Neopolitan x Male! Reader 3

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I had arrived at the docks and saw team JNPR waiting for me, they all seemed happy Jaune was talking with Pyrrha and Nora was zipping around Ren talking energetically.

I was still kind of mad at my friends for spying on me during my date, I avoided them when I went to my locker to retrieve my buster sword (W/N).

I quickly ran towards team JNPR hoping that we would leave before team RWBY caught up to us.

"Hello (Y/N)!" Pyrrha greeted me happily.

This caused the rest of the team to turn towards me Jaune and I fist bumped while Ren bowed and Nora...

"(Y/N)!" she yelled running over to me and talking a million miles an hour I could barely understand her.

"Well I suppose we should get going" I said quickly.

"Yes , let's get this mission underway..." Ren said pulling Nora away onto the ship.

I walked with Pyrrha and Jaun and stood by the open door watching as the ship was begun to take off.

"(Y/N)!" I heard someone call my name I turned around and saw Yang looking at me from the dock with a sad and worried expression on her face.

I gave her a disapproving look as the ship closed it's doors the rest of the way and flew off towards our mission site.

I continued to look out the window as the Bullhead flew further and further away from the academy.


I watched as the Bullhead that (Y/N) boarded flew away, the look he was giving me made me feel sad.

(Why is he so mad? did that girl turn him against us?!) thoughts of (Y/N) becoming an enemy and fighting me and the others flooded my mind making me worry more.

"I've got to get the others and try to find him. Fast!" I said as I turned and ran towards the garage while pulling out my scroll to call the others.

(We've got to talk to (Y/N) and find out what's going on with him and that girl!)


I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned my head to find Pyrrha looking at me with a face that I could only describe as a concerned big sister look.

"Are you okay (Y/N)? you look a little down" she said.

I took a deep breath before looking at her fully.

"I had a disagreement with my friends in team RWBY today..." I said felling depressed.

We sat down on one of the seats on the ship and the others joined us.

"Want to tell us what happened?" Jaune asked.

"It might help to get it off your chest..." Ren said.

"Yeah! come on! tell us what's bothering ya!" Nora said loudly.

I look between them all and sigh.

"Well you see I'm dating this really nice girl and I just found out today that my so-called friends were spying on me during my date" I said.

"Go on" Pyrrha said.

"Well you see this morning I was going to introduce her to them one at a time because she's quite shy, but they yanked me into their dorm room and tried to interrogate me about her, and they also did something very...

inappropriate" I said feeling my face heat up.

This seemed to catch the others curiosity as they all seemed to lean in.

"T-they kind of saw me and her being 'intimate' with each other..." I said in embarrassment.

This made them all turn red and shifted around uncomfortably, Pyrrha recovered first and looked at me still blushing furiously.

"W-well I'm sure that you will be able to make up with them, when we get back to Beacon we'll sit down and talk it over, okay?" she said with an awkward smile.

"Yeah, okay" I said smiling back as the Bullhead flew on.


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