Neopolitan x Male! Reader 4

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I was lying down in a dark place, I couldn't see anything but I could hear a strong voice, it was whispering around me as I laid there in pain.

Neo, Yang and all the others are gone...

Suddenly I saw The same shadowy figure standing above me, it looked down at me with a soft yet powerful gaze, then it's body glowed brightly and changed into what it truly was.

Sat next to me was a fox with nine long tails, it was surrounded by glowing blue will-o-the-wisps that whispered in strange melodic voices, it's soft pink eyes watching me intently.

"I-it's you again..." I said with a pained voice.

"So It's happened again? I was waiting for something like this to happen..." came a deep, powerful voice.

"Oh, I'll bet you have..." I answered.

I knew where I was now, we were inside my own mind.

This happened to me before, one day I was wounded severely by a pack of powerful Grimm and I laid dying, then I was surrounded by darkness and met 'him for the first time.

That was the day he first appeared before me, he was my alter ego, he would come out sometimes when I get in a desperate situation, it was the kind of thing he thrived on.

My fighting style would change drastically when he came out, according to Ozpin I wouldn't even be human when he took over.

Your rage fuels the fires that will burn all your enemies to ashes, allow me to take control and we shall save her" the fox said next to my ear.

I was so tempted... I knew it would be risky letting him out but I'm already dying, so I may as well go all out to protect Neo!

"You want to save her, don't you?" he asked.

"OF COURSE I DO!!" I yelled, I then noticed that the pain in my chest begin to dull.

"Then, allow me to take over..." he said before he came out.


I launched myself at that bitch trying to hit her, but she just kept on dodging me!

I had put in a call to the rest of my team, they said they would be here soon, I just have to hold on until then.

However that was easier said than done...

Pyrrha, Jaune, Ren and Nora were all down, far too wounded and tired to fight anymore.

(Y/N) was possibly dying, with that girl from before staying beside him, I think her name's Neo.

So it was only me and Torchwick himself holding off this woman, who I recently found out is called Cinder.

I threw another punch, launching a shot at Cinder while Torchwick shot at her too, however she deflected the shots and fired back.

We jumped out of the way as the fireballs exploded loudly, showering dirt and rocks down upon us.

"And I just got this suit cleaned!" Torchwick said, spitting out his cigar.

I shot at Cinder again but she blocked them, then she launched and attack that knocked me back hard, I was lying on the ground winded, and exhausted as Torchwick kept trying to shoot her.

She then shot at Torchwick with a bow hitting him in the shoulder and the leg, he yelled and went down on one knee, pulling out the arrows.

"It's too bad you chose the wrong side Roman... But now I'll remove you, these meddlesome children and that traitorous minion of yours!" Cinder yelled as she prepared to finish us off.

Suddenly I heard a loud yell from behind me, I sat up and looked over to see (Y/N) yelling and shaking violently, Neo looked at him panicked with tears streaming down her face she had been feeding her aura into the burning stab wound, trying her hardest to save (Y/N) from dying.

Suddenly his body started to glow brightly and I could see small flames begin to form on his body.

I knew immediately what had happened (Y/N)'s semblence had just activated itself, it would happen when he's reached his pain threshold allowing him to transform, I rushed over and tackled that girl off of (Y/N) before the flames could touch her, she couldn't fight back she was too drained of her aura but reached out to him desperately.

(Y/N)'s body burst into flames and started to reform itself, the flames solidified becoming soft (H/C) fur, his hands and feet changing into paws his arms and legs changing drastically.

His human face stretched and became a pointed snout with sharp teeth forming in his jaw, fluffy ears appeared on his head as glowing (F/C) runes appeared along his face and body.

His body changed within the flames writhing and yelling as the change occurred, his body growing larger than a fully grown Ursa and he stood on four legs, the flames moved to the creature's lower back and split into nine separate streams of flame, before solidifying and turning into nine graceful fox tails that whipped and danced in the air.

The remaining flames formed up around the tips of the tails turning bright blue, then some separated and began to float around the newly formed creature as will-o-the-wisps.

The creature lifted it's (E/C) eyes towards Cinder and her underlings and growled in anger, the tails beginning to whip around in agitation the flames growing more intense from it's mood.

Before the stunned students and villains sat a large, white furred fox with seven long tails, it was surrounded by bright blue flames and glared at Cinder and her compainions in anger and contempt, then it took a deep breath and let loose a loud roar that shook the very air.

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