Chapter 3

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John Smith follows the Chief into his home. "Come sit. So, what is it you want to speak with me about?" The chief asks. They both sit down.  "Sir, I would like to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage." John says nervously. The Chief looks deep into his eyes. "Do you truly love her with all of your heart?"

"Yes I love her more than anything in the world." John says with a nervous and caring look on his face. "Well, As long as you two are happy, then you have my blessing." John smiles really big. "Oh Thank you sir. I promise to love and protect her from any harm." John says as they both stand. "My pleasure now go find her." The chief says shooing him. "Thank you." John says as he runs off to find her.

John races to find his fiancé. He finds her back at the camp fire. "So? what did he say?" Pocahontas asked. "He said yes." Pocahontas smiled at John. John picks her up and twirls her around. Then they kiss.  The chief gets everyone's attention.
"Attention everyone! I have an announcement to make." Everyone gathers and stays silent.

The chief raises his staff and motions for his daughter to stand next to him. She walks till she is by his side. "My daughter is getting married to our new friend John smith!" He shouts. The crowd cheers. Pocahontas hugs her Father. "Thank you Father." She says with a really big smile on her face. "He has proven himself worthy." Pocahontas smiles. Then John comes over.

Everyone celebrates and congratulates The couple. The whole village celebrates by dancing. Pocahontas teaches John how to do one of the Indian dances. He isn't very good at first but gets the hang of it. "I really didn't dance much back in London." He says with a little chuckle. "Oh you are doing great for a first timer." She says as she continues to dance with him. Soon the couple sneaks out to their secret hiding spot.

They sit on Grandmother Willow's stump. "Grandmother Willow! We're back!" Pocahontas shouts. Then a sweet face appears on the old tree. "Oh Pocahontas! John Smith! You have returned! Come give me a hug!" She says. They both hug the big tree. Grandmother Willow's vines wraps around them. They release from the tree hug and sit back down on the stump.

"Grandmother Willow, I need to talk to you." Pocahontas says as John tries to calm her nerves. "Oh what is it my child?" Grandmother Willow asked with a concerned look on her face. "Grandmother Willow! John asked me to marry him and then he asked my father and he said yes! We are getting married." She says with lots of excitement.

"Oh my goodness child! That's wonderful!" She then looks at John. "Now you take care of my Pocahontas! If you don't I will personally punish you! Do you understand?" She asked. John franticly nods. The old Willow tree laughed. "Good." She says. They sit and talk for a while. Soon the happy couple has to leave. They bid their good-byes and run into the Forest. They run around and finally stop where they first met, at the waterfall. They sit down and embrace each other in their arms. They then kiss very passionately and lie down next to each other. They keep kisses each other until they accidentally fall asleep together.

The Next Day

Pocahontas wakes up very early and realized that she slept next to her fiance all night. She quickly shakes John awake. "John! John! Wake up!" She says. He wakes up and smiles. "Good morning to you too." "I'm sorry it's just that if father wakes up and notices we're not in our homes we are going to be in big trouble." She says franticly. He sits up.

"Can I at least get a good morning kiss?" He asks. She smiles and nods. She kisses his lips very passionately. When they break away. Pocahontas stands up and helps John off the ground. They quickly go back to their homes and lie down until the sun rises.

Pocahontas and John SmithWhere stories live. Discover now