Chapter 12

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Pocahontas was visited later by Adoette. Pocahontas had just woken up and John was still asleep. Adoette knocked on the outside of the house. Pocahontas tells her to come. Adoette walks in. "Oh you two are resting, maybe I should come back later." She says as she walk back out. "No. No. Come back. I could use some visitors." Pocahontas replied. "Oh are you sure?" She asks. "Of course come in. I need company I'm bored out of my mind." Adoette giggles and sits next to Pocahontas. "So I have news." Pocahontas says excitedly. "Oh well what is it?" Adoette asks curiously. "I'm pregnant." Adoette gasps. "Pocahontas that is wonderful. I'm so happy for you." Adoette praises. "Thank you. Oh and I wanted to ask you something." Adoette was shocked but of course she would let her ask the question. "Sure go ahead and ask me anything." "Ok well I know we got off to a rough start, but we have bonded quite quickly. Anyways, I wanted to ask, if you and my father are still together by the time this baby is born, would you be the grandmother to this child?" Pocahontas asks. Adoette was absolutely shocked. "Are you sure?" Adoette asks. Pocahontas nods. "Oh Pocahontas I am honored! I will go home and start  making a quilt for this baby. It will take me a while but I should have it done before the baby is born." Adoette says happily. "John and I would love that." Pocahontas says as she hugs Adoette. "Well great. It's almost dinner time do you want me to bring you something?" She asks. "No that's alright you are already doing so much for me. Besides, that's my lazy husband's job." Pocahontas says as she looks at John. Adoette hugs Pocahontas and said she would come back the next day and left. Pocahontas grabs a pillow and wacks him with it. He immediately jumps up. "Ok John it's time for dinner, and this baby is hungry. Please be a dear and go fetch some corn and turkey please." Pocahontas demands as nicely as she can. "Wow! Ok yeah.... I'll go get you guys some food." John says as he gets up and puts on his shirt. "Thank you baby! I love you." She tells him as he walks out of the house. John was shocked. "If she's this cranky now what will she be like in child birth?" John thinks to himself. John goes to the camp fire and gets the three of them some food and brings it back to his wife. "Oh Thank goodness. I'm starving." Pocahontas says as she takes a plate from John. John was shocked. "Ok who are you and what did you do with my wife?" John asks. "Oh don't worry  she is fine she is just hiding out until the baby is born." Pocahontas says. "Well why is she hiding?" John asked as he sits next to her. "Maybe because the hormones are taking over?" Pocahontas tells her husband. "So this new Pocahontas, am I still the love of your life?" John asks jokingly. "Of course she loves you." Pocahontas says as she bites into her corn. John smirks and let's her swallow the food she has in her mouth. "Good then I can do this..." He says as he pulls her into a passionate kiss. Pocahontas soon pulled out of the kiss. "I love you too but the baby is starving." She says as she starts to eat again. "Oh well, we don't want that." He wraps his arms around her and rubs her stomach. Pocahontas finally finishes eating. Pocahontas kisses him. "Okay the baby is full now. My lips are free." She says in that voice that drives her husband crazy. John smiles. "Come here you." He says as he picks her up and takes her to bed. Pocahontas giggles. They pull into another kiss. "I love you so much." John says as he continues to kiss his wife. "I love you too John." She replied as she starts to breathe heavily. After a while she was wore out. "Oh.... Babe I'm tired." Pocahontas says. John kisses her one last time and snuggles with her. Then they both fall asleep.

2 Months Later

Pocahontas wakes up peacefully in the morning. Her morning sickness had finally passed. She is about four months pregnant. She has a small baby bump so far, but it will get bigger. Pocahontas smiles at her sleeping husband. "He is so cute when he sleeps." She thought to herself. She kisses his head and gets dressed. Then she goes for a walk. The wind took her to the cliff she likes to stand at the top of and jump off of. She couldn't stand for very long but she sat up there for quite some time, listening to the wind and rubbing her stomach. After a couple of hours John finally found her. "Pocahontas!" He yells as he runs up from behind. Pocahontas turns around. "John!" She says excitedly getting off the ground. John embraces her tightly. "Oh Pocahontas, you scared me to death!" John says as rubs her back. "John what's wrong?" She asks. "Pocahontas you left without letting me know where you were going. I was scared you might have been kidnapped or something." John says. "Oh I'm sorry John me and the baby are just fine. I didn't know where I was going. I was just going where the wind took me." Pocahontas says rubbing her stomach. John kisses Pocahontas's head. He kneels down and kisses her stomach. "Thank goodness! Next time leave me a note please." John said as he laid his head against her stomach. Pocahontas runs her hands through John's hair. "I'm sorry John. I promise I will leave a note next time." John sighs. "Oh thank you. Now let's go get some breakfast. Surely you are hungry by now." He says as he stands up. They hold hands and walk back to the village to eat breakfast.

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