Neopilitan x Male! Reader 2

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I leaned forwards using one of my arms to hold myself off the wall to avoid squishing Neo, the other one was wrapped securely around her waist for support we were kissing passionately our tongues never staying still.

She had her arms wrapped around my neck and her legs were around my waist, her pink and brown hair flowing freely down her back.

I have to say her skin felt silky smooth against mine, it somehow felt even better with all the sweat from our 'fun' earlier.

Yeah we were both naked and we were both exhausted and sweaty, our lips separated and we were both breathing heavily.

"Wow... that was... Intense" I said looking into her brown and pink eyes.

She looked up at me gasping for breath as well only soundlessly, she smiled happily tightening her hold on my neck.

"Can't believe we broke the desk..." I said as we both looked at the desk, currently in pieces on the floor.

"I guess we were a bit too rough..." I said causing her already red face to darken further and a seductive smile to spread across her face.

She moved her head forwards and kissed my cheek, I immediately felt my face heat up.

"Hahaha yeah... I guess two times is the limit for a desk that old, at least we can cross doing it against a wall off our list now" I said with a chuckle.

She Blushed heavily at that dirty remark then began laughing quietly as we disentangled from each other and started getting dressed.


I put on the last of my clothes while Neo readjusted her top after we get our clothes looking more presentable I put my arm around Neo's waist and we leave the warehouse together.

As we go outside we look to the sky and see that it's really late at night.

I feel a tug on my sleeve and look down to see Neo pointing at the nearby rooftop.

"You want to look at the stars together?" I ask, she smiles up at me and nods her head several times.

"Okay let's go" I say with a smile I pick Neo up bridal style earning a small blush as I start running.

Neo and I run towards the wall and I use my awesome parkour skillz to reach the rooftop.

I leap up the rest of the way and land on the roof, I look down to Neo and she's smiling at me with a little note in her hand.

I set her down on the ground and she unfolds the note.

{Do you always have to show off to me?} 

I chuckle at this earning a raised brow.

"When I'm with you sweetheart I've gotta be impressive!" I say striking a heroic pose.

She shakes her head at my display and hits my arm playfully.

We walk to the edge of the roof and sit down to gaze at the stars, she leans her head onto my shoulder and I wrap my arm around her shoulder.

(I'm having such a good day today...)


It had been hours since we followed (Y/N) and that girl into the warehouse.

I wanted to go save him but for some reason Yang, Blake and Weiss stopped me.

They dragged me back to the dorm and I noticed the nose bleeds they all had, however when I asked them about it they refused to talk about it.

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