Chapter 24

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A week later

Everyone was so excited for the ceremony. They decorated the trees with ribbons and bows. They made a little headdress for little John. They were going to carry Pocahontas on a chair made out of wood. Pocahontas wakes up and sees that her husband wasn't there. She sits up and stretches. Then she noticed little John wasn't there either. "John?" She asks. Then she gets up and walks to the bathroom to see if they were in there. There was no sign of John and little John. "Hmmmm maybe they went to get breakfast." She thinks out loud. So she gets dressed and makes their bed. Then she walks out to the camp fire. She still didn't see her husband. "Pocahontas!" Her Father calls. She walks over and hugs him. "Wingapo Father." "Where is that handsome grandson of mine?" He asks. "Well actually I was going to ask if you have seen my husband and son?" She asks getting kinda worried. "Come to think of it no I haven't." He says. Pocahontas becomes worried. "Well they weren't on the ship when I woke up." She says.
"Oh well, don't worry my daughter, I'm sure he's just trying to do something special for you." The chief says putting one hand on her shoulder. She nods at the thought of that. "It's true." She thought to herself. John was always surprising her with gifts and affection. She loved that about him. Soon she sees Nakoma. She walks over and hugs her best friend. "Oh Pocahontas. I'll bet you are excited." Nakoma says. "Well I would be more excited if I knew where my husband and son were." She says with a worried look on her face. "Oh. Well you know John. He loves to spoil you. He probably has a surprise for you." She says. "Yeah that's what father said too, but I would think he would be back by now." Pocahontas says as she crossed her arms with worry. Nakoma hugs her best friend. "Don't worry Pocahontas I'm sure he will turn up soon." She says with a supportive smile. Just as Pocahontas was about to go look for them, John shows up with their son. Pocahontas runs up to him and hugs him. "John where have you been? I woke up and you and little John were gone." She says. "Well I was working on a surprise for you and decided to take our little boy with us and we were having so much fun, we lost track of time." John says. "Awe John. That's so sweet. I love you." She says as she kisses his lips. "I love you too Pocahontas." He says. Then they walk back towards the bonfire. The chief walks over to them. "Ah there they are! Where have you been? You are a little late for the ceremony." Powatan tells John. "Well I was working on a surprise for my wife and lost track of time. Sorry sir." John says as he hands their son to Pocahontas's father. The chief smiles at Pocahontas. "See I told you he was." He says. Pocahontas nods. "Yes Father you were right." She says with a smile. Then The Great Powatan raises his staff the get the villagers' attention. "Attention Everyone I would like to thank you all for coming to the ceremony of my grandson, Little John. Shall we begin?" He asked. The villagers cheered. Then The great Powatan takes the headdress for little John and places it on the little baby's head. Then he raised little John up to the sky so everyone could see him. Then he hands the little baby to Pocahontas. Pocahontas smiles. "Now Pocahontas, do you solemnly swear to  love and cherish this boy and to raise him to be caring and compassionate and grow to be a great chief some day?" The chief asks. "Yes I do." The chief turns to John Smith. "And do you John Smith, swear to love and cherish this boy and raise him to be caring and compassionate and grow to be a great Chief some day?" He asks. "I do." John says as he smiles at his little boy. The chief smiles and takes the child and raised him in the air. "I now pronounce Little John! a brand new addition to our tribe!" He says with joy. The villagers all cheer for the new addition to their tribe. Then they bring out a huge chair made out of bamboo. They place it on the ground. Pocahontas walks over and sits in the chair. Her Father brings her son over to her. Pocahontas takes her son and smiles at him. Then four of the villagers come and pick the chair up with them in it. The villagers carry them around the village. The villagers followed and started shouting and cheering for the new little baby. Pocahontas continues to smile at her son. She thought he was adorable in his little headdress. After a couple of hours of being carried around, they put the chair back on the ground in front of the bonfire. Pocahontas smiles and gets out of the chair and walks back over to her Father and husband. "Congratulations my daughter. I am so proud of you both." He says as he hugs Pocahontas. Then he kisses Little John's head. Pocahontas smiles again. "Thank you Father. So when are you and Adoette getting married?" Pocahontas asked curiously. She used to not like the idea of him marrying again but she finally realized that it's what her mother would have wanted. "Well My Daughter, we want you to recover from giving birth but we are aiming for about 2 months." The chief says confidently. "That sounds great! I'll have plenty of time make my dress. Oh and I can help  Adoette with her dress." Pocahontas says excitedly. The Great Powatan smiles. "Oh Pocahontas. I'm so glad you two have learned to get along." He says. "Oh Father. Me too..... But don't think that because I'm helping plan your wedding, means that you get to see the dress before the wedding! Because you won't get to!" She says as she points her finger at her father. Her Father laughs. "I wouldn't think it to be any other way." He says with a big smile on his face. Pocahontas smiles and nods in agreement. They go back to the celebration and enjoy the rest of the evening.

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