4. Your Siblings

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Hi guys.

I'll do this one by one.

Luke, you are my youngest brother and you are the worst, most annoying brat I have ever met but I love you. You dive on my friends and attack them with huge sticks and throw bottles full of water at them and while we didn't expect you to turn up in the world I wouldn't change anything. You also shot me, Danielle and Matthew...while dressed up in army gear. Danielle gives you piggybacks everywhere because you 'order' her too. YOU ARE SO CHEEKY. When you were born I got trapped with Lauren and Dad in an elevator for an hour and a half. I blame you for my fear of elevators. I hate them so much. You've got this evil little grin that makes me want to run and hide under the coffee table but I can't because it has stuff under it. And you always poke me in the side when I'm on the computer. I swear if you come up to me with a chair on your head ONE MORE TIME... I will scream. Keep your dreams of killing evil aliens with Kieran yeah? By the way...walking around in my shoes is not the most normal of things... Just thought I'd get that out there before you did it again. One day we will finish watching Criminal Minds! And we will complete Final Fantasy 13 again, yeah? YEAH! Love you little man.

Jack. Hey kid. You know, we never used to get along? I'd always play the big sister scary stuff on you when you were coming up to bed and you'd be frightened like hell. Sorry kid. If it helps Mum and Dad got me back so much worse! We talk about a lot of things nowadays. It's nice having someone in my family I can talk to a lot. I know I'm not the most honest of people with you guys but I'm trying to be more open. I guess I'm just used to talking to other people, or keeping it all inside. You're a great kid, I hope you know that and I love you a lot. Even when we fight. You need to get your mind out of the gutter. Honestly... I have no idea where you get it all >_>. THE GAME - MWAHAHAHAH! I'm a nice person. But seriously, where did our dance even come from? I'm half doing it now while I'm typing, haha. Proudest moment ever when we came up with that and showed Lauren who just left the room after calling us idiots. She's just jelous of our genius. DUDE, you are way too energetic. I get tired seeing you just walk around the house when I'm not even out of bed until twelve lately. "Jack, Jack, Jack does my hair look nice?" "It's fine Beth" "Up or down?" "Down" "What about my top?" "BETH YOU LOOK FINE NOW LEAVE." Jeez, calm down. You are my fashion guru.

Lauren. HEY LITTLE SISTER! Well, I can't call you so little anymore can I? You've grown up way too fast, I mean really... I remember when you were little. I'm still REALLY SORRY I shaved half of your hair off... I don't even remember doing it. I was like 3 or 4 but still. And I didn't almost drown you in America ¬_¬ I let you out of the water a second after you kicked me in the stomach. Shouldn't have pushed me in. Anyway, you've been through a lot and sometimes I sit and think about what I could have done to help you through it and then I realise it's the past and it's the future that matters. You're a good girl with absolutely no morals and no brain in that huge head of yours. But I hope you learn some stuff. I don't want to lose my little sister just yet because I happen to love you. SHOCK HORROR. We have our moments of HUGE bitch fights, but otherwise we are fine. I want you to know, I'm here if you want a chat or anything and I'll support you no matter what. Unless you kill someone, in which case, I'm handing you over. Killing is so wrong. TAMANI I LOOOOOOOVE YOU! *orange flash* OMG BETH LOOK IT'S TAMANI CALLING US! *Me and you start shouting* TAM! TAM! TAM! Swear, we are too funny in our good moments. Love you Lollypop.


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