can't tell you both everything.

The things I want to say are long, tedious and have nothing to do with the person I am now. But they're still a bitter memory.

Maybe one day... I hope you can wait.

I love you both.

Love, twin #3


(how awkward are you rachel...)

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