003 | evening introductions

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Tendai walks down the almost empty sidewalk with bags of groceries in her hands. They are heavy, and she feels as if she could collapse in any moment.

It it going on eleven at night, and she had to run to the store after her work shift which ended at ten.

Tendai works as a spy for the Wakandan government. She has just started the job, working the only shift she could. It makes things hard for her and her sister, but it provides enough money for her sister to eat three meals a day, and that's all she cares about.

Sighing deeply, Tendai struggles to walk much further. She gasps when a bag slips out of her hand and onto the ground below her.

When she goes to bend down to pick up the bag, she notices someone else has down it for her.

"Thank you," she says as she takes the bag from the unknown person.

"You're welcome."

The voice that is thick with an African accent causes Tendai to shiver. Her brown eyed avert upwards, and she stiffens when she realizes that she is standing in the presence of the soon-to-be king, T'Challa.

"Prince T'Challa, thank you," she says again, with a bow, a sign of respect.

"At ease," he tells her gently.

Tendai struggles to stand up, "Excuse me, my Prince, but I have to get going."

"You look like you need help."

Tendai shakes her head. She was contradicting her own situation. She needed help, but she didn't want to be a bother.

"No, no. I have it."

T'Challa takes the bags from her hands, which takes a huge load from her small body.

"Lead the way," he says. Tendai blushes a bit and begins to walk to the direction of her home.

Tendai unlocks the door of the apartment she and her sister share, and pushes the door open a bit.

"Thank you so much, Prince T'Challa," she says, as she retrieves the bags from him.

"Just call me T'Challa. This is a comfortable setting."

Tendai nods, and prepares to turn around and close the door, but T'Challa stops her.

"Wait, your name, what is it?"

A smile decorates Tendai's face, "Tendai Zemora."

Beautiful. T'Challa says in his head. He smiles back at her, "Goodnight, Ms. Tendai."

"Goodnight, T'Challa."

Tendai turns and enters her apartment. The door closes, and T'Challa begins to walk further and further away from her home.

He hasn't even known her for an hour, and he is already interested in what she has to offer.

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