Chapter 18

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1 month later

Pocahontas was due to have her baby any time now. John has her laying in bed until she gives birth because he wants her to save all her strength for the day of the birth. Little did they know she was going to need all the strength she had to give birth and escape from John Rolfe.

Meanwhile on the ship

John Rolfe and his crew had just arrived in Jamestown. He immediately gets into a row boat and rows to shore. Then immediately looks for his bride. Rolfe's crew didn't like that he was willing to kill to get what he wants, but there was nothing they do. "Ok men! You are all free to sit and relax for a while, as for me I will go get what I came here for." He says with an evil laugh.

Pocahontas was laying in bed by herself. John went to go take care of some things for when the baby comes. Then she suddenly feels the wind swirls around her. "What? What is it?" She asks as she listens with her heart. The wind told her about Rolfe. "No! I knew it wasn't just a nightmare!" She says as she gets up out of bed very slowly and walks to the window to see if she can see anything. She doesn't see the other ship, so she walks up to the top deck and looks around to make sure nobody is around. She waddles down the ramp. She then makes her way to John. She was slow but made her way to house.

John Rolfe didn't know where the village was and got lost in the woods. Lucky for John Smith and Pocahontas because that bought them so time. Rolfe kept searching and searching. He wasn't going to give up until he found her.

John Smith just finished up packing the things they needed for the baby. Then he started his way back to the ship and finds his wife walking towards him. "John!" She yells as she waddles faster. John starts running. "Pocahontas! What are you doing here? I told you to stay in bed." "Yes! I know and I would have but the wind told me that John Rolfe is here! The nightmares were true!" She yells as she hugs him tightly. "Oh my gosh are you sure?" He asks. "Yes John! The wind is never wrong!" She says as she starts to cry. "Well, let's get you inside so you are safe. I will go get help." He says as he takes her inside their house and helps her lie down. "But John! The baby could come any moment and I'm really scared." She says with tears running down her face.  "Shhhhhh..... It's alright I will send Nakoma and Adoette to comfort you. Now you get some rest for when our baby comes." He says as he kisses her head. Then he runs off to get help.

John Rolfe finally found the village. He smiled. He finally made it. Now he had to find Pocahontas. He looked for her house after house until he found her house. He looked inside and there she was sleeping. She had a heavy thick blanket over her, or so he thought. He walks in and Pocahontas freaks out. "Hey hey, it's alright sweetheart. I'm John Rolfe. We are going to live happily ever after." He says as he brushes his hand against her face. She pulls away. "Hey I promise I will make a great husband and take care of you." He says. "No I will never go with you! I am already Married to John Smith!" She yells. Rolfe looked furious. "What?! Well we will have to take care of that." He says as he pats her hand. "Don't you dare go near my husband!" She yells. "I'm sorry darling but I'm afraid I will have to. You can't have two husbands can you?"  He asks with a smirk on his  face. Pocahontas looks horrified.

John Smith runs through the village and immediately goes to the Chief's house. He knocks on the side of the house frantically. "Come in!" He hears Powatan says. John runs in and starts panting. "John Smith! What is going on? Is it time for the baby to come?" "No not yet but we have bigger problems. Remember when I told you about John Rolfe?" He asks. Powatan nods. "Well, he's here and he's here for Pocahontas." The Chief's eyes widen. "I need Adoette and Nakoma to protect her at our house while we go and fight!" He yells. "Ok luckily Adoette is right here. Adoette you go get Nakoma and head to Pocahontas's house. John and I will gather the men and fight this guy." Adoette nods and kisses his cheek then runs off to Nakoma's house. "Ok John let's hurry and gather the men. We may not have much time before he gets to her." The Chief says worriedly. "Yes sir." John says. Then they go and gather the men.

John Rolfe was still with Pocahontas. He grabbed her and smashed his lips against hers. She fought it. She pushed him off and slowly got up. "Now don't make me.... Woah! You're Pregnant?!" He asked. "Yes I'm Pregnant! Why else did you think I was so huge under the blanket?!" "Well I assumed it was a very thick blanket." Rolfe says as shock appears on his face. Then he gets angry. Pocahontas tries to get out of there, but she was too slow due to the baby. Rolfe grabbed her arm tightly. "Ouch!!!! Let go!" She says as she pulls away from him. "No. You are coming with me!" He says as he starts to drag her out of the house. "No she's not!" Adoette says as she block his path. Rolfe laughs. "And who are you? Her mother?" "Yes she is! Now let me go!" Pocahontas says. "Oh like I would be scared of your mother." He says as he tries to get around Adoette. Adoette punches Rolfe in the face causing him to fall. "Run!  Pocahontas!" Adoette says. Pocahontas moves as quickly as she can. She gets quite a bit further this time, but she still wasn't fast enough. Rolfe had knocked Adoette out and came running back to Pocahontas. He grabs her and pulls her in the other direction towards the ships.

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