027 | with a queen

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Tendai walks into the main conference room, her black heels clanking against the floor. T'Challa, his family, and the tribe leaders are sitting in their respective places, watching her intensively.

All eyes are on her when she enters. Her presence causes people to silence, and them to tremble at the authority she now has.

Some people thought they could get away with certain things with T'Challa, but now that Tendai is here, they know they can't do or say anything they want. She isn't afraid of being brutual.

"My queen," Nailah greets with a bow as she walks up to her sister.

"Stop it," Tendai waves off, as she hugs her. Nailah laughs and takes a seat next to Shuri, who greets her next.

"I love having sisters. Having a brother gets rough," Shuri says as she embraces Tendai, who squeezes her back.

When Tendai comes close to Ramonda, she bows, an instant sign of respect for the woman who had been her mother figure over the last few months, "My queen."

"Baby, you don't bow to me anymore. You're the queen," Ramonda says. Tendai shakes her head.

"The woman who brings in someome else's child as their own will always hold the title," Tendai tells her with a small smile.

She walks away from their vicinity and makes her way to the throne, where T'Challa sits comfortably, his eyes on her with every move she makes.

He sends a small smirk her way, and she winks back. She stands beside the throne, with her arms folded across her chest.

Her eyes scatter around the room, and everyone is silent, exactly how it should be.

"So," T'Challa starts. "We have not only one new person who holds authority now, but two. A princess and a queen."

He has everyone's undivided attention, and he attempts to keep it until he is finished.

"What they say, goes. Get used to having more authority here, for it is something Wakanda lacks at times."

T'Challa runs his tongue over his bottom lip then speaks again, "And, Wakanda is not only being ruled by one person, but now by two. Myself, and my queen, and I except the same respect I get, and even more, to be given to her.

"At first, I believed that I didn't need anyone to help me being Wakanda to success. Now, I have come to the realization that I do. I need everyone, because it is too much to do alone. But, I now know, that with a woman, with a queen," T'Challa says as he gestures to Tendai. "We will be successful from now on."

Ramonda smiles proudly.

"So be prepared for the changes that are to come, and make yourselves accustomed to them. You are dismissed."

People begin to scatter out of the room, and through the doors, leaving T'Challa and Tendai alone. Tendai comes around the throne and stands in front of him.

T'Challa grabs her hands and pulls her down on his lap. She squeals a bit.

"So, what we have, will be for the long run, right?" T'Challa asks. Tendai nods.


"Promise?" he questions her. Tendai nods again and kisses him softly. She is here for the rest of eternity, from life to death, and on from there.

"I promise, love. I'm not going anywhere."

T'Challa smiles, and tells her, "I love you."

"I love you a thousand times more."

the end ! thanks for reading .. and also thank you for the constant love you all have shown me and this book. i am most defintely going to write more books like this . thank you

with a woman | t'challa udakuWhere stories live. Discover now