- from , mari 😎

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I lowkey feel like some people don't understand the storyline, so I'm gonna explain just in case.

In Wakanda, there is a King and a Queen, but the King does the main ruling, with the Queen by his side doing little things. (As I've taken from the information I've gathered)

T'Challa is struggling with the fact that he's becoming the King of Wakanda, due to his father's death. It has left him insecure and worried.

His mother, Ramonda, believes that he shouldn't rule by himself (being the fact that he is unmarried and her days are growing short). So, she says he needs to find a queen and let her rule just as much as he will.

Tendai comes along, a woman who is perfect for the role of Queen. Everyone around T'Challa knows it and he knows himself, yet he doesn't want to bring her into the drama and stress.

As time goes on and things begin to spiral out of control, T'Challa realizes that he needs her more than ever and although it's a mans world, and it's controlled by the King, that with a woman, the journey will be a lot easier and more successful.

Got it?

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