Episode 6

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Sitaram and Rahman

Sitaram never thought he would be in jail. At least not this way. He always dreamt of becoming a pilot and serve in the Air Force. He wanted himself to be called Air Marshall Chavali Sitaram Shastri. After taking the necessary courses required for becoming a pilot, he took 6 months training at the RAF Vizagapatnam airstrip regarding the operation of fighter planes of the Royal Air Force. He was very inspired by the role of Air Force in wars and always wanted to go for a war. As a child, he followed the first world war. Even though war meant destruction and loss of life, he didn't really see it like that. He wanted to save the people from all the suffering and he was ready to even start a war for that. His dream was delayed when the British Raj was hesitant to recruit Indians, because of all the Swaraj movements and Satyagrahas against the Britishers. So he was appointed to work at the Governor-General's place in Palnadu. That's where he met Rahman.

Syed Rahman Khan was a very kind man who was very simple and took each moment in a jovial way. He never took anything seriously. It was only after marriage that he started to work on his life as he has to take care of his family and his wife Sultana Begum. That's when he decided to join the Air Force, as his father served in the Royal Air Force during World War One. He thought it would be easier to get some post through lineage and since he was a Muslim, and the Muslim League too was looking for the upbringing of their community in British India. Thus he applied for a post in the Royal Air Force only to get it dismissed as there were enough people in the force. That's when he heard about the British Raj forming a separate Organization for Indians in the form of The Royal Indian Air Force through people working at RAF Secunderabad. He then decided to apply for that and in the meantime got appointed at the Governor-General's place in Palnadu. He was very nervous to work, but somehow got the confidence and inspiration from his colleague Sitaram. That's how they started their journey as friends.

"Why didn't you speak anything Sitaram? Why were you silent? We have been trapped in this case. You know that.. you have been talking about this all the time in the hospital. SAY SOMETHING SITARAM!!" shouted Rahman. "What should I say? Even though after seeing Rajan, the man behind this plan, besides Stinson, I didn't think Stinson would have believed me." replied Sitaram. "Rajan? That maadarchod. I will kill him once I get out. You knew about him and didn't tell Stinson about it.!! You should have at least tried to tell him." said Rahman. "I tried to. But after seeing him and the soldiers that surrounded us, I came to a conclusion that if I say anything, it will go in a different way. That's why I didn't speak." Sitaram spoke while they were being given the items required for them to stay in the jail cells. Rahman and Sitaram were placed in opposite cells in the Buckingham Canal Wing of the Jail.

Rahman looked at Sitaram from his cell. He was tensed as he never thought of getting arrested and being in Jail. He was worrying about his wife. Sitaram sensed the feelings of Rahman. He was feeling sorry for him as he couldn't do anything to help him. Sitaram decided to stay calm and also asked Rahman to stay calm until their Punishment term is completed. Even though his mind was messed up about the robbery case and their arrest, he still thought about those lovely blue eyes, whenever he felt angry or irritated. "I will definitely meet you again, Anamika.." he uttered looking at his shadow cast by the Full moon light from his Cell window. It was as beautiful as those Blue eyes...

______________To be Continued

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