Cheater! Weiss x Male reader x Malachite twins

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(Y/N)'s pov

It was a nice warm day today, a good time to be with the girl you love...

That's what I thought as I walked to my girlfriend's room, the heiress Weiss Schnee she said that she loves me and wanted to be with me forever, I smiled at the memory it grew wider when I ran into one of my best friend's, Blake Belladonna.

"Hey Blake how's things going?" I asked cheerily.

"Hey (Y/N)! it's good just got back from the library, Yang went out with Ruby and said she's going to catch up later" she replied.

"So how's things going with Yang, you know since you two started dating?" I asked, she broke out in a deep red blush.

"They are pretty good, she's very loving, not to mention she's-" Blake said, however she was cut off when you both heard a noise from inside the room.

We heard moaning coming from inside the room, this made me and Blake pause, we listened to the voices and I instantly felt a pit open up in my stomach.

"I love you Weiss" came an unfamiliar voice.

"I love you too Neptune" came the voice of my girlfriend.

Blake's eyes widen in shock and her hand flies to her mouth, she looks over and flinches at the murderous aura radiating off of you and the pure evil glint in your eyes.

"H-Hold on (Y/N)! No need to be hasty!" Blake tried to reason with you.

"FUCK. THAT!" I said angrily, then I raised up my foot and kicked the door in so hard it flew off it's hinges.

I rushed into the room to see a naked Weiss and a half dressed Neptune looking at me in horror, my eyes locked on the young man and his eyes went even wider in fear.

"YOUR ROAD KILL YOU FUCK BOY!" I roared as you charged him.

He screamed in fear and jumped out the window I followed close behind, I fell and hit the ground hard feet first leaving a crater, I could hear Weiss calling my name behind me as well as Blake yelling, however right now I just didn't care, right now I just wanted to kill Neptune.

And so began a long game of cat and mouse, with me chasing the half dressed boy across the whole campus yelling very colourful threats and swear words at him, as well as a couple dust infused bombs.

After a particularly potent explosion from a fire dust grenade I managed to corner the fuck boy in the cafeteria, you cracked your knuckles as you stalked over to him.

"W-Whoa d-dude chill okay?! L-Let's talk this out!" he said in a panic.

"Good idea... maybe we can talk about you living up to your name 'Neptune'" I replied with a venomous voice.

His eyes widened in fear, he knew what I was hinting at.

"No water! Please! No water!" he screamed as I reached into my pocket and pulled out a dust bomb loaded with special water crystals.

"Time to take a bath!" I yelled as I pulled back my arm to toss the bomb at the frightened boy.

"I think that is quite enough mr (L/N)" came a voice from behind me.

I turned and saw Ozpin standing there along with Glynda, both of them looking at me sternly I also saw Blake and Weiss standing beside them along with Sun.

"Perhaps you should get rid of that dust bomb, before it detonates" Ozpin said, indicating the ticking bomb in my hand.

I growled and tossed the water bomb away, it exploded in a shower of scalding water which Neptune screamed at as he jumped away.

"I think we should discuss this in Ozpin's office, now" Glynda said, her wand ready in case we resisted.

You all went with Ozpin and Glynda to his office, accompanied by Weiss, Blake and Sun, Blake giving Weiss disapproving glares to Weiss the whole way.

"Now, mr (L/N) would you care to explain your actions today?" Ozpin asked as he sat behind his desk.

" I was just teaching 'Fuck Boy' here, what would happen when you sleep with my now EX girlfriend over there!" I said through clenched teeth pointing at the guilty parties.

Weiss recoiled in shock at my words, tears beginning to gather in her eyes, Neptune flinched away from my hand worrying about getting hit, Blake's glare intensified while Sun looked at his friend and team mate with shock and disapproval.

(Y-Y/N) please! let me explain!" Weiss cried tears now running down her face.

"I don't want to hear it from you!" I yelled loudly, fixing her with a deadly glare.

"Mr (L/N), please calm yourself" Ozpin said.

I took several deep breaths and calmed myself down, however I still felt like throwing Neptune into a lake.

"In light of the events that have happened, mr (L/N) you shall be excused from classes for a few day's to regather yourself, go and work off the anger any way you see fit" Ozpin said as he pulled up a screen and typed into it.

"Yes, sir" I replied before turning around and storming off.

Me and the others got in the elevator, Blake and Sun standing between me, Weiss and Neptune to prevent a fight, your angry eyes glaring daggers at the two.

"(Y/N) please forgive me! it was a mistake!" Weiss begged again, suddenly Blake turned and slapped her across the face knocking her on her ass, and surprising Sun and Neptune.

"Don't talk to (Y/N) like that, you betrayed him!" she said with rage.

Weiss just sat on the ground crying silently the rest of the way down.

When the elevator hit the ground floor I walked away followed by a concerned Blake, Weiss followed close behind begging again for me to listen to her, Neptune and Sun had left for their own room.

I just ignored Weiss as I walked back to my room followed closely by Blake, I finally have enough and run for it, Blake runs after me but Weiss uses her glyphs to chase after us.

However I move along the hallways quickly and get to my door, I open it and go inside Blake arrives and comes in, I see Weiss coming up the hall as I slam the door in her face.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N) please! Open the door!" Weiss cried, pounding on the door loudly.

I open the door and get right into her scared face.

"FUCK. OFF!" I yell before slamming the door on her again, I take a breath and walk over to my bed sitting down on the edge of the bed, Blake sits down beside me looking very sad.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N), you didn't deserve that..." she said as she hugged me.

"This fucking sucks! I was faithful, why did she do this? Did I do something wrong...?" I asked sounding depressed.

"No! From what I saw you were the perfect boyfriend, she's just not worth it" she says with anger.

I felt hot tears fall down my face as the reality of the situation sank in, after a while I passed out into a depressed sleep, Blake stayed with you to make sure you didn't try to blow up Neptune again.

I woke up the next day still feeling very depressed, I looked around and saw that Blake was gone, she must have left last night after I fell asleep.

I heard my scroll ring and looked at it, I saw that it was Weiss and I declined the call, however she wouldn't stop calling until finally I'd had enough and smashed the thing against the wall.

Then came a knock on your door and I stood up to answer, however before I opened the door I figured it would be better to see who it was.

"Who is it!" I yelled, sounding a bit angry.

"I-It's me Ruby, I'm here with Yang we wanted to see if you were okay" came Ruby's small voice.

I open the door a crack and looked round for 'her', seeing that she wasn't there I opened the door and let them in, they were looking at me with a mix of guilt and sadness.

"What happened in here?" Yang asked looking at the shattered scroll on the floor.

"Well getting cheated on kind of get's me mad, ya know?" I said sitting on my bed, and slipping under the covers.

"I'm really sorry about that (Y/N)... I can't believe Weiss would do that" Ruby said sounding very sympathetic.

"You know what you need?" Yang said, putting a hand on your shoulder through the covers.

"A couple dust crystals, a few timers and a good view of Weiss and Neptune getting blown up?" I answered, that made Ruby laugh nervously.

"Uummm, no... I was thinking more a night out to forget about your troubles!" Yang exclaimed.

"I dunno Yang, I'm still feeling kind of depressed..." you mumbled sadly, however I did peek out from under the covers.

"Come on (Y/N), I promise you'll feel better" Yang persists.

"Yeah you should go with her, she'll know how to cheer you up!" Ruby exclaims.

"Besides, Blake's the one who suggested I cheer you up, she and Ruby will try to keep Weiss away while we're out" Yang added.

"Fine" you sigh out sadly.

"Awesomness!" Yang yelled, grabbing your arm and dragging you out from your bed and off with her, followed by Ruby.

We passed by their dorm room quickly to avoid Weiss, and went to the garage where she got on her Bumblebee, I got on behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist before we sped off into town.

"Have fun!" Ruby said as she waved us off.

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