Chapter 11

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Pocahontas slept for a solid two hours before she needed to throw up again. John holds her hair back and rubs her back. "There, there, let it out." John says with pride. He was still really excited and proud about being a father. After Pocahontas was done throwing up, she realized that she hasn't seen her father or Best friend all day. "John.... Will you go get My father, Adoette, and Nakoma please? I'm too sick to go anywhere." She asks. John nods. He gives her a kiss and runs off.

John runs to Nakoma's tent. He knocks on the side of the house. "Come in." She yells. He walks in. "Oh John! Have you seen Pocahontas? I haven't seen her all day." Nakoma asked with worry. "Don't worry she is fine. She is sick at home." John says with a grin. Nakoma lets out a sigh of relief. "Why are you smiling? My best friend could have a disease." She states. "No but I think she wants to tell you herself." He says helping Nakoma up. "Oh ok great. Let's go." Nakoma says. Nakoma and John go back to Pocahontas's home. They enter the house to see her throwing up. "Pocahontas what's wrong?" Nakoma asks rushing to her side.  Pocahontas stops throwing up finally and hugs her best friend. "There's nothing wrong. Actually that's why I wanted to see you." Nakoma looks confused. "Nakoma, I'm Pregnant." Pocahontas says with a smile. Nakoma smiles and they both start to squeal. John doesn't like that very much. The girls start talking like crazy. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe this! My best friend is going to have a baby!" "I know! And I wanted to ask if you wanted to be the Aunt?" Pocahontas asks. Nakoma is overjoyed. "Are you kidding? Of course I do!" She says excitedly. They both squeal again. John walks over. "Ok that's enough! My Pocahontas can't have too much excitement. It's not good for the baby." John says very strongly. "Come on John, we are just excited for the baby." Pocahontas says. "Yes but too much squealing can be bad for the baby!" John says. "Fine! We won't squeal anymore. When did you get so protective?" She asks. "Since you became pregnant. In fact you need to lie down." He says as he lies her down on the bed. Nakoma giggles. "He's probably right, you do need your rest. So I will see you later ok?" Nakoma asks as she hugs her best friend. "Ok but don't be a stranger, come and visit please." Pocahontas says. Nakoma smiles and gets up. "Don't worry I will come back tomorrow and see you." Nakoma says as she waves. Then she leaves. After she leaves, The Chief walks in. "Father! I'm so glad you came. How did you know I wanted to see you?" Pocahontas asks her Father. "The wind told me." He says as he sits down. "Oh great! I have big news!" Pocahontas says. "What is it My Daughter?" John seemed very nervous. Pocahontas squeezed his hand to reassure everything was going to be alright. "Father, I'm Pregnant!" The chief was very shocked. Then he looks at John. "You got my daughter pregnant?" He asks. John starts to sweat and gets super nervous. The chief laughs. "Oh come on! I'm joking. I'm glad you two are going to have a child." He says with another laugh. John lets out a sigh of relief and laughs nervously. "Now, you get some rest, and take care of that grand child of mine." The chief says as he gets up and starts to walk out. "Oh and John? Take care of my daughter and make sure she has everything she needs." John nods nervously. The chief walks out. "Don't worry John. I have everything I need right here." She says as she pulls him close and kisses his lips. John smiles. "Thanks babe. I love you. Is it ok if I rub your stomach?" John asks. Pocahontas nods with excitement. John puts his arms around her and his hand on her stomach and rubs very lightly. "Oh John, that feels nice." She says. "I'm glad you like it." He replied. Pocahontas snuggles against his chest. "I love you Captain." She says with that voice that drives him crazy. "Oh I love you too baby. Oh you know that voice drives me crazy." He says as he continues to rub her stomach. She pulls him into a beautiful passionate kiss. He kisses back harder. They find each other playing tug of war with their lips.  John took his wife's dress off and She took his shirt off. Suddenly Pocahontas pulls out of the kiss. John was a little disappointed. "Why did you stop?" He asked. "John.... I'm tired. When you're pregnant, you get tired easily. I love you and this baby loves you too, but we need to rest." She says. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know. Here, let's get you wrapped up." John says as he swaddles her in the blankets. "Thank you babe. I love you." She says as she snuggles back into his chest. "Of course baby, now you get some rest." He says as he kisses her goodnight. She kisses him back and drifts off to sleep.

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