Pretty little head

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It had been a week since the new girls arrived and honestly not a lot has changed. Jack was back at school and enjoying being with his friends.

Everyone was going to Sophia's house and playing 21 questions. They all sat in the middle of the room and started to play.

Everyone asked pretty boring questions until Jack. He had a specific question to ask.


"Yes jack?"

"Why aren't you mad at me..?"

Finn's smile was wiped off his face. He didn't want to talk about this here.

"I- uhh um I-i duh-don't really know..." his voice trailed off. Sophia couldn't just sit there and watch this torture.

"Are you serious Finn? You can't be serious. You are going to just lie to yourself and Jack forever?"

"Lillis, what are you taking about" Finn replied sternly.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about and I'm sure Jack has a pretty good idea"

Jack sat there silent. As did everyone else. No one has ever seen Sophia outburst like this.

"Sophia I'm sorry I have no clue what you are saying though it seems like all of you do." Jack said to break the silence. Everyone awkwardly looked away.

"Finn! He saw you hurting yourself and helped you and you HURT him you fucking punched him as hard as you could and he still loves you!!! HE HAS ALWAYS LOVED YOU!!! We all know it so just own up already!" Right after she said it her mind caught up and she covered her mouth in gaping shock turning towards Finn.

Everyone was shocked just the same at what Sophia did. How could she do that to her best friend? Jack was sitting flushed red with tears in his eyes. Finn looked directly at Sophia with red cheeks and tear filled eyes but rage and anger in them as well.

Sophia, still covering her mouth, shook her head slowly.

"Finn I-"

"Do you really think I care anymore about your apologies?" Finn asked standing from the circle.

"Finn listen-"

"No Sophia you listen! You had no right to say any of that. Look what you did. Look at everyone. Look at Jack. Don't you dare try and pull one of your bullshit apologies. I'm so done with all your crap!! Jesus. fuck off and don't talk to me again. Bye"

And with that Finn stormed out the door and Sophia ran to her bedroom. Jaeden just walked over and hugged Jack as he sobbed into his arms.

"Let's take you home Jack, okay?" Jaeden asked sympathetically. Jack nodded in response and Jaeden helped him up with one arm as they walked out the door leaving everyone seated in the room.

"Why would she say that?" Sadie asked finally speaking up.

"I've never seen her like that in my whole life." Wyatt said.

"Let's just... leave her with her thoughts" Jeremy said standing along with everyone except Millie.

"I-I'm just go-going to stay here if that's okay?"

Everyone nodded and left Millie alone. She thought for a second before getting up to go check on Sophia.

Millie walked to the end of the hall and saw Sophia's shut door. It was painted white and had a poster on the outside that had 'Sophia" written on it is white cursive on a black background.

Millie hesitated a moment before reaching up to knock on the door. Before her knuckles even collided with the wood Sophia called out.

"Don't knock. I know you're there whoever you are you can just go away."

"Sophia, it's Millie. Please open up."

Millie heard no response.

"Everyone left it's just me and you, you better let me in."

Now the door clicked, unlocking, and the knob turned. Sophia's head popped out. Her short hair was messed and and clearly she was crying with tears still streaming down her cheeks.

Millie came in and quietly shut the door. She went and sat down beside Sophia on the edge of her bed.

"Mills, don't ask why I said it I don't know. It just came out and it was Finn's job to say it IF it was even true. I'm such a bad friend."

"Soph, don't think that. You didn't ty to hurt anyone's feelings. You just got fed up with all the lying." Millie wrapped her arms around Sophia and that made her feel enveloped in love.

Sophia wiped the tears from her face and smiled. She focused her gaze on Millie. Millie could stare into Sophia's blue/green eyes all day. She could become lost in those eyes that reflected every emotion Sophia was feeling.

Sophia looked into Millie's deep brown eyes and saw love and compassion. Before either of them knew it they were both leaning in. Millie's eyes fluttered shut and Sophia's followed until their lips collided.

In books and movies everyone exaggerates kisses. But this time it felt like a long awaited moment. It was short but when the girls soft lips touched for that short moment all they felt in that moment was love.

Millie pulled back and Sophia covered her mouth. She waited and waited and now realized who it was that had kissed her in the closet.

No one said anything and Millie got up and left the house. Sophia was still sitting, shocked, on her bed.

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