Asia Argento x Male! Fallen Angel! Reader

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It was night time in the city of Kuoh, and in the town's abandoned church a group of four Fallen Angels were beginning a ritual to remove a Sacred Gear from Asia Argento, a blonde, former Nun, however they were about to have unexpected visitors, a peerage of Devils and one more... very unexpected guest.

"Jeez... these four are total idiots, rebelling like this and setting up shop in the middle of Devil territory... I suppose I better get down there and knock some sense into them, and get them out before Gremory or Sitri kills them" said a young man with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes, wearing black jeans, a white undershirt, with a black hoodie and a black leather jacket on top, with the hood pulled up over his head, this was (Y/N)

He suddenly vanished from sight and appeared in the woods close to the church and started walking, until he found the church, it had been long abandoned and he casually walked toward the doors, kicking them open with a loud boom and strolling inside.

"Hey, I'm not late for the party am I!?" the young man yelled out, his voice echoing through the church, until the alter slid aside and a small group of Exorcists ran up the steps lead by a crazed looking guy with silver hair, it was Freed Sellzen.

"Who the hell are you, huh!?" Freed asked in a crazed voice as he aimed a gun at (Y/N).

"Me? I'm (Y/N), and I'm just here to kick some ass and have a few laughs" (Y/N) said with a cocky smirk on his face as he stood in front of the group in a stance that showed he wasn't worried.

"What the hell is going on up here! We don't have time for-" yelled a girl who came up the steps, it was a young girl wearing a loli maid outfit, and blonde hair tied up with a black ribbon, her eyes were blue, she froze when her eyes landed on (Y/N), widening in fear.

"Hey there, remember me?" you young man said as he looked at Mittelt with a smirk.

"O-Oh no... (Y-Y/N)! Wh-What are you doing here!?" Mittelt asked in a scared voice.

"You four really fucked up your orders, so I'm here to bring you back to Azazel, to explain your actions" (Y/N) said as he let out some of his power, scaring the Exorcists and terrifying Mittelt.

"Don't just stand there you idiots! GET HIM!!" Freed yelled, making the Exorcists lunge to attack the young man, who stood there with a neutral face.

"No don't-" Mittelt called out, but it was way too late, in a second the group of men were all hurled back as (Y/N) swung his weapon, the force behind the blow sending the men flying, with blood coming from their bodies as they were wiped out in a single swing!

"Man... the entertainment sucks, so far this party's been a major bust..." (Y/N) said in annoyance, as he set his weapon beside him, it was a tall Halberd decorated in the era of the Three Kingdoms, this was the Spear of Lu Bu.

"Why you!? AAARG!!" Freed screamed as he shot at (Y/N) while charging him with his ripoff lightsaber, (Y/N) simply twirled his halberd, deflecting the bullets before he pulled his arm back, letting out a roar as he thrust it towards Freed, spearing the crazed priest in the chest and lifting him up off the ground, then (Y/N) started to rapidly swing the Halberd, slashing Freed multiple times until he smashed the man's body into the floor of the Church, killing Freed in the process.

"Now then... are you going to be a good girl and behave, or do I have to get rough?" (Y/N) asked as he rested his Halberd on his shoulder, giving Mittelt an annoyed look.

"K-Kala! Raynare! Dohnaseek, HELP MEE!!!" Mittelt called out fearfully, looking very close to wetting herself from the bloody mess.

"Mittelt! What is going on!?" Raynare called out as she, Kalawarner and Dohnaseek rushed up out of the basement of the church, until they froze at the sight of their dead followers, and the very annoyed looking (Y/N) stood in front of them.

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