24. The person that gave you your favourite memory

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Well, it's hard to think of an answer for this one. I have some amazing memories but none of them stand out as my favourite. I could say it was watching Cinderella with my Uncle and Gran, or dressing up as Harry to see the last film with my family, or the water fights with my friends, or the sleepover with Jodie or trying to get her to do her vlog, or breaking my bike, or getting my first kiss, or decorating the tree for Christmas every year.

It might be when I completed Final Fantasy 13 the first time! I was jumping about shouting "I FREAKING DID IT! FINALLY!" It took me like two months because I have two brothers who always take the ps3 and play stupid games like FIFA or Call of Duty... then again, my favourite memory could be my first kill on COD. I ran into my Mum and said I killed someone and she said she was so proud. I still think she was being sarcastic.

It might be every time I finish a story and it has a happy ending. Even though I get a weird feeling when I finish a book, because well, it's finished...I still love it. So that could be my favourite. Or just sitting on the floor in the city library with my oldest friend, her boyfriend and my other friend when we were looking at baby books. Or it could be discovering a new song, or band and being excited because their music is amazing.

It might be the first time I fell for someone, even though I got my heart broken. It might be seeing my Nan for the first time in a while, and she gives me cake and strawberries and makes me get past a level on her DS for her. It might be sitting on my roof in the rain, just thinking about nothing and getting soaked.

I guess I really don't have a favourite memory. Everything I listed is a memory of mine, and I guess they're my entire favourite. So the people that gave me my favourite memory are everyone I know.

Thank you.


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