Childhood Memories (Part 2)

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(Still flashback)

After they introduced themselves to me, they asked me if I was wounded or hungry. I wasn't hungry nor thirsty. The hatred my family gave to me was enough to make me didn't want to eat anything. They offered me a chicken, but I refused.

Summer: Come on, little guy. You need to eat.
Taiyang: Yeah, kid. Or else you'll be boned to death.
Me: I don't want to eat. Just, please.
Raven: Hey! We're trying to help you, brat!
Me: You don't seem like you want to. And obviously you don't want to.
Raven: Why you.......!

She pulled her sword out and immediately slashed me. So much for a short tempered huntress. I blocked her attack with an iron tray and hit her head with it too.

My act just made her want to kill me more. She would hit me again if Summer didn't step up and told Raven to calm her head down.

Summer: Where did you learn to do that?
Me: Back at home. Or the place I used to call home......
Raven: You owe me an apology!
Qrow: Calm down, sis. That kid'll beat you to pulp if you don't calm your head.
Raven: Is that a challenge?!

Once again, she tried to kill me. But still, her teammates held her back.

After the snow storm was clear, they packed their things and loaded it to a bullhead. It was covered in snow. Odd.

When they were almost done, Summer asked me if I want to go to Vale. I teared up a bit and accepted it. Raven, of course, didn't agree and looked at me with disgust.

After they were finished, everyone went inside and started the engine.

Just a few minutes after the take off, our Bullhead was attacked by some other Bullheads. But those Bullheads weren't just any ordinary Bullhead. Those were the bullheads of the white fangs.

Summer tried her best to escape, but she failed. One of the bullhead went to behind us and shot some hooks at the door.

They pulled the door down, making me slipping my grip. Raven embedded her sword to the bullhead floor, so she wasn't slipping.

I was slowly slipping from the bullhead. When I was on the edge, Raven slowly approached me. I thought she was going to help me, but instead, she stomped my hand hard and I fell. There was a cable attached to the door that was on my reach. I caught it and still slowly slipping.

While I was holding for my life, I heard their conversation.
Summer: Where's the boy, Raven!?
Raven: H-he slipped.
Summer: W-what?
Raven: I tried my best, Summer. I tried!
Taiyang: I know, Rave! You wouldn't possibly kill him!
Summer: At least, he's in a better place, now.
Raven: Right, right.

Hearing their conversation, I just want to kill myself. Either because Summer found a passage or something, the bullhead went faster, making my grip of the cable gone.

I was falling. I would've been dead if one of the white fangs didn't catch me when I fell.

They put me in a cage and mocked me. They spit on me and cursed me. That was probably because I'm a human. Then, a bull faunus came and ordered the pilot to go to a place called Menagerie.

After some times, I arrived at Menagerie. They covered my cage with black cloth and told me to shut up.

The cloth had some holes so I could see what was outside even if those were just a glimpse. I could saw some faunus, starting from chameleon faunus to a scorpion faunus. But there was a family of cat faunus who caught my attention. They had a small baby kitten faunus with black hair

When they removed the cloth, I was in a lab full of glowing chemicals and experimental tubes.

And I had been their testing subject since then.

They injected me with various kinds of chemicals. Some felt painful, some felt very cold, and some just felt like my insides were burned.

But the worst part was when they took me to a tube and froze me when I was 17. I was frozen for.... I don't know. When I woke up, the lab was destroyed and my tube was filled with water.

I broke the glass of the tube and escaped. But before I escape, I made an armour that was made with whatever the thing that was left.

After the armour was set, I escaped from the lab and snuck my way to a ship. Unfortunately, the authorities found me, so I had to jump from the ship.

I swam to the nearest beach and found a blue dagger and a dagger-pistol. It was burried in sand.

The dagger-pistol wasn't working so I repaired it and modified it a bit.

*flasback ends*

"I lived for about a year freely, traveling here to there without anyone yelling at me. And after I heard the news about the fall of Beacon, I tried to go here, but I was too late. Very late."
"Later on, I traveled to Mistral, but you found me by accident while I was fighting 2 Ursas."
I ended my story.

Ozpin, on the other hand felt a little troubled hearing my story of my not-so-well childhood.

"I have to say, Mr. L/n. That story is quite tragic. And you have experienced it in a such young age."

"I know. Still, I don't know how long I've been frozen."

"I think the kitten faunus you have seen is Ms. Belladona in her infant age. And if my calculations are correct, you have been frozen for about 7 years."
"Ms. Belladona is now 18. If you never frozen, then you are now 25. But since you are frozen and when you woke up, Ms. Belladonna must be 17. That is proved in ypur sentence of living for a year freely before you were found by us."

"I guess that's right....."

I looked out to the window and the sun was almost down. One of my favourite things was watching sunrise and sundown.

Ozpin called me a few times, but I didn't hear him because of the beauty of the sundown.

"Mr. L/n!" He yelled.

I startled myself and nervously faced him. I could swear he sounded really scary.

"Shouldn't you be in a different place, now?"

"Oh, right! Ruby's!"
"But it feels awkward for me being the only boy. Do you mind if I borrow Oscar?"

"Absolutely not. Enjoy the party, Mr. L/n. And I will need him when you are finished." He said.

Then, his eyes started to glow and Oscar came.

"Are you sure about this? I mean, Ruby asked me to the dance already, and I don't want to ruin anything."

"Don't worry, Oscar. We won't be alone there." I said to him.

"Of course. We can't be considered as alone....." he said to me.

"Oh, no. I already invited some friends. They'll stay until bedtime." I explained.

"Okay, then."

We got up from our chairs and went to the elevator to Ruby's Dorm, wherever that is......

Hey, guys. 1200 words. Man. That's long. Do you think I should make the chapters longer? If so, how much? I already made all of my chapters worth about 500 words.

I can't do 800-1000 words due the school homework. School. Always. No anime, no Wattpad for 7 hours......

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