Queen of Frost (Weiss x Male! Death Knight! Reader)

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I was standing on a massive air ship that belonged to Ironwood's fleet, as I stood on the bridge looking out of the wide windows as the soldiers of the military rushed around the town below, around me Atlas specialists and soldiers were moving around checking the consoles and the reports coming in from their scouts.

A lot of them had been avoiding me in fear of my father, he was not happy when I had accepted this mission from General Ironwood rather than practice my singing for his precious concert, according to the general it was an unusual case.

Entire towns full of people had been vanishing at a rapid pace the buildings destroyed and burned but all the people were gone...

According to the intel the next town on the list was the one our ship currently hovered above, the main bulk of the fleet could not be deployed for mere rumors and so they sent one ship to investigate the threat, I volunteered to go along to assist in the investigation I wanted to help people still, but I also wanted to get away from my family for a while...

Because of my father I left all my friends, my team behind... and now he just wants to use me to get more attention on his precious company, I truly couldn't stand that man anymore.

Suddenly the sky became dark and the sound of many marching feet could be heard over the howling wind, I walked towards the window and I could see thick, black clouds approach the town, the clouds looked unnatural... like they promised death where ever they would pass.

"Sir! Miss Schnee, we have contact!" shouted one of the men monitoring the field with mechanical drones, he brought up a live feed of the snowy ground before we saw them come.

The marching revealed itself to me a horde of nightmares, walking skeletons clutching ancient weapons marching in tight formations their grinning skulls giving a menacing look, amidst their ranks gangly creatures with black bags over their heads loped along on all fours in packs of three or more, but the bulk of the army seemed to be horrific, half rotted monsters missing chunks of their flesh snarling and snapping as they ran with the horde of death, above the marching army human sized bat monsters flew over the army their skin made of living stone, and what looked like rotted birds of prey alongside half dead bats, there were horrific monsters walking amongst them some looked like huge spiders (Nerubians) and some were huge humans that looked like patchwork constructs carrying huge hooked chains and cleavers.

"My god..." I said as shivers ran down my spine as I saw the impossible army move closer towards the town, luckily we had evacuated the citizens before setting up the base.

"Prepare to fire on those monsters! I want nothing to be left except smoking craters!" the captain said the main guns then opened fire on the horde of deathly monsters, large explosions erupted amidst the horde destroying mobs of the monsters before the winged elements of that horde of horrors flew towards the ship.

"Prepare to repel borders! The monsters are counter attacking!" the captain yelled as he pressed a sequence of buttons allowing the Atlesian Knights to activate and repel the attackers.

"I will assist you in this fight!" I said as I drew Myrtenaster and ran to the doors to try and repel the flying monsters.

"Very well miss Schnee, men! We're going to assist miss Schnee with the defence, let's go!" the captain said in a commanding voice as several soldiers and robots formed up and we exited the ship to battle the threat.

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