chapter 10

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Several months later

After a couple of months of sailing the seas and having a wonderful honeymoon, The newlyweds decided to head home. After a few months, they finally made it home. Pocahontas got excited as they reached her land. As soon as they got close enough to the shore, she jumps over the railing and off the boat. She swims to shore. "Pocahontas! Where are you going?" John shouts. She stand on the land and turns around. "I'm going to visit my people, when you are finished unloading the ship, I will be in the village." She says. She blows him a kiss and runs off. He smiles. Thomas comes up and pats his friend on the back. "John you picked quite a woman." He says. John chuckles. "Yes I did. She makes me crazy! She doesn't even have to say anything to make me want to shower her in kisses."  John says as he paces the floor with excitement. Thomas chuckles and nods. "I understand, my brother is the same way with his wife." Thomas says as he unloads the ship. "Oh Thomas, I am so glad that she is mine!" He says as they continue to unload the ship.

Meanwhile Pocahontas was running through the forest as fast as she could. She couldn't wait to see her father and her people again. She finally arrives in her village. She looks for her father, whom she missed very much. She runs and finds him in his home. "Father!" She yells with excitement, as she goes over to hug him. His eyes widen. "Oh my Daughter! I'm so glad you are back. I have missed you so much." He says as he hugs her back. "I have missed you too Father." She says. The chief raised his staff and got everyone's attention. "Everyone! My Daughter and her husband have returned." The chief announced. The crowd cheers. They all start to celebrate. The chief smiles. He puts his hand on her shoulder. "My daughter, come, I want you to meet someone." He says as he walks her to someone's home. He knocked on the side of the house. Then a beautiful woman around the same age as the chief, comes out. "Oh, Wingopo, Pocahontas." The woman says. "Adoette, this is my daughter Pocahontas. Pocahontas, this is Adoette. She is my girlfriend." He says as he wraps his arm around her. Pocahontas is shocked. John walks up. "Pocahontas are you alright?" Pocahontas just stays silent. "But.... Father..... You have never dated before." She says. "My daughter, I didn't plan for this to happen it just did." He says. Pocahontas starts balling her eyes out. Then runs into the forest. Adoette is worried it is all her fault. "Oh my. I'm sorry, this is my fault. It was too soon." She says as she puts her face in her hands. The chief comforts her and tells her that Pocahontas just needs time to adjust. John Smith runs after his wife. He finally finds her talking to Grandmother Willow. "Pocahontas!" He says trying to catch his breath. Grandmother Willow's face disappears to give the two some privacy. Pocahontas turns around and runs into her husband's arms. John lays down on the ground with Pocahontas. "Baby, what's wrong?" John asked. Pocahontas continues to cry. "Oh.... John...... My father is dating another woman." She says as she cries into his chest. "What's so bad about it?" "It's just how could he?....." She says through tears. John pull her close to his chest. "Shhhhh..... It will be alright." John says. "But John..... She could be..... Mean and cruel..... What if she treats me badly?" Pocahontas asks. "Pocahontas before I left to find you, I saw what she looked like. She looked hurt, and said maybe it was too soon. I saw the kindness in her eyes." Pocahontas sniffled. "Really?" John nods. "Yes baby. She seemed really nice and if I learned anything from you, it's not to judge a book by its cover." John says as he caresses her hair. She holds on to him even tighter. "Ok but just hold me for now please...." She says still a little tramatized. John does her better and pulls her into a passionate kiss. She kisses back and they begin to make out. After a while, they move behind Grandmother Willow for more privacy. The clothes come off piece by piece. Soon they were completely naked, and kept making out until they got hungry. So they get dressed and go to dinner. The Chief had Adoette with him. Pocahontas finally faces her father. "Father, I apologise for my behavior earlier. I know it is inexcusable but I'm sorry. I just am not ready for another mother." She says. Adoette reaches out to her. "Pocahontas I don't want to replace your mother, We just kind of connected, and decided to date. I never meant to hurt you, please, forgive me." She says taking Pocahontas's hands. "There is no need to forgive you, but can you forgive me for hurting you?" She asks. Adoette let's a tear slip. "Of course I can." She says with a smile. The chief smiles as well. Pocahontas gives her a broken smile, telling Adoette that there is no hard feelings between them but she is not ready to move on from her mother. Adoette nods and keeps her distance for a while. After a while Pocahontas wanted to go to bed. She yawned. "Sir, it's been a long trip, may we go to bed?" John asks the Chief. "Of course, go rest. I will see you two tomorrow." The chief says dismissing them. Pocahontas hugs her father and then jumps into her husband's arms. John kisses her head and takes her home. Once they arrive at their house, John lies her down on the bed. He lies beside her and kisses her cheek. "Hey how are you feeling?" John asks. "I'm still a little upset and confused but I think I will be alright." She says as she unbuttons his shirt. He kisses her lips. "Hey you will be better than alright. I'll be by your side through it all." John says tugging at her dress. Pocahontas smiles and yawns. John stops and pulls the covers over them. "Now you get some rest and we will see how you feel in the morning." John say as he kisses her one last time. She snuggles into his chest and they both fell asleep.

A Month Later

Pocahontas woke up early in the morning to have to throw up. She gets up and runs out of the house and throws up. John comes out shirtless to see if she is alright. "Pocahontas are you alright?" He asks as he rubs her back. "Yes..... I believe I'm fine.... Just please take me back to bed. I'm terribly tired." She says. John nods with concern and takes her back to bed. He gets her a basket to throw up in. That way she doesn't have to get up to throw up. Then he goes and gets her a bucket of fresh water. He sets it down and pours her a cup of water. He pours it down her throat. "Thank you, John." She says. "Hey, I will do anything for you." He says. She kisses him and asks him to lie down with her. He lies down with her and kisses her cheek. She falls back asleep for another couple of hours. Then she woke up and threw up in the basket. John woke up. "Hey are you sure you are alright darling?" He asks. "I don't know. Maybe I just need some breakfast. Will you go fetch some for me?" She asks. He nods. He goes and bring back her favorite breakfast. Home-made biscuits. "Here darling. I brought you some biscuits." He says as he brought them to her. She cringed at the smell of them. John was concerned. She loved biscuits. "Darling, you love biscuits." He says. "Well, today they are making me feel sick to my stomach." She says. He feels her forehead. She wasn't burning up. "Ok. Well, we will take a canoe and go see Grandmother Willow. We will pick up some berries on the way." He says picking her up. She picks up the basket and continues to throw up. John picks some berries on their way to their canoe. John felt really bad for his wife. She couldn't stop throwing up. He puts her into the canoe and starts rowing. He felt bad for having to take the roughest course but it was the quickest way to get to where they were going. Pocahontas kept her head in the basket as they went down the waterfall. Pocahontas was thankful that the waterfall didn't last long. She was also thankful that the rest of the course was smooth. Soon enough, they reached Grandmother Willow. John pulls the canoe out of the water. Then he picks his wife up and gently sets her down on Grandmother Willow's stump. "Grandmother Willow!" John yells. "John Smith! Not so loud you will wake up the entire world. Now what seems to be the trouble?" She asks. "Pocahontas woke up this morning throwing up. I fetched her, her favorite breakfast but she said it made her feel sick to her stomach. She isn't running a fever. Can you tell me what's wrong with her?" John asks. Grandmother Willow thinks for a moment. "Ah I believe I might know what's wrong with her. May I speak to her alone for a few minutes?" She asks him. Pocahontas finally stopped throwing up. John looks to his wife for permission. She gives a weak smile and nods. John kisses her head and goes to pick some berries over by the shore. "Dear child, I have great news for you." "Grandmother Willow, I..I I don't understand." Pocahontas says as she holds her stomach. "Pocahontas, your mother came to me with the same sickness you are having." Pocahontas looks up. "She did? Is this what she died from?" Grandmother Willow chuckles. "No child, when she had this sickness, she was pregnant with you." Pocahontas looks down at her stomach and then back up to the old tree. "Wait..... I'm pregnant?" Pocahontas asked. "Congratulations child, you and John are starting a family. I can't wait to see the little one, once it gets here." Grandmother Willow says. Pocahontas smiles. Then John came back. "Pocahontas I'm back." He says. "So, how are you feeling?" He asks as he rubs her back. Pocahontas smiles. Grandmother Willow's face disappeared to give the couple some privacy. "John I have some news." John nods. "I'm Pregnant!" She says. John blinks for a few moments and then smiles. He picks her up and twirls her around. "I can't believe it! I'm going to be a father!" John said. Pocahontas gives a weak smile. "I'm excited too, but can we go home? I need to lie down." She asks. "Of course babe. Let's go home. I'm so excited!" He says excitedly. They both said goodbye to Grandmother Willow and headed back home. Once they reached home, John put her to bed. He tucked her tightly into the covers trying to keep his wife and child warm and comfortable.  "Is there anything else I can get you? Like water? Or food? Or...." Pocahontas cut her husband off. "John! I'll tell you what I need. I need a big chest with lots of muscles to snuggle with and I need you to shut up please." She yelled. John chuckles and smiles. He lies down next to her and wraps his arms around his beautiful wife. "I'm sorry babe I'm just excited! I'm....." Pocahontas cut him off once more. She put her hand over his mouth. "And now you are really annoying, please! Be quite!" Pocahontas keeps her hand over his mouth until she fell into a deep sleep.

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