Neopolitan x Male! Reader Final

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The two large Were-Foxes sprinted towards General Ironwood, the large (H/C) one growling as it's limbs hit the metal ship and the smaller, pink and brown one ran alongside him silently with rage in her eyes.

They moved so fast that Ironwood could only stand still and ready his cybernetic arm and pistol for close combat, the larger Were-Fox that was (Y/N) arrived and swung his long, sharp claws at Ironwood but was blocked by his cybernetic arm, suddenly the Neo Fox came in low and swung her own claws at Ironwoods legs causing him to jump back and have his pant legs slashed to ribbons.

Ironwood was suddenly hurled back when (Y/N) used his strength to push him away, Ironwood dug the fingers of his cybernetic hand into the hull of the ship to slow down his flight and looked back at the two Were-Foxes, only to let out a gasp as the two foxes were only a few feet away and poised to strike at him with their claws which he barely managed to avoid.

Ironwood looked at the two Were-Foxes with slight worry on his face he had assumed that it would be like fighting a pair of Beowolves, but these two seemed far above the creatures of Grimm they were beasts with human intelligence!

Suddenly (Y/N) lunged forwards and snapped his jaws at Ironwood almost catching his arm in his jaws, then Neo swung her claws at him and left long claw marks across his chest that bled slightly before healing thanks to his Aura.

The two Were-Foxes attacked relentlessly and with savage fury, small flames licking from their fur as they swung their arms or lashed their tails as they both growled and breathed heavily releasing hot puffs of air from their nostrils.

(Y/N)'s friends all watched the ongoing battle with amazement, even Roman was surprised that Neo's Semblance was somehow changed to be like her boyfriends, and now they both looked pretty dangerous doubly so since they were both pissed at Ironwood.

"Holy moley, those two have the same Semblance!" Ruby said in shock as she pointed at the fight.

"But I always thought a Semblance was always unique to the user? How could they both have the same one?" Blake said as she saw (Y/N) and Neo slash at Ironwood again leaving more cuts on his arms.

"I-I don't know how to explain it children... but what I do know is that those two are getting very dangerous, if they take this fight too far and try to kill him we'll have to intervene" Glynda said as she watched the battle unfold, even though she had disagreements with Ironwood and his way of doing things she didn't want to see him get too seriously injured or killed.

(Y/N) and Neo slashed at Ironwood again sending him back into the side of his ship, Neo lunged forwards with her claws extended but Ironwood dodged away and the claws left deep gashes in the metal of the ship, before Ironwood could counterattack (Y/N) tackled him and knocked him down, landing on top of him and roaring in his face.

(Y/N) raised the claw up and prepared to finish him off, but he was pulled off by Glynda's magic and kept away while Ironwood breathed heavily, Neo rushed over to (Y/N) and they glared at Ironwood.

"That's enough young man! You've already beaten him, if you kill him there will be no going back for you, or for her..." Glynda said in a professional tone of voice.

"She's right (Y/N)... this isn't you! Don't kill him please!" Ruby said with desperation in her voice.

"It's okay (Y/N), he won't bother you anymore, you and your girlfriend are safe now" Yang said as she walked up beside her little sister.

(Y/N) looked towards Neo and she nodded her head, he smiled and they both came together for a hug, their fox-like features began to fade away as their fur gave way to soft human skin, their bodies shrank back down to their normal height and the tails shrank down until they both stood there holding each other in their arms.

However the assembled students and the teacher from Beacon looked at the two in shock, as their faces turned bright red.


I felt all the power and animalistic fury retreat back inside me as my body turned back to a human one, I could also feel Neo change back as well and when I opened my eyes I saw her smiling up at me with those amazing eyes I had fallen in love with, we leaned in for a kiss and when our lips connected it felt like we were the only ones in existence.

"Ehem!" I heard a familiar voice call out, Neo and I separated quickly and looked over to see all of my friends looking away or covering their eyes with blushes on their faces, even Glynda looked a little flustered.

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