Rise of Beacon

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(Ruby POV)

After the other version of Y/n said that he's going to refine Beacon, we immediately laughed. We already thought it was somekind of joke.

"HAHA! Good one!"

"I guess."
"If you don't mind, may I request another favor?"

"Depends." Winter said.

"I need to tell an announcement. Please call the the remaining teachers and students."

"Geez. What's so important about this?" Yang asked.

He didn't look like he want to tell us anything. He looked troubled. Then, he commanded me to take my Scroll out. Of course, I refused for the moment.

But after he said that it was important, I took it out. Then, he told me to call General Ironwood via video call.

I did it anyway. Then, Ironwood's face appeared on my Scroll.

"This have to be important. I am busy." General said to me.

"Hello, General."

The General looked confused when he looked at Paradox. He didn't seem like he know Paradox.

"Who are you?" General asked.

"Not important for now. I just want to show one thing."

(Paradox POV)

I told Ruby to hold the Scroll to Beacon. She did it and I changed my eyes again. I started to focused my powers to my hand. Then, the remaining of Beacon started to move.

Everybody looked surprised as I 'rebuilding' Beacon. Qrow even dropped his flask when I did it, which was a bit unbelievable since Qrow like always have that goddamn flask all the time and hid it on his, I dunno, his chest?

When the courtyard was finished, I began to rebuid Ozpin's office. But before that, I destroyed the Dragon Grimm with an Armageddon Shell.

Ozpin's office finally fixed and so was Beacon. I turned back to Ruby's scroll and saw Ironwood, gawking. And it's not everyday anyone would saw a High-Class General, gawking in front of you.

"So, Ironwood."
"Can I ask a favor?"

He snapped back to reality and immediately looked at me. His eyes was still looked like he did not believe what he just saw.

"This must be just a joke. No way someone like you would be able to rebuild Beacon that fast!" He yelled.

"That was rather offensive, General." I said to him.

"Yes, Gene......" Winter said but got cut by Ironwood.

"Please do not interrupt us, Schnee." Ironwood cut.

"Of course. I'm sorry, general." Winter apologised.

"I will come and I better see Beacon standing or every single one of you all in big trouble!" He yelled from the Scroll and by that, he disconnected from the conversation.

Ruby closed her Scroll and looked to me sadly. Everybody did.

"Sorry." She apologised.

"Nah. Ironwood's a jerk sometimes, but I know he is just trying to do his best at protecting Remnant." I explained.

I turned my gaze and looked to Beacon once again.

"Who would believe something this grand will be rebuild in just a few minutes?" I said to them.

"Well, it's hard to believe actually, kid..." Qrow said to me.

"But you see it." I said to Qrow.

Then, we heard some, no, wait. Like an armada of Bullheads coming to us. There was some Bullheads that was from Vacuo, Mistral, Vale, and Atlas, but mostly Atlas.

Those Bullheads then landed. And one of the Bullheads immediately opened and Ironwood ran from inside. When he was outside, he was completely shocked. He tried to say some bold words, but somehow, his bold words didn't came.

I smirked to him and all people and former students of Beacon. Victoriously and satisfied.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, former students of Beacon, students from outside Vale, Former teachers of Beacon." I stopped for a while.
"Welcome to Beacon."

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