006 | dinner discussions

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T'Challa sits at the end of the rectangular dinner table, his mother parallel from him, with Shuri adjacent to his left, and Nakia to his right.

Out of courtesy, Ramonda invited Nakia to their dinner. She had always been a fan of Nakia, and she never understood why she and T'Challa split, but she also loves them as friends.

"So, how did the meeting with the spies go, today?" Ramonda asks, as she picks up her golden cup that has vine-like detailing around the bottom of it.

Nakia clears her throat a bit, "It was good. The newest agent finally gave us some information."

"Finally?" Shuri cuts in. "How long has she been working there?"

"About two weeks, and she's already caught on to something. She's good, just quiet. We needed T'Challa there. He was the only one to get her to disclose some information," Nakia states.

Ramonda's eyebrow raises, "Oh, is that so? Do you know her, son?"

T'Challa glares at Nakia, knowing she started something that he was going to have to finish.

"Yes," he says plainly. He takes his cup in hand, and takes a swig of the ice cold water inside.

"How?" Shuri questions him. Nakia turns to look at him, "Yeah, how do you know her?"

The king-to-be mentally rolls his eyes. Dinner is already annoying him and they aren't even fifteen minutes in.

"We ran into one another a few days ago. She needed help, and I assisted her. That's it."

"That's it?" Nakia asks, a smirk playing on her red lips. "Your face said otherwise."

Shuri gasps as she drops her utensils on the table, "Did he freeze?"

T'Challa scoffs and waves her off, "I never freeze."

Nakia nods her head and cackles at his attempt to play cool in front of them, "He froze!"

Shuri begins to laugh along with Nakia. Ramonda, who found the conversation amusing, couldn't help but to join in, too.

T'Challa huffed, "Really, Mama?"

Ramonda snickers, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Tell me more about this mystery woman."

With a sigh, T'Challa says, "Like Nakia said, she's a spy. She's nice, and very quiet."

"That's it?" Shuri asks. "What does she look like? Don't bring an ugly girl in here, T'Challa."

He shakes his head, "No, she's not ugly, Shuri. Very easy on the eyes, I'll leave it at that."

"What, no! Tell me more!" Shuri begs. T'Challa shakes his head in refusal.

"Nope. If you excuse me," he says as he pushes his chair back to stand up. "I have business to handle. Goodnight, ladies."

The three women mumble their goodbyes, and watch as he exits the room.

"He likes her," Nakia tells them when he's out of sight.

Ramonda nods at both of the young women while picking up her cup once more, "I believe it."

Sitting at his desk that is in the corner of his bedroom, T'Challa types away on his laptop, replying to any important messages he may have.

He is in the middle of emailing Okoye about a new defense plan for the borders, when a message from an unknown sender comes on his screen.

His thick eyebrows furrow in confusion as he moves the mouse to click on it.

The virtual window opens, and it reveals the name of the sender and the subject.

From: Agent Tendai Zemora
Subject: From our Discussion

T'Challa's eyes light up at her name on the screen. He immediately prepares to reply to her.

T'Challa: Thank you, Ms. Tendai.

Moments later, a bleeping sound comes from his computer. She has replied, and it was very quick.

Tendai: Anytime, T'Challa. I'm here when you need anything.

A small smirk finds its way to his face as he thinks about his inauguration. He needs a queen, and he has found someone who's sparked his interest, so why not learn about her more beforehand?

T'Challa: I may need one thing...

Tendai: Which is?

T'Challa: I would like you to be there when I am crowned as king next week.

Tendai: T'Challa, that's a big thing to request, plus, what do we know about one another? Wouldn't it be weird to have an unknown woman by your family?

T'Challa: We can easily learn about one another.

Tendai: How is that?

T'Challa: I can pick you up tomorrow and we can start from there.

Tendai: Are you implying you want to take me out, my Prince?

T'Challa chuckles lightly as he prepares his fingers to type up another reply.

T'Challa: Yes, I am.

Tendai: Now I'm excited. I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, T'Challa.

T'Challa: Good night, Tendai.

T'Challa mumbles an excited yes as he closes his laptop. He couldn't believe she actually agreed to it. But, he is glad she did. It means he'll get to know more about the woman he cannot get out of his mind.

with a woman | t'challa udakuWhere stories live. Discover now