Chapter 14

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A couple of hours later, Pocahontas shoots straight up in her bed. She was sweating and had a fearful look on her face. John Immediately woke up and saw his wife in tears. "Pocahontas! What happened?!" He asks as he embraces her tightly. "Oh John, I.... Had... A terrible.... Nightmare!" Pocahontas says as she cries into his chest. "Awe I'm so sorry babe. Would you like to talk about it?" He asks as he rubs her back. She nods against his chest. "Well I am all ears." John says as he kisses her head. "Well, this man came..... From England...... And his name was also John..... He said he wanted me as his wife...... But he saw I was..... Pregnant with your child and he decided to kill you and slice open my stomach and kill the baby..... Oh John it was awful." Pocahontas cried. "Oh I'm so sorry. That is a terrible nightmare." He says as he embraces her tightly. Pocahontas just cries into his chest. "Shhhhhhhh... Pocahontas listen, nothing is going to happen to you or this baby! I Promise!" John says as he kisses her head again. Pocahontas keeps crying until she finally calms down.
John then pulls her into a passionate kiss. Then he bends down and kisses her baby bump. She smiles and thanks him for being there for her. "Pocahontas that's my job as a husband, to be there for you, no matter the circumstances." He says as he kisses her head again. "John I love you." She says as she rubs her head against his chest. "I love you too my Pocahontas." He runs his fingers through her hair. He loved her so much, and couldn't wait to raise a child with her. He didn't like that she was having nightmares. He felt terrible for her. The poor thing was scared to death. She hated the nightmares as well. She just felt so helpless and she couldn't do anything about it. John rubs her stomach. Pocahontas sniffles. John wipes those tears away. "Shhhhhhhh..... Just think of our future, You, me and the baby." He continues to rub her stomach. Pocahontas closes her eyes and imagines of the three of them as a family. She  suddenly feels at peace. She smiles. John notices. "There see, there is nothing to fear." He kisses her ear. She moans a little. He continues to nibble at her ear softly. She eventually turned her body towards his. He puts his hand on her stomach to feel where the baby was kicking. Then he puts his lips to her stomach and kisses it. "Hey there little one. I am your father, and I love you very much." He says as he kisses her baby bump once more. Pocahontas giggles. Then John kisses his wife on the lips. Pocahontas smiles and drifts off to sleep once again.

Meanwhile Back In London

John Rolfe was just leaving London and headed for James Town. He had seen her when she was in London. She was beautiful, kind, brave, and strong. The perfect girl for him. John Rolfe was determined to have her as his. Little did Pocahontas know her nightmare was about to be her nightmare come true. John Rolfe was ready to marry her right then and there. Little did he know they were already married.

Meanwhile back in Jamestown.

One Month Later

Pocahontas was getting closer to her due date and her nightmares were getting worse every day. John Smith was very worried about her. He didn't want to leave her side but he also wanted to know what was going on. He couldn't stand seeing Pocahontas like this. After a while, The Cheif came in. Pocahontas was asleep. "Oh thank goodness you are here. I am very worried about Pocahontas." John tells him. The chief sits down. "Why are you so worried?" "Because she keeps having these nightmares and they keep getting worse." "Hmmm..... What are they about?"  The Chief asks. "About this guy I used to work with. His name is John Rolfe and she keeps dreaming that he comes here and kills the baby." John tells him. The Cheif thinks for a moment. "Do you think this John Rolfe is capable of doing this?" "I don't think so, I don't know I haven't seen him in a few years." John says running his fingers through his blonde hair. "Cheif I don't know what to do. She is so scared she doesn't ever leave my side, not even to go do her business I have to be there with her. I  am beginning to wonder if this is going to happen or not." John tells him. "John all you can do right now is be there for her. In the meantime I will talk to Grandmother Willow. She is good at these things." The Cheif says as he gets up. He walks over to Pocahontas and kisses her head. "Now, I will come back later to check on you guys. You keep trying to keep those nightmares away." The Cheif says. John nods and thanks him. The Cheif then leaves. John lays back down with his wife. He looks at her and brushes the hair out of her face. She starts to stir from her sleep. "Shhhhhhhh..... Darling go back to sleep." He whispered in her ear. She smiled. "I like being called that." She says as she snuggles back into his chest. He smiles as well and kisses her head. She fell back asleep. John was now scared for her and the baby. He really didn't know what to expect or what to do. He was just so worried about his wife and child. Pocahontas just thought it was a bad dream. John knew it wasn't just a dream. It would be different if the dreams were different but they are all pretty much the same. John was so stressed out by this mess he hadn't slept in a while. Pocahontas wakes up, and notices the bags under his eyes. "Oh John! Have you not been sleeping?" She asked. "No I have been too worried about you." He tells her. Pocahontas pulls him down next to her. "Here, lay your head against the baby." John's eyes widen. "Don't worry you won't hurt it. Trust me." Pocahontas says calmly. John slowly nods and puts his head on her stomach and lies down on the rest of her body. He suddenly feels relaxed. "Ahhhhh that feels so soothing." He says. "I thought you might like it. Now go to sleep. You need as much rest as I do." She says as she runs her fingers through his hair. He kisses her baby bump and slowly drifts off to sleep.

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