Yang Talk Session

936 20 13

(Y/n POV)

I slowly opened my eyes when a very bright light piercing through my eyes. The light was very bright or maybe just because I stared directly to the light bulb above me. I used my hand to cover my eyes from the (probably) blinding light bulb.

My sight was very blurry that moment because my eyes were still adjusting. When my eyes finally had its use again, I realised that I was in a bed, in the infirmary, and it was 2 A.M., with 7 people across the room. They were kinda having an argument that moment.

"You brought books instead medicine, Blake?!" Yang yelled.

"Hey! At least I've done something more productive than you!"

They were fighting against whatever the thing they were arguing. I snapped my fingers a few times, but they didn't hear it. I started to shout to them not so ling after.

"Hey! Hey!"

And the results were the same; nobody listened with a yellow monkey faunus joining the fight.

I gave up shouting. I was going to lay down again when I saw a bunch of papers on my left. I looked to the papers and they were just like some 6 year-old drawings. It looked good, though. I crumbled some of it and threw one at Yang. And it got headshot.

"WHO THREW..........Y/n?"

"The one and only. Geez. No need for that so-much-drama voice, you know?"

"Oh thank Oum you're still alive!"

"I, well, that kind of wound won't kill me...... Will it?"

"It might......."

Really? The diagnosis was 'might'. So, that was just a very tiny chance. I looked to my hand and they were bandaged. Only the palms, the fingers were still free.

"Hey, Y/n. You know what band that likes to help people? A BAND-dage." Yang said.

Great. A pun. Why? Everyone growled in annoyance while I planning a way to end her, peacefully.

"Okay...... it's still better to have my hand bandaged than being HANDLESS."

"Oh...ho....ho! Pun war? You're on!"

And so it was. The most annoying, not funny, and the most not-thrilling war began.

"I would say you're very BED-ass."

"Oh, I am grapefull of that and wood you please stop now?"

"Oh, no. I coold stop but......" Yang tried to reply.

Then, Ren rose from his chair and went out from the room. Paradox just stayed in his chair, pacepalming himself. I could tell from his expression that moment, it couldn't be good.

"For the love of Oum, please stop." Paradox said to us.

I looked over Yang and she had a smirk on her face. I wasn't sure why at the very first, but then, I realised what she meant by smirking. I smirked too and was about to join the 'attack'.

"Well, you could say we're SIN-CORN-NICE!" Yang and I said the pun together.

"Sheesh. Pun duos."
"I'm going home. See you tommorow, Y/n." Paradox said.

He, then, opened a portal right in front of us. We were shocked and amazed at the same time. He went through the portal before Ren finally came back to my room with a basket of fresh apples and watermelons.

Looking at our shocked face and Paradox not in the room anymore, he asked us with a really good pokerface.

"What did I miss?"

"Oh, just something punny." Yang said.

"I'm glad, then."

Then, the laughter atmosphere filled the room like air.


(Salem POV)

I was enjoying a glass of fine wine on my throne while waiting for my weapon to come to life when Tyrian approached me with a hoping face.

"M-my mistress. I-i have done your words exactly as you wanted."
"A-are you impressed?" He said pathetically.

I stared at him sharply. I didn't want to believe this pathetic faunus is one of my proxy.

"You did not. If you don't stop asking this, you will NEVER impress me!"

I told him to left the room. I called Cinder after Mercury and Emerald got her out from the ice.

"My mistress....."

"You have failed to get the relic. And I do not want to hear your excuses. If you ever fail me again, there will be a bigger consequences." I said to her.

She nodded and left the room while my new army I brought from the purgatory walked in.

She nodded and left the room while my new army I brought from the purgatory walked in

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"Welcome, Pyrrha Nikos." I said to her.

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