009 | reminiscing

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lAs soon as Tendai enters her home, she is attacked with questions from Nailah.

"Oh my gosh! How was it? Where did you go? Did he look good? On a scale from one to ten, how good did he look? Did you mention me?"

Tendai laughs as she tries to calm her younger sibling down, "Great. To the most beautiful place ever, then out to eat. Yes he looked very handsome, a ten out if ten. And yes, he knows about you, Nailah."

Nailah squeals in excitement. Her sister was finally affectionate with someone again. It had been a while since she had been that smiley.

"He knows I exist!" Nailah gasps.

Tendai nods while giggling a bit, "Yes, he does."

"Tell me more about it!" Nailah says as she leans over the couch.

Tendai hums as she tries to think of a good summary, "It was a comfortable date. It didn't feel forced, and as if we had to front with one another, you know?"

Nailah nods and watches her older sister smile as she talks about the young prince. "What's he like?"

"He is very considerate, and down to earth. He is not exactly what comes to mind when you think of royalty. T'Challa is one who has a more sensitive, emotional side. Most cannot see it, but I see it. He feels empathy for others, he laughs--it's so affectious-- and he smiles. Gosh, his smile is gorgeous, and so bright. I get butterflies every time he does it."

Tendai takes a breath then continues on, "I feel like I'm rambling, but it was nice, and I would enjoy going out with him again

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Tendai takes a breath then continues on, "I feel like I'm rambling, but it was nice, and I would enjoy going out with him again."

Tendai shakes her head as she weaves her way to her bedroom, "Goodnight, Nailah."

"Goodnight, Tendai. Tell T'Challa I'm madly in love with him!"

"We will see about that, Nailah."

"How was your date?" Nakia asks as she steps into T'Challa's bedroom.

He smiles at her, "It was good." He moves to put a shirt over his toned body. Nakia watches his movements with squinted eyes, taking in everything she was seeing.

He sighs in exhaustion and sits on his bed. Nakia plops down next to him.

"Tell me about it! Where did you take her, what did you learn about her? Is she the female version of you?" Nakia presses on, shaking his arm a bit.

"Okay, okay," T'Challa says. "She's very down to earth, not into the flashy, rich lifestyle. She's more subtle and self reserved."

T'Challa thinks of her as he speaks. Nakia listens carefully to the words that come out of his mouth.

"She's one of those people who is elegant and classy, who respects others and their situations even if they're worse than hers. She's humble about her beginnings, although she she's had some rough patches in life. Overall, she's a beautiful person."

Nakia smiles as she watches his eyes light up as he speaks about Tendai. It has been a while since he's looked at a woman in a romantic way.

It kind of hurt her that T'Challa was moving on, but at the end of the day, his happiness is the only thing that matters to Nakia, no matter who comes along.

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