Flashback- Elementary-5th Grade

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Phyllis's POV

I woke up, took a bath, got dressed in my Michael Jackson shirt, baggy pants, and my all-white Nikes,  and walked out of the house. Yes. Your girl was a true tomboy. I walked to the city bus and headed to Folsom Elementary School. I hopped off the bus and headed towards the school in the big city of Chicago. (SideNote: I don't know if there's a school called Folsom in the Chi, but there is in my city, lol)  I got off the bus a block away from school cause I don't want my friends to know that I take the bus to school. I was walking when I hear a cough. I stop. I looked to my right down the alley. I walked down the darkness of the alley. I heard the cough again and I see a little black boy, my age. His face is all messed up, he's holding his stomach. I walk up to him and drop down to my knees. I touch him and he jumps, backing away from me. "Whoa! Hold on there. I'm not gonna hurt you." The boy looks at me. "I'm here to help you," I said. He scuffed and said, "Can't no girl help me!" I backed up. I wanted to walk away but something in me told me that I should really help him. "Please," I started. "I was only trying to help." After a few moments of silence, he asked, "You promise not to hurt me!" I said firmly, "I promise." I held out my hand towards him. He takes it, and I got him to stand. We slowly walk towards the light so we can get help. "So, what's your name?" I asked him. "Christopher.Christopher Maurice Brown." "Well, Christopher Maurice Brown, my name is Phyllis. Phyllis Harmony Washington." He nods as we turn the corner. We're almost at school. "You have a nickname?" He asked. "Pebbles," I said. "Pebbles??" He asked. "Yep.  I like Pebbles from the Flintstones so my brothers called me "Pebbles." "Oh! I I like that." I laughed at his shocked reaction. "You have a nickname." "Just Chris." He said. I scrunched up my face. "Oh no! We need you a nickname. How about Chrissy?" "Too girly." He stated. "Or I can call you messy??" He laughed and then moaned in pain. "It's like that huh?" I laughed and said, "I'm kidding!" "Just so you know, I look way better than how I feel." I said, "I figured." He laughed. "How about Breezy?" He thought about it. "Breezy?" "Yeah, for your last name?" Chris nods. "I dig it." "What's your favorite character?" I asked him. He smiled and said, "Charlie Brown." "PERFECT!!" I exclaimed. "That's gonna be my nickname for you." He nods. "As long as Pebbles is my nickname for you." I nod and agreed. We shake on it as we walk through the doors of the school. I help him sit down as a teacher walks up to us. The teacher screamed as she asked us what happened. I told her my side of the story as Chris told his. The teacher called both our parents and they were both on their way. We were sitting there when a group of boys walks into the office. I look at Chris as his face goes from a rosy red to a pale look. I arched my eyebrow.  "Chris, are these the boys who did this?" 

Chris's POV

I couldn't move. I wanted to go and cry but my daddy said crying is for punks. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes tightly so I won't cry. Especially in front of a girl. I look at Phyllis. She looks so mad. Her face went red, like red hot red, and her fist was closed tight. "Chris, did those boys did this to you?" She asked me again. I only nodded my head. She got up and charged to the leader of the group. She knocked him down and climbed on top of him, punching the daylights out of him. I got up and limped towards her. I tried to get her off him. He was yelling "GET THIS LITTLE GIRL OFF ME!" Phyllis said, "I GOT YOUR LITTLE GIRL, YOU PUNK!" She kept punching him, not backing down when this light skin lady walks in. She looks over Phyllis and she drops everything. She runs towards her and picked her up with one hand. Phyllis yells, " AND IF YOU MESS WITH MY FRIEND AGAIN, IMA SHOW YOU HOW MUCH DAMAGE I CAN REALLY DO! RUN UP ON IT! I DARE YOU!!!" I stand in my spot in total shock. I gotta say ol girl got hands. Every punch she made, made a contact with his face. "Phyllis Harmony Washington!!!!" I take it that this woman was her mom. "This is NOT ladylike behavior! Say Sorry! NOW!" Phyllis took a deep breath and said, "I apologize." The boy said, "You should be sorry, you white trashy b#^!h!" Phyllis's mama stepped back and Phyllis ran upon him again! This time I pulled Phyllis off him, despite my pain. He got up and gave me a lick! I punched him in his face and his crew came and started to jump me. Teachers were pulling them off me and Phyllis came running towards my side, pushing the boys off me. "Breezy, you ok?" she asked me with a look of concern on my face. "Yea, Pebs. I'm fine." Suddenly I heard a rich deep voice. "Young Lady, you can step away from my son now." We looked up to see my father standing over me. She grabs my hand and pulls me up. Phyllis walks over to the lady and hugs her. My father looks at them and then at the lady. He looks at me. "Son, what happened?" I sighed and said, "I was walking to school when them boys asked me for my money for lunch. I told them no and they jumped me." "Do they have your money?" "No Sir." He nods his head. He looks at the damage done to my face. He lifts up my shirt and sees that my stomach is black and blue from when they kicked me. He puts my shirt down and bows his head. He looks over at the lady and Phyllis and we walked over to them. "Miss," I began. "I'm sorry. Phyllis had nothing to do with this. This is all me fault." Her mother shook her head. "No, son,  it's quite alright. Phyllis told me what happened and them boys got what they deserve, especially after calling my daughter out her name." "Well, Lisa. You taught her how to fight well." Miss. Lisa looks at him confused. "I didn't teach her how to do that." She looked at Phyllis and asked, "Pebbles, who taught you to do that kind of damage?" Phyllis shrugged. "Nobody. I watch Jon, and Mike fight one time and it just kinda stuck." "WellI be damned." Miss Lisa said. "MA!" Phyllis said. We laughed. That confirmed my assumption that that was indeed her mom. "How you been, Lis? Haven't seen you since high school?" Miss Lisa replied, "Busy. I have a daughter and 2 sons." My dad looked at her face and said, "Chris, why don't you and Phyllis sit over there while me and Miss. Lisa has a talk." I grabbed Phyllis by the hand we walked over to the other couch and we sat down. "You didn't have to do that you know? Now you're gonna be in big trouble." Phyllis shrugged and replied, "So! I wasn't gonna sit here and let them beat you up again." "Did you mean what you said? When you called me your friend?" Phyllis nods her head. "Yes, that's if you want us to be," I said. "I would love to be friends with you." Phyllis turns to me and said, "Alright. Promise that we will always have each other's backs, no matter what?" I held out my pinky and said, "No matter what!" We pinky promised and we continued to talk.

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