The Beginning

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(Y/n POV)

It has been a few solid months since the fall of Beacon because of that Cinder person. She killed Pyrrha and her 'follower', Emerald, killed Penny via Pyrrha by manipulating Pyrrha's vision.

Ruby joined Jaune's team not so long after. Every member of Team RWBY all went to their own path. Especially Yang. She would drove to any place with her motorcycle, Bumblebee as long it doesn't have to cross water.

And then after a short break, they reunited bla bla bla and fight with a buff man called Hazel, bla bla bla more fight with Raven Branwen, and then, group hug!!

Or at least that was what Ruby told me.

"Hey, Y/n! Catch!" Oscar yelled to me.

He threw me a long, wodden staff. I caught it easily with one hand.

"Let's train again!" He yelled.

"You sure? Ozpin sure taught some nerve to me last time..." I said to him.

"Don't worry! I already told him to stay away in this battle."

"How, exactly?" I asked him sceptically.

"Uh.... I do not know."

I facepalmed myself and rejected his challenge. Then, Ren came in with his 'famous' veggie juice.

"Here. You will need more nutrition." He said to us.

We took the glass nervously and smelled it. And smelled as the same like the one he made for Nora.

"T-thanks, Ren." Oscar thanked him.

"No need to."

"Yeah. Probably literally...." I thought to myself.

Oscar and I stared each other nervously. We weren't sure if this was even healthy.

"*sigh* okay..... Cheers, Oscar."

We gulped the drink. The taste was like our tongue has been torn by a Nevermore. We gulped the drink untill the last sip of it. By the time we finished, our face looked green.

"So, how is it?" He asked

"G-g-great!" We said in unison.

"Thank you, guys."

He took the glass and went out. After he was gone, Ruby, Nora, and Jaune came inside.

"You drank all of it, didn't you?" Ruby asked.

"Yep." Oscar said to her.

"*sigh* I told you guys before. You can reject his drink everytime." Jaune said to us.

"We know...."
"It's just, you know how Ren take his cookings very seriously. ....." I said to him.


"Anyway *hmph(holds vomit)* where's the rest of your old team, Ruby?"

"Blake's in the library and Weiss is playing some game with Yang." She answered.

"Oh... lucky them."
"Hey, Oscar. Are you......." I said while turning my sight to my left, but he wasn't there. Then, I heard a vomit sound from the bathroom nearby.

"Heh. He couldn't handle it...." I thought.


We were walking around at Haven Academy when an explosion startled us. Blake flinched and covered her poor cat ears.

We went to the balcony and looked down to the market and we saw some men with grenade launcher, rifles, and some bombs.

"Guys and drunkle Qrow......"
"Showtime." I said to them.

"Hey, that's my line!" Jaune shouted.

"Since when that becomes your line?" Ren asked.

We jumped from the balcony, except Oscar, and chose a man that will suffer a few thousand of Newton for our landing target.

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