- from, mari ❤

8.6K 195 20

y'all, I just gotta let you know how grateful I am . I literally feel so blessed to be to damn near 1.1k on this ff and it hasn't even been three days . I've been wishing that I would get views like this forever , but I never understood why I didn't. and I finally understand it's because I've written something that is relatable to not only myself , but to others.

I want to say thank you very much, because I was shitting bricks when I posted the first chapter, I was so nervous for the feedback.

I wanted it to be perfect for y'all. it's not there yet, but we are getting there .

so in conclusion to this, I just wanted to say thank you and I appreciate the love I've gotten on this book .

I'm excited for y'all to see the love between T'Challa and Tendai come to light. 🙂

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