Neopolitan x Male! Reader

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"Oh man I can't be late, it's rude to keep a lady like her waiting!" I said to myself happily as I exited my dorm room to go to town.

My girlfriend came back from her travels a few days ago, her job takes her all over the place so when she comes here we spend as much time together as possible.

As I leave my room I run into my two favourite people, my childhood friends from Patch Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long along with their teammates Weiss Schnee and Blake Belladonna.

"Yo (Y/N)! how's it Yanging?" the fiery blond says making groans come from her three friends.

"Good thanks, just on my way to town" I said.

"You need to get something from town?" Ruby asks.

"N-no nothing like that, well i gotta go now bye!" I say as I run down the hall.

(I know I'll eventually have to have them meet her, but I don't want to make it a thing just yet)


"Hey, Don't you think (Y/N')'s been acting a little weird lately?" Yang asked making all of us look up at her.

"Now that you mention it he has been a little... secretive lately" I replied.

Blake looked up from her book with a raised eyebrow.

Weiss didn't bother to look away from filing her nails

"Maybe he's busy studying, like we should be doing!" she says sternly.

"I talked to team JNPR a bit ago, and they've been saying that he's been going into town a lot the past few days" Blake said closing her book.

"Maybe he's meeting a girl in town?" Weiss say making Yang and I look at each other worriedly.

(We've been friends for a long time now, why would he keep this from us?)

Yang shoots up with her fist clenched and a determined look in her lilac eyes.

"Let's go find out what's up with our friend!"

I stand up excitedly and all four of us leave together to go find our friend.


I walk around town passing shops and cafe's in deep thought.

"Maybe I should have them meet her?" I say to myself with a small frown.

I really wanted to get this out in the open with them, I'm sure they would both be happy that I'd found someone who makes me happy.

I walk around some more until my scroll pings from a message.

[ I'm free now I'll meet you at the usual place ]

I smile at the message she always wanted to meet with me on her free time.

[ I'll be there soon I've got something I wanted to ask you ] I message back.

[ okay see you soon ;) ]

I put away my scroll and walk towards our usual meeting place humming a tune to myself, life is great...


The girls had been following (Y/N) for an hour and a half now, he just seems to be wandering around aimlessly at least until he got a message on his scroll then he walked away with purpose.

"He got a big smile on his face from whoever sent him that message..." Blake whispered.

"Definately a girlfriend or maybe a visit from his family?" Weiss added with curiosity now peaqued.

Ruby and Yang look at each other then back to (Y/N) they know he only has his mum since his dad ran away after he turned 10 and he had no brothers or sisters, He was alone for a lot of his childhood nervous from his parents constant arguing and having difficulty making friends at least until Yang and Ruby became his friends.

So the fact that he was suddenly keeping a girlfriend a secret was kind of worrying to the two girls.

"M-maybe she's just really shy around people and he's going to introduce us eventually?" Ruby said hopefully.

"Well I'd like to see who it could be, any ideas?" Yang asked.

"Well it can't be Pyrrha since she's got a thing for Jaune" said Weiss earning a surprised look from Ruby.

"Maybe Velvet Scarletina from team CVFY?" Blake offered.

"That would make sense since she seems rather timid" Yang said.

"But why would he, keep dating Velvet a secret?" Ruby asked.

"Maybe he was worried about what Blake would do if she knew he was dating a faunas" Weiss said earning a glare from Blake.

He turns a corner and the four girls run to catch up and watch as he enters an ice cream shop.

"Okay let's go" Ruby says the other three nodding as they walk towards the shop.

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