023 | king's alive

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It is in the late hours of the night that Nakia, Tendai, and Ramonda are entering the land of M'Baku and his mighty tribe.

Tendai's heart is screaming as it thuds in her chest, for she does not know what could possibly happen while they are there.

Back home, Nailah is hiding out in the lab with Shuri, while Okoye stands by the throne, the one she will always be loyal to.

"Is this a good idea, Nakia?" Ramonda asks the young lady as she trudges through the snow.

"Visiting M'Baku is the best bet we have, right now. If there is no way to bring back T'Challa, we can at least get that hellish man off of the throne," Nakia replys she pushes a few leaves from the hanging branches out of her face.

"You know that man is stubborn. What power do we have to get him to listen to us?" Ramonda questions.

Nakia places her hand over the bag that is over her shoulder. She gives the queen a look of reassurance, "We have quite a bit, actually."


"The heart-shaped herb."

The three ladies stand in front of M'Baku, with no kind of idea of what they are going to say or do.

M'Baku eyes them up and down, questioning why they are in his presence.

"Why are you here?" he asks through his thick accent.

"We need your help," Nakia states as she takes a step towards him, but still manages to keep a good distance.

M'Baku let's out a hearty chuckle, "With what? Everything you need is at your own fingertips."

Nakia shakes her head, "Not this one. We cannot do this alone."

The man sits up in interest. This is the first time he has been asked something so serious, it intrigued him a bit.

"Like what?"

"The nation of Wakanda is in trouble. We cannot get out of the predicament alone."

M'Baku chuckles evilly, "And who says I want to help you?"

Ramonda finally cuts into the conversation, "You and your tribe are the most mighty in the land. There is no battle that you cannot win. We need you on our side here."

"What trouble can Wakanda be in that you cannot get out of?"

Nakia is about to speak again, but Tendai beats her to the punch.

"T'Challa is dead," she blurts. "And, a tyrant has taken the throne. We need your help to get rid of him, and time is slowly running out."

M'Baku gives them a look, then stands up.

"Follow me."

Tendai, Nakia, and Ramonda are a bit confused onto what he could be doing, but their curiosity guides them to follow.

They all gasp at the sight of their loved one covered in snow, with freezing cold skin that is slowly losing it's beautiful, deep color.

with a woman | t'challa udakuWhere stories live. Discover now