019 | son of n'jobu

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The dread haired man with brown skin, evil yet beautiful eyes, and a stern look stands in front of the powerful king.

The grimace on his face shows he is disgusted with his surroundings. He pulls at the handcuffs in anger.

He is tempted to break them apart, and wring everybody's neck, not giving a damn who they are, and taking the throne for himself.

"Who are you?" T'Challa asks the unknown man. He is not most that he's seen. The king has been around Americans before, and he doesn't recall them looking the way he does.

The man with sun kissed skin is dressed in a blue long sleeved shirt, with a dark vest over it. On his bottom half, he is covered by tan pants and tan combat boots. Around his waist, there is a belt that seemed to have weapons in it, but they were confiscated.

"Tendai, who is that?" Nailah asks her older sister, who shrugs.

"I don't know, Nai. Just stay quiet and stay behind me."

The man looks at Shuri, who is standing in between Ramonda and Tendai by the throne.

"You know it. Tell them," he says sternly.

"You have no place to direct people around, here!" Ramonda says.

"Go ahead," he says, ignoring Ramonda's statement. "Tell them."

Tendai watches the mans eyes get darker and darker as the seconds tick by and she is starting to get nervous. She is plenty aware of the damage this man is capable of.

"Erik Stevens, known as Erik Killmonger. Known as one of the best Navy Seals in America."

"That's not my name, princess," he chuckles darkly.

"Get him out of here!" Ramonda shouts.

W'Baki is prepared to drag him out, but with force, Erik stops their movement and faces T'Challa who is still sitting upon his throne, looking unbothered, but really, he's scared.

In there native language, he shouts, "I am N'Jadaka, son of Prince N'Jobu!"

The name of his uncle, was one that he hasn't heard in a while, for a reason that he does not know. But his mother, seems to be affected by it.

"You're lying," Ramonda says wearily. "Don't come here, and lie!"

"What would I have to lie about? Being a little kid and seeing panther claws in my father's chest? From your husband," he says as he gestures his head towards Ramonda. "Your father. You think he was a good king? Think again, cousin."

T'Challa swallows the lump in his throat.

"Your dad, the so-called "great king of Wakanda," killed his brother, my father! With no remorse. He ruined my life, and I swear to God, I will ruin yours."

T'Challa stands up and walks towards Erik.

"T'Challa," Tendai whimpers under her breath. He hears her, but doesn't stop for her.

"Let him go," T'Challa orders. Okoye is quick to oppose, but he gives her a look, which causes her to zip her lips and sigh. If Okoye can't even speak, Nakia knows that she had no room to say anything, so she stays silent as we.

Erik tears off the necklace on his neck, and tosses it to T'Challa, who catches it in a swift motion. It is the ring similar to the one on his finger, just much darker.

Everyone squints and tries to get a good look at the old piece of jewelry.

"That ring belonged to my father. The one yours murdered."

"What do you want?" T'Challa asks, the chain of the necklace in his hand.

"I want the throne," Erik tells him, bluntly, with a shrug of his shoulders.

Shuri laughs, "You will never get the throne. T'Challa is the rightful king of Wakanda and you know it."

"That's what you think. I want the throne," Erik grits through his teeth. "I'm sure I could do way better than the shit job you are."

"What makes you think you can come here and talk like you run something around here?" Tendai finally speaks up. All eyes are on her at this point. Nailah pulls at her shirt to get her to stop talking before something goes bad, but she isn't listening.

"And you are?" Erik questions as he glances at her. His eyes are taking in her figure, that is very curvy. Every riff and edge on her body is prominent with the skirt she has on.

"Answer the question, then maybe we can get into all of that."

Erik chuckles, "Oh, so you think you're brave? You don't know how I am, baby girl. I can ruin your life."

"Watch how you speak to her," T'Challa interrupts him quickly, with a sudden base in his voice that even causes Okoye to jump a bit.

"Oh no, the king is mad," Erik mocks. "Why don't you do something about it?"

T'Challa takes a deep breath. He is bothered with this man and his irritating ways, "What are you saying?"

Erik let's out a sharp breath, "I want to challenge for that throne."

"You cannot!" Ramonda cuts in again.

W'Kabi cuts in, "He can. He's royal blood, my queen."

A sly smirks rests upon Erik's race as he greets Ramonda in the most disrespectful manner one could do when it comes to royalty, "Hey auntie."

Ramonda releases heavy breaths, as if she is ready to kill him. Shuri grimaces. Tendai's heart is pounding again.

T'Challa runs his tongue over his bottom lip and turns to walk back to his throne. He sits on it and twiddles the ring in his fingers.

"I accept your challenge."

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