Crossbreed Priscilla x Male! Crossbreed! Reader (Lemon)

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It was a dark and snowy night in the painted world of Ariamis, the winds were whipping around the trees that grew upon the mountain surrounded by high cliffs, a large cathedral sat atop the mountain guarded by various Undead as well as the twisted Crow Demons which sat as guards for this worlds lone prisoner.

Said prisoner was sitting within a tall tower that was build across the other side of a deep chasm connected by a narrow, stone bridge guarded by several Crow Demons, she was a little girl around the age of ten years with long white hair, she had bright green eyes with pupils that were slitted like the eyes of a Dragon, she also had white fur on her forehead with eight small horns above where her eyebrows would be growing, her body was covered in pure white fur and she had scales forming a collar around her neck and a fluffy white tail that was resting on her lap, she wasn't wearing any shoes so her little feet were resting on the cold floor of the tower, another unusual thing about this girl was the fact that she was much larger than human girls.

Her name was Priscilla a Crossbreed of God and Eternal Dragon, she was hated and feared by the Gods named an abomination and the antithesis of life, the Lord of Sunlight Gwyn hated her for her Dragon traits but this hatred and fear was only compounded when it was discovered that she could wield the deadly Lifehunt Scythe, a weapon capable of killing even the Gods.

It was for that reason she was locked away withing the Painted World of Ariamis, left alone and guarded by other horrid abominations and creatures that Gwyn said had no place in the world, she sat within her tower gazing out into the snowy world loneliness reflecting in her eyes, suddenly she became aware of a new presence within her world it felt so small and weak yet she could sense great power hidden within, perhaps this could be a new friend?

"Perhaps this new being would'st be my new companion?" the little girl said to herself as she stood up and started to walk out of the tower, however she felt the guardians of this world also sense this new comer and begin to approach it she quickened her pace and started dashing out of the tower, she reached the bridge and ran across it as fast as she could hoping to reach this new person as soon as possible!

Above the little girl a group of Crow Demons sat still watching her carefully, their orders from their creator Velka still held, they were to watch the girl carefully and if she were to try and escape they were to bring her back to the tower, however they had also felt the new presence in the Painted World and decided to wait.

Little Priscilla dashed across the bridge and ran through the cathedral, passing the twisted abominations that passed for Undead until she finally reached the wooden rope bridge leading into the world, she looked around quickly before she heard a loud cry of pain from nearby, she dashed over towards the cry and found what looked like a small boy curled up on the ground as several Hollowed Undead attacked him, she quickly pulled out her Lifehunt Scythe and rushed at the Undead before skillfully cutting them all down, she heard whimpering and turned her head to see a young boy looking at her wide-eyed from under a torn blanket.

"Are Thou in good health?" Priscilla asked as she walked towards the boy, he gasped and huddled himself tighter in the blanket shivering with fear and the cold, as the little Crossbreed girl approached she saw the blankets move in an unusual way and feared he was hurt, she took hold of the blanket and pulled it away causing it to rip apart before she gasped and stepped back in surprise.

The young boy had eyes that were like hers! However his eyes were (E/C) with slitted pupils and he was greatly different than she was, he had scales around the back of his neck and shoulders the blanket ripped more revealing a long snake tail in place of legs!

"T-thou art a Crossbreed!" Priscilla gasped in shock, suddenly a wide hood opened up around the boy's neck showing large patterns that looked like eyes, priscilla looked at the boy and saw that he was scared out of his mind, she put her Scythe down and crouched down in front of the boy who watched her with terrified eyes.

"Fret not young boy, I shall not harm thee..." she said as she gave him a soft smile, she carefully got closer and closer to him as he shivered and held his snake tail closer to himself, she got closer and carefully placed her hand on his shoulder.

The boy looked at her carefully and was surprised he didn't see the normal look of hatred and hostility he saw with the others, the girl in front of him actually looked like a caring sort, after being left alone and hated for most of his life the boy lunged forward wrapping his arms and tail around Priscilla's body in a hug as, tears fell from his young face as he felt warmth sink into the scales of his snake tail and the soft human skin of his upper body, Priscilla was surprised by his sudden actions so much that she fell onto her butt with his tail wrapped around her waist.

(He's strong!) Priscilla thought to herself, she felt the tail draw tighter around her slightly as he shivered against her.

"You poor lost soul, your must be very cold..." she said as she returned his embrace carefully, the boy stiffened at her touch before relaxing under her touch,his breathing slowed down showing he had just fallen asleep in her arms, Priscilla knew he wouldn't do so well out in the cold snow but she couldn't move very fast because of the coiled tail around her waist weighing her down, suddenly the sound of wings made her look up to see a group of Crow Demons land around her, they carefully took hold of her and the boy before they took flight back towards the tower.

"I guess these guards are helpful sometimes..." Priscilla said as the tower came closer and closer, the Crow Demons came to a ledge and dropped the two children off within before they flew upwards to the roof of the tower, Priscilla managed a few steps before she fell against a wall with the boy still clinging to her, she smiled lightly before falling asleep cuddling with the boy.

The next morning Priscilla awoke feeling an unfamiliar weight on her body, she looked down to see the crossbreed boy from yesterday still clinging to her, only now his face showed less fear and more comfort.

The boy shifted his body against hers, making the coils around her body shift slightly as they drew warmth from her white furred body, his human body shifting in his sleep as he smiled against her soft fur, making the girl blush slightly.

"Hello? Could'st thou awaken please?" Priscilla whispered gently as she stroked the boy's hair gently, he mumbled in his sleep before his eyes opened and he looked up into Priscilla's eyes.

"Good morning, how art thou feeling?" she asked carefully.

"A-A little better... you feel warm" the boy said back as he hugged her a little tighter, not tight enough to hurt her but enough to keep a firm hold.

"Th-Thank you..." Priscilla said shyly, she didn't understand what she was feeling right now, growing up in this Painted World alone had made her understanding of certain feelings stunted, she couldn't understand why her heart was beating so much faster, or the blush on her pale cheeks, but it didn't feel like a bad thing, just strange.

"Who art thou? What is thy name?" she asked curiously as she removed one of her arms from around him and started petting his (H/C) hair.

"My name is (Y/N), wh-what's your name?" the boy asked.

"My name is Priscilla, it's very nice to meet you (Y/N)!" she said with a happy smile on her face, (Y/N) blushed at that smile before giving her a close eyed smile of his own.

"How did thou come to be here?" Priscilla asked the boy, his smile fell from his face as tears started to form in his eyes.

"I-I was taken away from my mother, the mean men said that I was an abomination in the eyes of Lord Gwyn, the unholy union of a P-Primal Serpent and a Goddess... he said that my dad was evil and I was thrown in here" he said sadly as tears fell from his eyes, Priscilla's heart went heavy at his words, it was almost exactly the same as what had happened to her after she had learned the Lifehunt ability, although she was already hated and feared because of her blood.

"What about thy mother? What has't become of her?" Priscilla asked, the boy responded by crying harder as his coils shifted around her again, now pressing against her slightly.

"Th-They killed her! They said she was guilty of keeping me, and they killed her..." (Y/N) sobbed as he buried his head into her soft white fur, Priscilla felt her heart ache for the poor boy, even though she had been thrown here at such a young age she hadn't had to see her mother killed in front of her, and she had to wonder about (Y/N)'s father...

When she was a little younger she had overheard the other Gods talking about the Primordial Serpents, how they were supposed to be agents of the darkness which Gwyn feared above all, could this boy really be the son of one of those creatures? And the harsh treatment from others similar to her own treatment by the other gods.

(Such a sad tale, mayhaps... he could become my new friend in this world? It would make my time in this tower a lot less lonely...) Priscilla thought to herself as she looked at the little, snake boy crossbreed that was wrapped around her.

"If thou wishes it so... you could stay here with me?" Priscilla asked with a small blush on her face, the boy looked at her in shock, because of his Serpent-like features he had been hated by the other humans and gods even seen his mother slain before his very eyes, but maybe now he could find peace with this girl?

"Yes, I shall stay with you, Priscilla!" he exclaimed before he hugged her with both his tail and his human arms, the embrace was warm and comforting to the young Crossbreed girl making her smile and blush.

Eventually the two separated and walked towards the bedroom areas of the Tower, the boy muttering his discomfort at having his reptillian scales touching the icy floor, as they walked Priscilla reached out and took hold of his hand as they made their way downwards, both children blushing as their hearts hammered within their chests and silly grins stretching upon their lips.

The two spent the day talking and playing together, Priscilla telling the boy stories the smiles not leaving their faces all throughout the tales, and slept with happy smiles upon their faces, at having at long last found a friend in this cruel world, ruled by gods.

A few days had passed by and the two children had become inseperable, they were both sitting on the bed snuggled up to each other when Priscilla had an idea.

"(Y/N)? C-Can I kiss you?" she asked nervously, her little heart hammering within her chest, (Y/N) looked up at her with his cheeks red in embarrassment.

"Why?" he asked in confusion.

"I-I just want to try it... please?" Priscilla said as she looked at him with wide, begging eyes.

"Oh... O-Okay..." he said shyly, the two children faced each other and carefully leaned in before their lips met in a tender kiss, they pulled away after a minute blushing madly from the kiss smiling like fools.

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