Chapter 7

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Pocahontas was soon visited by her best friend. "Oh Pocahontas, what's the matter?" Nakoma asks. "Oh Nakoma, I'm scared about John Smith. I'm scared I might lose him." Pocahontas cries. Nakoma pulls her best friend into a big hug. "Pocahontas, John is the best fighter we have since Kocoum died. He will make it. I can feel it." She tells her. Pocahontas smiles. Nakoma quickly changes the subject. "So where is this dress I keep hearing about?" Nakoma asks with her hands on her hips. Pocahontas giggles and gets up and gets her dress out. Nakoma comes over and coos over it. "I love it! Let's put some white flowers on it, and make it flow at the bottom." Nakoma suggested. Pocahontas nods in agreement. "So have you guys talked about kids?" Nakoma asks as she helps Pocahontas sew her dress. Pocahontas smiles. "Yes we did he says he can't wait. I told him I wanted to wake up one morning and find out there is a child inside me." "And what did he say?" Nakoma asks anxiously. "He said he understands." Pocahontas says with a smile.
"Oh my goodness. That's exciting. I'm so glad you found him." Nakoma says with a huge grin on her face. Pocahontas giggles. By the end of the day they had finished her dress. It was beautiful. Then Pocahontas and Nakoma wait until the war was over.

At the battlefield, The Great Powhatan tells the enemy that they do not wish to fight but will if needed. A lot of the soldiers surrendered. Radcliffe was really angry. The two enemies ended up fighting anyhow. John helped shoot guns and stuff like that. John hid behind one of the Indians aiming at Radcliffe. If He could shoot Radcliffe he would be dead in one shot. Unfortunately Radcliffe moves and John keeps moving until he can get a clear shot again. All the soldiers fight like crazy. Then after hours of fighting. John gets a clear shot and shoots Radcliffe right in the neck. Radcliffe falls to the ground. He was dead instantly. Then the war stops. Once Radcliffe was dead his soldiers gave up and came over to the good side. They all decided to head to the camp fire to celebrate. John asked The Great Powhatan to be excused from the celebration of the occasion to go see his fiance. "Of course go and comfort her and then bring her to come see me." The chief says. John smiles and nods and goes to comfort his fiance.

Meanwhile Pocahontas and Nakoma were asleep in Pocahontas's home. John walks in and sees them sleeping. "Pocahontas, Nakoma! I'm home!" He shouts. Pocahontas wakes up and gasps. Nakoma wakes up and hugs John and Pocahontas then leaves. Pocahontas runs into John's arms. John picks her up and spins her around. They embrace very tightly. Then they pull into a powerful kiss. The wind whirled around the couple, causing Pocahontas's hair go up. When their lips part from each other, the wind goes away. "Oh John! I have been so worried. Are you hurt?" She asks as she looks for wounds. John chuckles. "Pocahontas, I'm fine. If anything I have a couple of bruises."

Pocahontas smiles and hugs him tightly. "Oh John, I missed you so much." He rubs her back. "I missed you too." "Come on, there is a  celebration at the campfire." John says. Pocahontas tries to move but she was frozen from the trama. "John could you carry me? My legs are frozen from fear." She says with tears in her eyes. John picks her up and carries her in his arms. He kisses her head and takes her to the camp fire.

They found the camp fire and Pocahontas saw her father. "John take me to father please." She says. He nods. Her father comes towards them. "Wingopo Father." She says as she tries to stand. She seems to stand just fine but she is still tramatized from fear so, she still can't move her legs. "Wingopo daughter. What is wrong with your legs?" Her father asks. "Sir, she was tramatized by the war. She was really worried and scared. Her legs are still recovering sir." John says. "Oh well I'm sorry my daughter. Well the war is over and our villages are safe once again. So why don't you and John cuddle by the fire. You need to get those legs working. We have a wedding tomorrow." The cheif says.

She nods and kisses her father's cheek. Then John picks her up and carries her over to the camp fire. He lies her in his lap. She smiles at him. She couldn't ask for a better fiance. He took care of her like he was her husband. Which is all she has ever wished for. He caresses her hair. She loves him so much. "Pocahontas, you look beautiful." John says as he looks deeply into Pocahontas's beautiful brown eyes. She blushes. "Thank you. I'm going to look ever prettier tomorrow. I finished my dress and it's beautiful, but you can't see it until I walk down the isle. Otherwise we will have bad luck for the rest of our lives." She says with a flirty smile. John chuckles. "Well we don't want that. We want to make sure our wedding goes great, and we definitely want to have a great honeymoon, and we want to make sure you can deliver our children safely into our world." He says as he leans down and kisses her. Then Pocahontas's legs start to move. "John...... John! I can move my legs." She says. John gives her an exciting look. "Oh that's wonderful baby!" He says as he kisses her again. After a while Pocahontas gets tired. So John picks her up and takes her to bed. He kisses her once more and she snuggles up in his chest. Then they both fall asleep.

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