Neopolitan x Male! Reader 5

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I was flying through the air holding onto my umbrella for dear life thank god Roman tossed me it before I hit the ground, I had my eyes screwed tightly closed I knew that I shouldn't look down no matter what, otherwise I'd probably fall to my death.

I felt crushed, I tried so hard to save my (Y/N) I poured nearly all of my aura into the wound trying to save him... but he became some kind of creature, he killed Cinder and Mercury as well as those White Fang soldiers I wouldn't have cared about that I just wanted him to come back to me.

I heard a loud explosion behind me and I turned my head to look at what was happening, I saw smoke rising up high into the sky and a swathe of burning destruction which strange blue orbs floating around the charred forest, amidst it all I saw that demonic fox looking right at me and it seemed to be following me and my unplanned flight.

I looked over and saw the city coming up fast, this would get really, really bad if that fox gets into the city, especially with those Atlas ships flying above the city.

It would be a massacre...

But I couldn't control where I fly to, I could only ride the wind until I hit the ground and I was scared of when that happened, I was worried that (Y/N) wouldn't recognise me or worse try and attack me when he caught up to me.

Suddenly I felt another strong gust of wind lift me higher and I heard a loud screech, I snapped my head towards the sound and saw a huge Nevermore coming right towards me with it's mouth open, I barely had the strength to hold onto my umbrella I couldn't fight this thing and I couldn't escape with my powers, all I could do was close my eyes and get ready to feel the pain.

Suddenly I heard something zoom past me and I felt strong heat on my skin, I heard the Nevermore screech in pain making me open my eyes to see the Grimm fall from the sky covered in flames, I looked down confused and saw the fox (Y/N) glaring at the falling Nevermore and lashing it's tails before suddenly turning it's gaze back to me.

(D-did he just save me?)

The fox then continued to chase after me leaving a trail of blackened trees and charred earth behind it, I saw the Bullhead that everyone was on get further and further away as the wind carried me away towards the city, if I don't do something soon then the Fire Fox will do to the city what it did to the forest.


While the Fire Fox chased after Neo RWBY, JNPR and Torchwick contacted Beacon academy to get some back up, they were currently on a video call with professor Ozpin explaining the situation.

"So mr (L/N) turned into the Firefox again? This is most troubling..." Ozpin said as he sipped his coffee.

"A-again? Has this happened before?" Blake asked sounding very nervous and unsure, she knew that they had to stop the fox from burning the city but it was still their friend...

"Yes it did miss Belladonna, it happened once when he was much younger, and we had been trying to help him gain control of it before all of this happened" Glynda said as she kept her eyes on the raging inferno that was consuming the Emerald Forest.

"After the first time occured his mother got in touch with us, we had been speaking with him about that time and trying to figure out the limits of his powers, we taught him to defend himself and began to attempt to help him gain control of hid power and now we will have to deal with this before it get's too hot" Ozpin said over the screen.

"What should we do? How do we fix this?!" Ruby asked trying so hard not to cry, she really didn't want to lose her and Yang's childhood friend.

"Maybe that girl can help! What was her name... Neo?" Jaune said.

"Her name is Neopolitan" Roman said making everyone look to him.

"She and that young man were close... maybe if we brought her somwhere isolated, somewhere away from people we could try to contain him and try to get through to him!" Glynda said as she pulled out her scroll and began to type into it.

"Then we'd best hurry up and retrieve her, before she gets over the outskirts of the city, miss Schnee I would like you to use your glyphs to-" Ozpin said before an emergency broadcast interrupted him, all the students scrolls pinged with the emergency broadcast.

"I think we might be a little late..." Ren said as they all opened their scrolls, an image of Lisa Lavender appeared she had a worried look on her face as she read out the report.

"This is Lisa Lavender reporting from the Vale broadcasting tower, we have recieved word that a creature unlike any that had been seen before has been destroying a massive swathe of the Emerald forest, hold on... we have just gotten word that one of our camera drones has a visual on the creature, we are now broadcasting the feed live but I must warn you, the image is somewhat frightening..." Lisa said before the feed cut out and the video showed the Firefox running through the woods leaving scorched earth behind, the fox roared again and flung fireballs up into the sky killing a Nevermore before running off again towards the town, the camera panned out wide before refocusing on Neo as she clung to her umbrella as the wind carried her away.

"In a shocking turn of events a young woman appears to be flying through the sky on a pink umbrella, and it seems that the monsterus fox is following her flight into the city, what is her connection to this possible new species of Grimm? Is she leading this creature here and for what purpose? We'll have more when we return..." Lisa said before she stopped talking and the feed cut back to the fox that wasn't far from the outskirts of the city.

"We've got to do this fast! Weiss use your glyphs to run out there and grab her before she gets too far away, then we'll follow the plan and take her far away from the city" Ruby said in a serious voice, Weiss nodded her head and went to the open door of the Bullhead measuring the distance between her and Neo.

"I don't think I can reach her, she's too far away!" Weiss said, the others thought about it until Glynda came forwards.

"Miss Schnee, I can use my powers to throw you towards her, then you use your glyphs to reach her and we will bring her to an uninhabited area where we can trap him" Glynda said in a no nonsense tone as she brought out her riding crop.

"Sounds like a plan, let's do this quickly!" Yang said as she looked out to the burning forest, it has small blue will-o-the-wisps floating through the charred trees fanning the flames, she looked ahead to see her friend turned monster burst through the treeline mere feet away from Vale.

Glynda surrounded Weiss in a purple aura and levitated her outside of the Bullhead before swishing her crop towards where the girl was flying, and Weiss was catapulted away towards Neo.

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