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(just wanted to say, after this chapter you're going to have a very good sense of navigation the area around our house and inside, so there won't be much dialogue o you trying to find things, I'll also mention this in the next chapter in case people skip this ;))

-7 years later-
(your pov)
i quickly hid the scratchy slips of green paper into the dusty box i got many years,ago. i was always afraid of someone breaking into my little home and stealing my money, so i had to hide it everytime i took it out, or i would be anxious. i laugh a little remembering how i ended up getting this rich in the first place.
I walked into town with a clean white cloak on, the hood over my head. The bottom of the chalk colored cloak had scarlet roses painted across the bottom, i made it myself. mother passed several weeks ago, i buried her body in our small, leaf covered backyard. i placed her to body right behind the old, dusty red car i used to hold so dearly to my heart. Though, I stopped visiting as it brought to many memories back to my already rotting mind. I wish someone could heal me.

im young, and i cannot get a job, there are two reason to that rule. 1. I look too much like my mother, it will bring suspicions and rumor.
2.im only 10, a child, this is also a good reason I own this cloak, to cover my face from the crowd. And to counter back my financial issues, i've decided to sell that rare diamond that appeared at my doorstep on my birthday.

i've heard of a man that lives alone in a shack. he supposedly brings in alot of money somehow, so i'm venturing out to find him. after finding the shack, the woman i got directions from told me the way it looked, it's not normal. Theres bulky painted letters stacked on the roof. The 's' starting the word 'shack' leaning forward to the second story of the nicely built. It looks As if it would break off at any moment. The woman directed me to where i should walk, but since i couldn't see, i just predicted were she said. Moving forward, i walked cautiously at the path, hoping it leading to the entrance. i knocked on the door once i thought i found it, footsteps and groans of annoyance soon followed. the door was finally swung open, hitting the wall behind it with a thud. i cringed remembering something.

"Sorry were closed on saturday-" the male voice shot his words to me loudly but ended in a whisper.

"ugh, you must be the girl I've heard that's been asking questions about me, what do you need?" he questions irritably. A smile spread against my cheeks, he made me sound as if i was spreading rumors, but all i did was inquire a few people about him.

"h-heavens no!!, i'm here to ask if i could sell you something" my words seem to perk his entrance.

"oh no, not another one of you cookie sellers, i told you i didnt want your friggin troop here again!" he said angrily, sipping sounds came from him, he must be drinking something, coffee?

"c-cookie sellers, what are y-you talking about, sir, i'm here to sell you this diamonde i have-" my mouth clamped shut, uh oh, i wasn't supposed to mention the diamond yet.

"diamond you say, as in jewels?!" he said, suddenly excited.

"well, just one. i-i wanted to know if you could buy it from me.." i feel like he made a expression that seemed he was planning something.

"ahhh, so how much would you want for this jewel?"
"a tradesmen said he would give me about 10-13 million for it..."
i said, lying right through my teeth. it seemed he was going to pull some tricks on me , i will use a few of my own.

"13 million?!?!? i thought i was the only one around here that had that kind of money saved up!" he shouted surprisingly, bingo. "wait a second i'll go get my money" he told and left, footsteps trailing him, what is he planning. he arrived almost minutes later, i could almost feel his presence at the door. After losing my sight, it's almost been as if all my other senses have been heightened.

"now, before we start giving offers, let me see this diamond of yours." he said smoothly. i took the diamond out from my pocket, holding it tightly in my hand as i presented the rock to him. it was almost as if the gears in his brain started spinning at a rapid speed.

"Holy cow, this things as big as an egg!! you get get at least 30 million at the most for this!!!" he said, as if dollar signs were in his eyes

"w-wow, really??" i asked, surprised, i know i was trying to heighten the original price, but was it really that expensive, why would anyone leave this on my doorstep!!?? he seemed to get serious after that

"ok, lets make a deal, 25 million and that's it"
"are you trying to pull my back out kid, i said that's it"
"but you just said it was worth 30 million"
"hey look, i'm a cheapskate, and i'm not really wanting to go broke here"
"wait, so you have more money than 26 million??!!"
"Just tell me your answer to my offer!!!"
"....-sigh- okay, here" i said, handing the jewel to him after finding his hand, i heard the snapping of locks being opened, he must of took out the money. rolling it up and putting rubber bands around it slightly. "please don't steal it, i need the cash"

"Alright, alright, just gotta check one thing, jeezz you remeind me of my daughter." after finishing his sentence i sensed him raising his hand high above his head, thrusting his arm back and then swinging it forward, chucking the diamond far away at the pavement.the sound it made was a loud, echoing thing that slightly hurt my ears.

"why would you do that you psycho?!?!" i screamed, running after the sound of the money source hurriedly. I cupped it in my hands from the gravel after feeling it. sighing in relief that it wasn't broken. he followed over, picking up the rock, examining it.

"haha, guess it the real deal, here ya go,weirdo" he handed me a case after talking, i lowered my eyebrows at what he called me.

"thanks, nice doing business with you!" i smiled, but he couldn't see it. his footsteps walked away from me, going back to his door,

"Nooo problem, kiddo" he slammed the door , i could hear him running away, i chuckled, picking up the case. no point in checking it since i'm not able to see.
-flashback end-

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